~-•Gas Mask•-~

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I woke up and heard some distant shouts from out of the forest.

My wings didn't hurt as much as it used to so I put them away. I walked around a bit until I heard what they were shouting about.

It was something about Mohwee going missing and now Origami? I don't really know, I couldn't hear very well.

I walked more till I was at the edge of the forest and walked out.

Graecie and Owen immediately ran over to me. "Willow! Why did you run away!" Graecie said angrily.

"im sorry, I was just scared!" I replied. "It's ok but, are you hurt?" Owen asked looking at me.

I rolled my eyes but quickly hid it when Owen glared at me. "No,  why do you ask?" I lie.

"Origami said they hurt you" Graecie said. "Oh yea, they tried to hurt me but only managed to make me fall off my tree house!" I lied again.

Owen looked at me suspiciously but I ignored it. "Hey, I heard people yelling about Mohwee and Origami, what happened?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Origami has gone missing and Mohwee has been missing for a while." Graecie explained.

"We're planning on searching for them in the maze" Owen butted in.

"Can I come?" I asked. "n-"
"Ok! Thanks for letting me come!" I interrupted him.

"When are we going?" I ask. "Today, when it turns day." Owen replied. I noticed that it was still dark but the sun was coming up.

"Well then let's go!" I yelled running to the gates. Owen and Graecie were following me and I saw a new person at the gates. They were wearing a red mask thing that covered their whole body and had a suit on with sunglasses.

The sun rose as he told me his name was redd, I introduced myself and got ready to go into the maze. "ready?" Owen asked as I got a dagger out. "Yea" I said. We walked into the maze and started looking around.

We heard faint shouting but couldn't tell where it came from so we kept going where we originally were going.

There were zombies that would scare the living heck out of Graecie. We walked around and mobs were starting to appear more.

Suddenly a spider jumped on me. "OH GREAT GOD OF CHAOS, WHAT THE F*CK" I shouted and everyone looked at me as I killed the spider. "language!" Owen scolded me.

We turned a corner and a knife flew right passed me, only making a small scratch on my face. We saw origami with a knife and they threw it again and seemed to finally noticed us.

"Origami?" I asked quietly. “Know the way back?” they asked. “Where. On. Earth. We’re. You?” Owen asked pausing after every word.
I looked around and backed up a bit.

“Doesn’t matter.” they said in a cold tone. I backed up more and got ready to go back. “Where were you.” Owen repeated, “I can’t tell you!” they yelled, causing me to back away more.

“Where were you Origami?” Owen asked sternly and they only repeated themselves “I can’t tell you!”

I was ready to just run away right now but I had to stay put. I didn't come here to run away.

I held my dagger tighter, knowing I won't be able to use it. I was better with just biting, it was easier and more efficient for me.

I wish I had some TNT on me so I could just throw it somewhere to block out the noise.

“Why not?” Owen asked. “I CAN’T!” Origami screamed and turned, running away.

This- no. This.. this reminds me so much of *them*.

I was surprised but decided to go back. I ran away trying to calm myself down and saw the gates.

I ran into the clearing to go to my tree house. Running into the forest I run in the direction of my house.

I didn't find my house but I did find a clearing with a beautiful meadow.

I sat down in one of the flower patches and started making flower crowns. I sighed as I laid  down and looked up at the sky. It was starting to get dark.

Right as I was about to fall asleep I heard a scream and quickly got up and saw Oeca with a bloody cut and origami, the two seemed to be fighting.

I looked at them fighting and origami seemed to be winning whatever they were doing. I spread my wings out and easily blended into the flowers as I crawled closer to them.

Before I could get farther, origami walked away. I looked at Oeca and saw he was baldly injured. I should probably help him, but, I'm too lazy so I'll just walk away!

Before I walked away, I heard someone start singing. I looked back and saw it was origami who was singing. I looked forward and started walking away, not wanting to deal with anything, my wings were healing well and I didn't want another bleeding wing.

As I walked away I heard origami singing. I walked farther away until I couldn't hear anything other than the forest around me.

I walk around the forest till I ended up at my house. I climbed back up and sat down.

I finally felt the blood going down my cheek and touched the cut on my face. I winced as my fingers brushed the new cut, I looked at my fingers and saw a lot of  blood on them.

I didn't do anything about it and just wiped my hands on my sweater and got up to lay on my nest.

"oh God of chaos, please give me something that is actually good for me!" I yelled and suddenly a small gust of winds made some papers fly out from where I put them.

I finally remembered the backpack that had the gas and papers, I got up and grabbed the papers before carefully dragging the backpack that had the containers full of gas to my nest.

I looked at the papers and started looking at the viles full of gasses.

They all had labels on them. There was one that was labeled 'Sleeping Gas' it seemed to be written by a 6 or 7 year old, just like the drawings on the paper looked like they were drawn by a 6 or 7 year old.

I heard a small *thump* as I was looking at the labels and my head quickly moved to where the *thump* was heard.

I saw a mask laying on the ground. I looked around to make sure it wasn't a trap and i carefully got up.

I circled the mask before poking it with a random stick I found. It didn't do anything so I slowly walked towards it.

I picked it up and studied it, it was kinda familiar but I couldn't tell why. After a bit of studying the mask I saw it was a gas mask.

I looked around again before putting it on. I smiled to myself as a sense of familiarity came to me.

I left it on as I went back to studying the viles. After a bit I took the mask off and put it next to my bed and falling asleep.

Today was picture day!

Words: 1232

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