How aquawoman should have ended

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Based on hishes vid how aquaman should have ended.

Ocean Master: Do you think this helmet makes me look stupid?

Mera's Dad: No. (snickering) No, you look totally awesome.

Suddenly, Karathen emerges from the sea floor.

Karathen: (singing) ♪The sea is aliiiiiiiiive with the sound of your♪ DEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTTHHHHH!

Ocean Master: HOLY CRAP! (gets killed by a tentacle)

How aquawoman  Should Have Ended

Open with Atlanna bidding farewell to Thomas Curry and preparing to swim back to Atlantis.

Atlanna: Oh, my dearest, whom I love with all my heart. Now that I had destroyed your house, I must go back and marry the man I originally ran away from to make more babies because reasons.

Thomas Curry: Or maybe you could just... not do that.

Atlanna: You mean stay?

Thomas Curry: Yeah, I mean it took them like, what, two years to finally find us here. We could just move inland, and they'd probably never find us.

Atlanna: (heads back to the lighthouse) Oh, okay! Yeah, let's do that!

Fast forward to Vulko teaching a young ebony about the ways of Atlantis, starting with his mom's trident (which has five points).

Vulko: This is a trident. Don't count the points, it's a trident and you're going to learn how to use it. Until you do, your name is... Shark Bait!

The Tank Gang from Finding Nemo: Shark Bait, ooo ha ha!

Fast forward to aquawoman leaving Black Manta and his dad to die in that submarine.

Black Manta: Help him! He's trapped! You can't leave him like this!

Aquawoman: (looking at them) I'm not leaving anyone. I'm taking you to jail!

Cut to Aquawoman pushing the submarine towards the shore.

Aquawoman: WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Cut to Black Manta, his father, and his goons in jail.

Black Manta's Father: I'm very disappointed in you, son. I'm gonna need that knife back.

Fast forward to ebony  chained up in front of his brother and the people of Atlantis in the throne room.

Orm: Ebony , you are being tried for being atlannas daughter and not caring about our fish ways. What say you?

Aquawoman: ...

Orm: I said, what say you?!

Aquawoman: (using her powers to summon nearby sea life) I say here fishy, fishy, fishy!

Cue Ride of The Valkyries playing as Aquawoman summons every sea creature in existence to attack Orm.

Orm: What the? (gets attacked by Nemo and Dory) OH MY GOSH! THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM (gets attacked by everything and screams)

Fast forward to Vulko speaking toAquawoman in a room with a ring of fire before Aquawoman faces his brother in one-on-one combat.

Aquawoman: What is this place?

Vulko: It's The Ring of Fire, Shark Bait!

Tank Gang from Finding Nemo: Shark Bait oo ha ha!

Fast forward to Mera and Aquawoman crashing their escape vehicle in underwater lava.

Mera: Hold on! I'm gonna crash us in the lava! (they eject as their vehicle crashes in the lava) There. Now they'll think we're dead.

Aquawoman: Quick! Hide in this whale!

The ocean master and the one tru heir: enemies to lovers  (orm X OC)Where stories live. Discover now