Chapter 5

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Caroline makes her way over to the girls dormitory side and knocks lightly on their door.
"Hey Caroline," Anna pokes her head out of the door before scanning her eyes across the common room.
"Is Enzo here?" she whispers.
"No I left him in the great hall, why?"
"Bonnie you are good!" The girl called over her shoulder before being replaced with Bonnie.
"Wanna go to Hogsmeade?"
"That's what I came here for!" Caroline squealed.
"Ok, let's go,"
"Wait what about Elena."
"Um, I need to talk to you about something first."
Caroline frowned slightly before following Bonnie out of the common room.
"What is it Bonnie,"
"Enzo and I got into a fight, he is team Damon and unless I encourage that Elena is making the right decision. Damon is threatening to tell Elena that I never undid the curse on her mother."
"Wait you didn't undo the curse?"
"It didn't sit right with me, I mean her mother was terrible. I just, I left it and she was killed in the war so Damon is the only other person who knows."
"I am so glad someone else isn't team Damon though."
"Damon is horrible, he is a slytherin,"
"Hey!" Caroline squealed, nudging Bonnie.
Bonnie laughed, a grin spreading across her face.
"Am I wrong?"
"Kol isn't that bad. And Tyler is a sweetheart."
"Whatever you say Caroline," Bonnie grins.
"And Enzo?" Caroline glances at her friend as she asks.
"He is team Damon, we had an argument about it last night. Oh I almost forgot, what riddle did you get because you sometimes struggle on them."
"Oh it is so stupid, I am so good at puzzles but I can never guess the riddles."
"Maybe it's spelled and you can't because you aren't Ravenclaw," Bonnie suggested.
"Then how did Klaus guess it," Caroline grumbled, crossing her arms as she did so.
"Wait Klaus?"
"Oh yea, I got given the Riddle and I hadn't had 5 seconds to think when he said the answer and called me bad and riddles! The worst part is, I actually am! But I have to get better because there is no way I am letting him beat me. I can't wait to have this year over and have another Mikaelson gone."
"Are you sure about that?" Bonnie smirked.
"What is that supposed to mean," Caroline gestured wildly at the air.
"Just that you have mentioned Klaus three times this week,"
"Yea well, he is. He's annoying! And frustrating! And he tries to intimidate me! Like who does he think he is!" Caroline waves her hands around while yelling.
Bonnie laughs into the icy wind that had surrounded them.
"Klaus Mikaelson?" Bonnie suggested.
"Oh ha ha. Bonnie Bennet. Don't even get me started on your-"
"No!" Bonnie squealed before beginning to run down the path.
"Hey!" Caroline yells before following her, gradually catching up.
"That wasn't faiirrrrr!" She shouts as she slips on the ice, sliding down onto her back and taking Bonnies legs out from under her.
Both girls burst into a fit on giggles, barely staying upright as the both tried to get back on their feet.
As Bonnie slipped, Caroline reached out to catch her and both girls hit the floor again, sliding slowly down the path in a fit of giggles.
"We look- so-" Bonnie breathed through her laughter.
"Dumb?" Caroline suggested, wiling the tears away from her eyes before reaching for the pole beside the path to pull her up.
"I love you Bonnie Bennet." Caroline grinned while holding the pole for support.
"Don't die," Bonnie called as Caroline began to push herself down the track, skating her way down.

"Need some help, darling?" Kol's voice interrupted Bonnies attempts to slide down the pathway.
"That would be appreciated," she chuckled.
Wrapping one arm around Bonnie's waist, Kol glided down the path, making sure to grip her waist tightly as they went.
She squeezed his arm tightly as the glided down the path, her hair whipping into his face.
He winced, while she remained oblivious to his pain, too consumed by the ice.

"Caroline!" Tyler called out, stepping outside the joke shop.
"Come inside," he says, grinning at the blonde.
"Can't, I'm waiting for Bonnie, next time."
"It's warm in here!"
Caroline glanced longingly at the Weasley Wizard Wheezes sign hanging above Tyler.
"Sorry Ty, next time."
"If you insist," Tyler ducked back into the shop and Caroline watched through the window as he approached Matt and a random Slytherin boy who were picking through some equipment.

She turned back to the path to watch Bonnie skate down with Kol, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist while she has a death grip around his arm.

Caroline grinned at the sight, the enjoyment on her friends face clear, despite her obvious fear.

"We made it!" Bonnie shouts, her arms wrapping around Caroline as she finally reaches her, Caroline grins, squeezing her friend tightly. Bonnie stumbles slightly as she reaches Caroline and both girls go back a few steps to regain their balance.
"Hey Kol," Caroline offered him a smile and he nodded with a small smirk before looking back at Bonnie.
"Let's go into The Three Broomsticks," Bonnie mumbles, wrapping her jacket tighter around her.
"I'll see you girls later," Kol shouts through the wind as he walks away.
"No promises!" Caroline calls back before walking in pace with Bonnie into The Three Broomsticks.
The wind whipping around their heads slowly eased as they entered the warm room.

I am unsure whether to make Bonenzo endgame and bring in Davina or do Kennet. So beware there will possibly be flirting on both ships while Bonenzo is rocky and I decide what I will choose. Please help. 🙏🙏

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