Chapter 6

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"So what about you and Enzo, what do you plan on doing?"
"I don't know," Bonnie said, frowning as she leant back against the seat behind her.
"I love him Caroline,"
"I know you do, but that doesn't mean you are in love with him."
Bonnie pointed a finger at Caroline, her smirk growing.
"Tell me, you and Tyler are approaching two years right,"
"Yea, in five months."
"Well do you think it is possible to be entirely in love with someone, without loving them."
Caroline frowns, her hand wrapping around her drink to fiddle with the glass.

"I think you can be in love with someone and hate them at the same time, I don't know whether what your saying is possible."
Bonnie nodded, looking out towards the window.
"How's your mum?"

Caroline glanced up, shock marring her features.
She forced a smile on her face that came out as a grimace, "She is doing better, but I think she is hiding the truth from me. She knows I'm terrified of losing her and I feel guilty for not being with her,"
Bonnie smiled and rested her hand over Caroline's comfortingly.
"What about your dad, how is he since the attack?" Caroline asked, turning her hand over to hold Bonnie's.
"He is in hospital still, recovering from his stab wound, they say it's looking better so I hope he recovers. It's lonely without grams."
Caroline smiles softly.
"It will be ok,"
"I know,"

"Want to have a sleep over?"
"Aren't you meeting Tyler later?"
"He can wait," Caroline grinned.
"Then yea, girls night it is."

Collecting their stuff, the girls began to make their way back up to the school.
Staring off into the sun setting in the distance Bonnie let out a small sigh.
"Are you going to tell me?"
Widening her eyes, Caroline turned her head towards Bonnie. Flicking her hair indignantly she said, "Tell you what?"
"About Klaus, and why he bothers you so much."
"He's is an ignorant ass,"
"He always has been, you have previously ignored him."
"Well I see him more now that Tyler and I are together and the war is over,"
"And.." Bonnie encouraged.
"And it's becoming even more clear how much of a prick he is,"
"For a hufflepuff, you sure are mean."
"Don't recall anyone saying I was actually nice," Caroline smirked.
"What games are we playing tonight?"
"Oh can we please please do shots truth or dare!" Caroline squealed, clapping her hands together and spinning towards Bonnie.
Letting out a laugh Bonnie nodded and flicked her wand to open the castle doors.
"Should we get Elena?" Caroline whispered, giving Bonnie a pointed look.
"Fine, but if Damon gets brought up, you are on my side alright."
"It's Damon! Why would I be on her side?" Caroline demands, matching pace with Bonnie as she turns toward Gryffindor towers.
"fortitudo!" Caroline mumbled as they reached the portrait.
Despite the indignant and judging look they received from the Fat Lady, both girls were granted access.

"Caroline!" Elena squealed, jumping off a couch and running over to the girls.
"We hosted a party, I couldn't find you all day to tell you. But everyone is here. Even the Slytherins." Elena shouted, before whispering the last sentence, the smile not leaving her lips.
"Oh is looks like so much fun!" Caroline squealed, throwing a smile onto her face before glancing at Bonnie.
"But we were going to-"
"Join us!" Elena yelled, grabbing Caroline by the wrist who grabbed Bonnie and together all three girls entered the Gryffindor Common Room. The usual maroon walked were blanketed in decorations and spray paint, the floor stained with spilt drink and glitter which Caroline knew she would find in her own dormitory months later.
"I don't know Elena, we were planning a girls night!" Bonnie attempted to yell over the music but Elena automatically brushed her off.
"Don't be silly, have a little fun for once!" Elena only said back for dancing away, swinging her free hand in the air, the other one clutching her drink.
Groups of people immediately began to seperate Bonnie and Caroline and their impatience began to get the best of them.
Looking around desperately Caroline only saw a few close friends in the crowd. Stefan leaning against the window talking to Lexi. His eyes trained on Rebekah across the room who was arguing with Marcel. Looking past them she saw Tyler in the back, playing exploding cards on the small table with Jeremy. Enzo was leaning against the wall near the entrance, watching Damon who stood beside Kol, who was on his team in a game of cup pong. On the other team was Klaus and Kai. She couldn't see Bonnie so she began to walk around in attempt to find her.
Once again she was quickly lost, the unfamiliar environment overflowing with too many noisy teenagers. Leaning on her toes she was knocked backward against a table, clutching at it for support she straightened herself and glanced over her shoulder.
"She messed up my shot I get a redo!" Damon yelled over the music.
"Nope those are the rules!"
"You just have bad timing!"
Both Klaus and Kai argued against Damon while Kol took a step toward Caroline.
"Looking for Bonnie?" He said, leaning toward her ear.
Nodding frantically, Caroline met his eyes as Kol pointed across the room at Bonnie talking to Enzo.
Breathing a sigh of relief at her friend being safe she waved at Bonnie and got a thumbs up in return.
Turning back around again, Caroline glanced at the table.
Kol and Damon were losing.
Judging by what she knew of the two Kol was probably hoping to get drunk whereas Damon couldn't throw drunk and was out after a few cups.
Frowning at the other side, she saw only two cups had been drank from, looking up at Klaus she found him watching her.
Throwing her a wink he threw the ball and she watched it bounce into Damon's final cup, which he drank despite obvious dismay.
"Tell me love, where's the boyfriend? Or do you want to challenge me on your own."
"My boyfriend? You mean the guy who can actually hold a conversation without using insults?" She gave Klaus a pointed look.
"He is playing exploding snap with Jeremy."
"Scared to join in on the drinking games?"
"He isn't big on alcohol," she mumbled, picking up a fire whiskey from the tub underneath the table.
Pulling it out of her hands Klaus shot her a look.
"You're 16 love,"
"I am one year off, and besides I doubt you followed the rules." she snapped.
"That is none of your concern, but as Head Boy,"
"A title you don't deserve," she mumbled.
"As head boy," he continued, throwing her a look. "I can't be letting 16 year olds drink right in front of me."
"You don't deserve that title,"
"And who does?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe a good person!" She snapped.
"Do not presume to know anything about my family Caroline."
"Nothing to presume, I despise you all. At least your older sister had the brains to run away,"
Klaus wrapped his hand around Caroline's forearm, squeezing it roughly as he yanked her forward.
"Be very careful how you talk about my family bitch," he snarled.
"There it is," Caroline smirked.
"You're a fucking neurotic bitch." He snapped, pushing himself away from her.
"Cya," she mumbled under her breathe before turning around and picking up another drink to go dance.

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