Chapter 9

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Tyler hit the ground roughly, wincing at the impact before being roughly hit on the back by Kol who landed beside him.
"I hate your brother, but we need him back on the team," Tyler whined, throwing his broom over his shoulder.
Kol chuckled as Marcel landed beside them, "Yea he's right, Klaus needs to join the team again, I am happy to let him join late." Marcel added.

Kol rolled his eyes, "He gave his captaincy over to you, you really think he won't want that back if he rejoins,"
"He won't get it back but he can still join the team," Marcel easilt answered.
"Look as the beater, I knock people off their brooms, it doesn't bother me whether he rejoins. His position won't affect me. It depends whether you want him as your seeker."
Tyler shrugs and watches Marcel.
"We already replaced him," Marcel says.
"Yea and the replacement is shit," Tyler snaps.
"Tyler," Marcel begins.
"No I'm serious, and the worse the seeker is the more I have to do as a chaser to ensure a win. With a seeker as bad as him, it's a wonder if we will win a single game,"
Marcel pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Look if you can get Klaus to join I will happily let him back," he finally says.

Kol glares at him, "You're his best friend, you speak to him,"
"I am not begging him for anything," Marcel snaps.

"Fine," Kol muttered, "I'll talk to him cause Nik hates Tyler,"
Tyler rolled his eyes, "Why does he hate me?"
Kol and Marcel share a look before smirking at Tyler.
"No reason,"
"None at all,"
"He just does,"
"Truly it's unexplainable,"
"Yea yea whatever," Tyler muttered.

Caroline hugged Elena, wrapping her arms around her before pulling away, "Stay safe, yea?" she said.
"Of course," Elena flashed her a quick smile, "You too,"

Caroline watched her walk away and turned to Bonnie, "You too, yea?"
"Says you," Bonnie scoffs.
Caroline rolls her eyes, "Don't die Bonnie,"
"You too Caroline, I rather like you alive,"

As she walked in the opposite direction to Bonnie, she began humming lowly to Love Story.

As she began to walk on the grass she began to sing, quietly enough so she wouldn't draw attention.

"So you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter. And my daddy said stay away from Juliette, but you were everything to me. I was begging you please don't go,"

"Caroline," Klaus called from a place against a tree.
"What." Caroline snapped, earning a smirk from Klaus.
"You have a lovely voice,"
"I am aware," she crossed her arms over her chest, staring down at him defiantly, "so if you don't mind I have places to be."
He tilted his head slightly to the side, taking in her appearance as she stormed off, memorising it.

"Now that is definitely staring," Marcel said as he walked around the corner, still wearing his quidditch clothes.

Klaus glared at him, narrowing his eyes in distaste.
"You are only proving me right, you are interested in her,"
"Not true."
Marcel raised an eyebrow, a grin slipping onto his face.
"I never thought I would see the day where you had a crush,"
"I do not have a crush,"
"Well thats a shame."
Klaus hummed absentmindedly.
"I can't imagine what it must be like living in denial,"
Klaus gave him a pointed look.
"I can't imagine falling for a friends sister, the irony,"
"So you are admitting you like the Forbes girl,"
"Do you admit you fancy Rebekah," Klaus snarled.
Marcel paused, debating whether it was worth saying he fancied Rebekah if only to get Klaus to confess to his crush.

"I don't," Marcel finally said with a sigh.
Klaus rolled his eyes, before glaring at Marcel.
"But if you were to like her, joining the team would be a great way to catch her attention."
"She is taken, Marcellus."
"When has that ever stopped your family?"

Klaus only smirked in response before giving Marcel a side glance.
"You brought up the team,"
Marcel raised his hands in surrender, leaning back slightly.
"Look I don't want you to be ambushed." Marcel began and Klaus sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"I don't want to play anymore," He mumbled.
Klaus gave him a sharp look, warning him to stop before he went too far.

Marcel only shook his head and began to walk, Klaus falling into step with him.
"How's her portrait going?"
"Marcel," Klaus grumbled.
"There is no way it isn't her on the portrait, you are far too detail oriented to even pretend it is someone else."
"Drop it,"
"Admit it,"
"Drop it,"

"Marcel!" A voice cut in from behind them.
Both boys stopped and turned sharply around, Stefan stood behind them panting slightly.
"I tried to catch you after practice but you left quickly, we need to finalise training times for Gryffindor and Slytherin," he began.
"Wait you're captain, bloody hell we have it easy this year."
"Don't be so sure Klaus," Stefan mumbled, glaring at them both, "and yes I am captain."

Marcel shrugged, "Sure, owl me. I don't want to talk to you any more than I have to."
Stefan rolled his eyes before addressing Klaus.
"Stay away from Caroline,"
Klaus halted mid turn, slowly spinning back around toward Stefan, a dark look crossing his face.
"Maybe if you paid more attention to her you would realise what is actually going on Salvatore, wouldn't want to leave me being the only one who can actually protect her now would we," He snarled.
"Is that a threat," Stefan said, standing up straighter.
"No, it is a reminder of how foolish it is for you to stand here worrying about me, when you clearly should be worrying about her,"
"Why would I worry about her,"
Klaus only smirked, turning back around and walking off towards the library. Marcel quickly followed, his eyes flicking back to Stefan as he walked.

"What was that?" He asked immediately when he caught up to Klaus.
"That was definitely not nothing,"
"I said it was nothing!" He snapped, his voice climbing to a yell.

Marcel flinched back, frowning slightly.
"Ok man, fine,"
He dropped into the seat across Klaus and began to make small talk with him about their homework.

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