Chapter 1

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Caroline slipped her arm through the strap of her bag, her opposite hand holding a book, her glasses and her water. Care of Magical Creatures.
The timetable sitting on her desk outlined her next class, which was due to start in 10 minutes.
Breathing out a sigh, Caroline glanced at her reflection in the mirror across from her bed. Her eyes frantically searched for any imperfections in her hair and makeup before she rushed out of her dormitory, the door slamming behind her as she rushed down the steps.
Bumping into someone, Caroline forced herself to halt, glaring at the offender.
Enzo's sharp grin only increased at her look, "Hello gorgeous,"
"You got a free?"
"Oh absolutely, I may be known for loyalty but I am certainly not loyal to my studies,"
Caroline smiles slightly, resisting the urge to giggle. She was one of the top students and friends with the guy who looked like he was held at wand point and forced through the iron gates.
"Crap!" she mumbled before turning on her heel and running once more.

She flicked her wrist as she ran, 5 minutes left. She was never going to make it. Slowly to a walk she rounded the corner and strode past the doors of the great hall.

"Care of Magical Creatures? Seriously Kol, did you have to choose the same subjects as me?"
"Considering you chose them to get away from me, yes!"

The voices of Kol and Rebekah Mikaelson invaded her head. She quickened her pace slightly, her head down as she walked faster.

"Hey Care," in her peripheral vision she saw Stefan's shoes fall into line with hers and she lifted her head, a grin falling onto her lips immediately.
"Hey Stef,"
"I'm so glad we got classes together, I would die if I was stuck in another class with Nora, she makes me want to smash my head into a brick wall."

"Are you talking about Nora, the one from Slytherin?" Rebekah pushed her way between Stefan and Caroline causing Carolines expression to dip into a frown.

"Yes her, don't see how that's your business though,"
"Don't talk to me like that, Forbes."
Caroline's eyes narrowed.

Stefan laughed awkwardly before sighing slightly as they reached class, grabbing Caroline's arm he yanked them to one of the desks scattered around the opening.

"She just has no idea how annoying it is when she barges into peoples conversations, merlin I hate her,"
"Calm down Care, she probably doesn't mean to be rude."
"You're right, besides I can forgive her, it must be hell being related to all of those guys."
"I hear Elijah isn't that bad. Elena said he seems nice."
"Elena thinks Cade is nice, and he is basically the devil. I don't know a single person who doesn't dread potions."
Stefan chuckled slightly as a small Demiguise climbed onto their table.

"Bloody hell, I forgot to revise,"
"Yep, do you think you could help me out here,"
"Of course, what else are friends for,"

Class passed in a blur, Caroline and Stefan easily completing their task and ending up having a gossip session.

"And I heard-" Caroline said as she picked up her books.
"That he is a werewolf and he was attacked during the war, that's why he doesn't come to class on full moons."
"I haven't heard that one yet."
"Well of course not, it was started this morning, I overheard it while I was walking here. Came from the Ravenclaw third years in the great hall. I am sure Klaus has probably heard by-"
"Why are you talking about my brother," Kol abruptly stops their conversation and the two turn from their places to meet the accusatory glares of Kol and Rebekah.

"It isn't anything bad don't worry," Stefan answered immediately and Rebekah's glare softened. Kol didn't move an inch.
He slammed his stuff down on the table and stalked over to the pair, being Stefan's height he stood over Caroline but she was not easily intimidated.
Dropping her stuff down as well, Caroline crossed her arms over her chest and matched his glare.
"I don't like gossiping little blondes like you,"
"No wonder you always argue with your sister,"
"Excuse you!" Rebekah came to stand next to Kol now, her offended glare making Stefan wince.
"You ought to be more careful,"
"And you ought to be more clever. You fought on the wrong side of the war, Mikaelson. Voldemort's perfect little slave family."
"Tell me, are you really that dumb or  just naturally blonde," Kol leered
"Tell me, is Klaus really adopted and were you the guilt child,"
Kol's jaw snapped shut and Rebekah flinched slightly before narrowing her eyes, disgust marring her features.
"Where did you hear that?" She stepped forward slightly as she asked this.
"From your daddy before I voted for him to be sent to Azkaban." Caroline ran a finger down her cheek, mimicking a tear before pushing through the two stunned Mikaelson's.

She slowed her pace as she reaches the hogwarts doors, allowing Stefan to reach her.

"That was a bit harsh, we were talking about his brother,"
"They treat me and everyone like me terribly, they deserve it."
"And you are the one supposed to be preaching about second chances."
"Not my fault if they don't want to change. You can't give a second chance to someone not willing to take it."
"I suppose, just be careful. They aren't great people to make an enemy of."
"Don't worry, I've got this. Besides I have to meet Tyler in the dungeons, we are studying in his dorm."
"Good luck, hopefully you don't run into them."
"What fun is that,"
Caroline flashed him a quick grin before rushing down the steps, she was cutting it close, he said 11:45 and it was two minutes away.
Rounding the corner she caught sight of him waiting outside the slytherin common room entrance.
Her walk turned to a sprint as she ran to him and he grinned, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her off the ground to spin her around. As her feet returned the floor, Tyler hooked his arm around her waist. He pushed her along lightly.
"Oxyuranus microlepidotus," Tyler mumbled before answering Caroline's unanswered question, "It's the deadliest snake in the world."
"Fitting," She grinned up at him as he led her into the common room.

"Carebear!" Damon's voice cut through the silence of the room and Caroline turned to glare at him. This was not a good day.
"Haven't seen you around so far,"
"That was intentional Damon,"
"Ouch," A smirk formed on Damon's lips.
"What has gotten you all grumpy,"

The common door slammed open.
"And she had the audacity to talk about you behind your back and we were just addressing it I swear-"
"Shut up," Klaus growled at his sister, before watching the commotion in the middle of the room.

Damon's eyes flicked between Caroline and the newcomers repeatedly before he grinned, his blue eyes shining with mirth.
"I'm gonna take a guess and say you had Care of Magical Creatures."
Caroline sent him a mocking smile.
"Can we go to your dormitory," She mumbled to Tyler,
"Like my brother wouldn't follow you there," Klaus cut in, his eyes watching the hand wrapped around Caroline's waist before returning to her eyes.
"Hello love, I am Niklaus Mikealson, though judging from the rumours, you have heard of me. Which is fantastic." He grinned viciously as he finished his statement.
He walked down the steps and towards her, his stance never wavering.
"I suggest you stop spreading rumours,"
"Are you threatening me?"
"Yes, you are gorgeous but if you don't stop spreading lies, I will kill you,"
"That's so sweet," Caroline's hand is brought to her chest with false sincerity.
"You miss your daddy,"
Klaus snarls, taking another step towards them. At this distance Caroline could see he was a few inches taller than Tyler. This thought unnerved her.
Tylers hand slowly guided her away from Klaus and she was only able to glance over he shoulder once before the dormitory door shut. Klaus' gaze had followed them the whole way into the dorm, and she felt as though he could seem them still.

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