Chapter 13

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Have a holly jolly christmas.

She lays Caroline down on her bed, quickly shutting the door behind her.
"Do you want me to get someone? Maybe Tyler?" Rebekah asks, immediately receiving a panicked no.

Rebekah nods, grabbing a blanket from the cupboard and walking over to Caroline once more.
"Lay back," she says softly, wrapping the soft green material around Caroline.

"I know this wasn't alcohol, so do you want to talk about it?" Rebekah asks her and receives another shake of the head.

She smiles softly and brushes her hair out of her face.
"I'm going to lock the door and leave to go get you some water and medicine. Would you like me to leave the light on?"
"Yes please," Caroline says, tugging the blanket closer around her.

"Alright, I'll be back."

She squeezes Caroline's hand briefly before leaving. Closing and locking the door with an advanced charm before walking away.

Poor girl, she is going to kill whoever touched her. It was probably the stupid guy she is dating. Lockwood was it.

She rushes towards the kitchen and reaches out to tickle the pear.
"Skipping the party?"
"Fuck off Marcel," she snarls, pushing her way into the kitchen.
"Water and a snack plate please. Oh and chocolate, chocolate solves everything." Rebekah says to one of the house elves, groaning as Marcel follows her into the kitchen.

"Snack plate? You hate snack plates."
"It isn't for me Marcel," she snarls as she takes the food and storms back out of the kitchen.

Annoying, frustrating, wench.

She rushes back to the Slytherin common room without any more interruptions and knocks on the entrance to her room, "Caroline, it's me, Rebekah."

Unlocking and opening the door, she gives Caroline a small smile and shuts the door behind her.
"I brought snacks, water, and chocolate. I also have some potions to help with the bruising on your arms." Rebekah says softly.

Caroline nods and reaches for one of the biscuits as Rebekah sits the tray down beside her.
"Always," Rebekah says, turning and walking over to her cupboard.
"I have some pyjamas you can borrow or I can still one of Kol's or Klaus's shirts for you to borrow. Whatever you need."
"You pyjamas are fine, this means a lot to me Rebekah." Caroline says, already looking more relaxed.

Rebekah nods, finally finding the potion she was looking for.

Thank merlin for Klaus and his annoying habit of getting injured far too often.

"Here, this will help the bruises." Rebekah says, handing the vial to Caroline so she could drink it.

Caroline takes the vial just as the door bursts open.
"Hah! I told you she wouldn't have actually brought a guy to her room!" Kol yells, jumping up and punching a fist into the air.

"Then who the fuck did she-" Klaus stops mid sentence when he sees Caroline, his eyes dart to the bruises on her skin and then to the potion she is drinking.

"You owe me 20 galleons Marcel, you actually thought she would have a guy here."
"Everyone out!" Rebekah screams, pointing at the door.
"Out! Out! Out!" She grabs Kol's arm and pushes him out, roughly shoving Marcel in the chest.

"Ow! Beks come on," Kol whines, trying to get back inside the room.
Once both boys are out, she turns to Klaus, "Nik?" Rebekah says, waving a hand in front of his face.

"What happened?" he asks.

Caroline, who was still staring at the door Rebekah pushed the boys out of jumps at his voice, her amused grin slipping from her face.

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