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-Nobody’s POV

The clearing was quiet, empty of all life as everybody slept quietly, but the one thing that didn’t sleep? The maze.

It shifted and walls moved.

One wall covered the maze entrance into the clearing.


****MAZE CLOSED.****


I woke up and stretched my wings with a yawn, I got up and grabbed the papers that were scattered all over the floor and put them in a cabinet.

I put the viles inside the backpack and put some leaves over them. I put in food and small weapons in it and then grabbed the gas mask I had found yesterday.

I put the gas mask on and checked my wing, it seemed to be healed but just to make sure I'll give it one more day to  make sure it's healed.

I climbed down and started tending to my garden before grabbing a fishing rod and going to a nearby river to fish in.

I still had my mask on and I decided to go back to the clearing to see if anything was happening.

I went back to my house and put away the fishing rod before hiding my wings and walking towards the clearing.

As I walked I stumbled upon the meadow that I saw origami and Oeca fighting in.

I smiled and started looking around. I saw some groves, lakes, and rivers as I walked. Maybe I should make a map of the forest, yea, I'll do that.

I finally finished looking around and sat at the edge of the forest. I noticed I still had them gas mask on but decided to leave it on

I looked up at the sky as I sat, completely forgetting about going to the clearing.

I heard someone yelp and I quickly turned around to see origami falling and a hat on the floor, I saw something blue on Origamis head.

The blue things kinda looked like horns. Origami quickly grabbed their hat and put it back on. "Um, hi?" I said. “Sorry about that, I tripped.” they said with an awkward laugh.

“I’ve got news.” they said and again adjusted their hat. "What news?" I ask, “The maze is closed.” they said, "What!?" I yelled in surprise.

“The maze is closed.” they said again, "I know I know, it was just an expression" I said, picking up a flower before crushing it.

I saw Origami shutter for some reason. "You ok?" I asked, They nodded but I felt like something was off.

I got up and grabbed some flower crowns I had made earlier. "Here, you can put it on or not, your choice." I said, handing them one of the flower crowns that had sea blue flowers mixed with red flowers.

They looked at it before placing it on their hat. I started to walk away to a lake so I could wash my hands. I heard a whimper and turned around to see Origami darting away. Hm, weird.

I just kept walking to the lake. Once I was there I sat on the edge and started washing my hands.

After I was done, I got up and started heading home. I was a bit lost to be honest.If I could find a blank piece of paper I could map out the forest, at least what's near my house and how to get out.

I was moving slow since I couldn't use my wings to boost me while I ran, when i needed to be quick I would flap my wings to make myself go faster but not fly.

I sighed and grabbed some berries from a bush nearby, they were raspberries. I ate them and kept going.

I'm in the bathroom.


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