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I head to the desserter kingdom with a suit that makes me invisible and an octopus that can deliver messages and help me get orm out.

I got to his cell and beat the shit out of some deserters. And walked up to orm who looks very weak.

"Whoo... you look roug" I said.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Orm asked me in shock.

"I'm here to break you out" I told him.

"Have you lost your mind?" He asked "you're the one who put me here."

"Why are you bringing up old shit?" I asked "we'll talk about it later.

I went to grab him but he yanks his arm away "you cannot break me out. There's a treaty with the fishermen kingdom"

I turned to face him "look I gotta stop David Kane from destroying the world and you're the only one that can help me. So you do the math" then I hear alarms "ah shit come one cast away grab Wilson and let's roll"

Orm grabs a weapon and gets up as he looks at me "this changed nothing"

"Wouldn't have it any other way bestie"

"Do not call me bestie"

We ran as more gaurds came and I see the gate closed I grunt "come on topo you stupid squid! Wake up and open the door"

"Topo?" Orm asked "the cephalopod?"

"Trust me it wasn't my idea" then I looked at the door "TOPO WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Then the door open "come on"

We sneaked in and started hiding "did you bring water" orm wispers.

"Yeah. Uh, no sorry I drank it all the way here"


"Bro it's hot up there" then I turned myself invisible and got on the creature thing as orm did as well.

"Do you know how to ride one of these?"

"Are you kidding I don't even know what the hell it is"Then we started going as we were being chased by desserter all the way til we went outside and we fell off the creatures.
I looked to see we're near water "all right the waters over there let's go skinny jeans" He goes as mores deserters came and I fought many of them getting close to the water.And orm fights them all I walked up to him "yeah. All right." I live my hand up "good job bestie high five"

"No" he said.

"All right" I put my arm down and we see topo coming and more creatures coming "you know I gotta bunch of queen shit to do back in Atlantis so we should go." We started running to the water.

The ocean master and the one tru heir: enemies to lovers  (orm X OC)Where stories live. Discover now