Chapter 10

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"Ok, so if we invite some Slytherins then Alaric will probably approve it because of all the house unity stuff he has been raving about lately. Oh so we should invite Damon, because Alaric really likes him, I honestly don't know why but I'm pretty sure they bond over alcohol."

Caroline pauses for a second, flipping her hair over her shoulder to make sure the girl behind her was getting all of the information. After receiving a hurried nod from the girl, Caroline turns back around and begins to walk.

"Then we would have to have a neutral theme to not seem bias to a house, oh add Kol to the list of Slytherins."
"And Tyler?" The girl asks timidly, her eyes widening as Caroline narrows her eyes at her.

"Um duh, he's my boyfriend and this is my first party of the year. Of course he is coming! Anyway we should probably choose some sort of theme, I was thinking something ocean or water based," Caroline pauses for a moment and lines her thumb up with a certain section of the wall, closing one dye as she compares the colour of her nail polish to the stone wall.

"but Elena said that could be too Ravenclaw even though I was going to do a completely different shade of blue, like it could never even be seen as Ravenclaw. But still, then I thought about it, and perhaps we could go with a muggle theme, like a disco. I have never seen a disco in the wizarding world! Like they are totally missing out!"

"What's a disco?" The girl behind her cuts and Caroline waves her hand dismissively at the question, as thought knowing she would be asked about it.

"Oh you have probably seen one but wouldn't recognise it. So I am going to have a mirrorball in the middle, oh should we do an era theme instead. Perhaps the 70's would be fun. I could use magic to have costumes created and have someone model them to give people inspiration. Oh I would kill for Pinterest here,"

"Pinterest?" the girl asks, her eyebrows furrowing into more confusion.

"Muggle app," Caroline says dismissively, scribbling some more information on the layout of the hall.
"Did you know, someone stole my planning book last year! I have to redo all of my layout and I spent hours doing them!" She says, spinning around to face the girl who nods frantically.

Caroline spots someone over the girls shoulder and narrows her eyes instinctively, "Oh for gods sake," she mumbles, storming over to Klaus.

Klaus shoves his hands into his pockets and watches her with a small smirk on his face.
"Am I invited?" he asks as she gets closer.
"Absolutely not!" she snaps, waving her finger in his face.
"And if you think, for one second that I-"
"That what?" he says bored.

She pauses, hesitating her words and a brief flicker of fear crosses over her eyes before she expertly masks it.
"If you think that you will get an invite, then you are crazy. I would never invite someone like you."

"No but Kol is worthy of a sacred invite,"
"He has never made fun of me,"
"By that logic, Tyler shouldn't get an invite."
"He was young and made mistakes Klaus, at least he grew up!" she snapped, her fists clenching beside her.

He smirks, "Oh come on love, I've changed. Give me a chance to be your friend."
"You want to be my friend?" Caroline says, scoffing mockingly as she crosses her arms over her chest.
"Caroline, I want to be your everything." he says softly.
"Klaus what are you talking about?" she says, her arms falling back to her side as confusion filters over her face. She watches as his eyes soften in defeat before be answers.
A small smile makes its way onto Carolines face, "Look, don't bother me again until this party starts tonight and the answer might just be a yes." she says, cocking her head to the side.

He smiles and bows his head in defeat, "I'll see you tonight, Caroline," and he turns and walks out of the hall, leaving Caroline standing there, still slightly confused.

With a jolt, she remembers how much planning she has to get done and turns around, rushing over to theunopened boxes and ripping some of them open using her magic.

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