Chapter 14

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Because I am going on holiday, I shall give you another chapter. Love you all, am going to miss you guys.

Klaus makes his way back to the party for a few more drinks before he would go retrieve the book once more.

"So, what happened?" Marcel asks as Klaus reaches him, Kol leans against the wall and watches the interaction.

Insufferable fools. How blind were they. Bursting into her room then raving about bets. Did it not occur to them how odd it was for Rebekah and Caroline to be anything like civil, let alone comfortable in each other's presence.

"I don't know." Klaus answers immediately.
"Oh come on," Kol whines.
"Shut it. And be bloody grateful,"
"For what?" Kol scoffs, rolling his eyes at his older brother.
"I am rejoining the quidditch team,"
"Fuck, don't tell me you want captaincy,"
"I'll let it go this once. We all know you follow my lead anyway," Klaus says, patting Marcel on the back and walking towards the party, both boys walking beside him.

"How do I break it to Jesse though?"
"Get Caroline to, she knows how to woo people," Kol suggests immediately.
"Absolutely not." Klaus says, glaring at Kol.
Marcel snorts, "Maybe I just tell him that since he replaced you and you want to come back he is back in reserve until next year."

"Whatever you want is fine," Klaus says.
"Why are you coming back?" Kol says, glancing at him curiously.

"I need a drink first," Klaus responds, entering the party and making his way over to the drinks table.
"Have you seen Caroline?" He hears from behind him.
Turning, Klaus sees a frantic Bonnie talking to Kol.
"Why?" Klaus says before he can answer and tell them where she is.

"Tyler said someone hit her in the back with a spell and she started having these weird delusions. I need to make sure she is fine." Bonnie says, pressing her hands against her chest.

"Really?" Kol says, his eyebrows darting up in surprise.

Lying bitch. I'll fucking strangle him.

"Perhaps Lockwood is lying," Klaus suggests casually.

"Why would he lie about something this serious?" Bonnie snaps.
"Maybe she wasn't having delusions, maybe he is covering his tracks."
"What the fuck are you suggesting mate," Tyler says, approaching them from behind Bonnie.

Klaus immediately puts his cup down and pushes off the table, standing to his full height and looking down at Tyler.
"I wasn't suggesting anything," he snarls.

Tyler doesn't back down, and instead tries to punch Klaus. Stepping back, Klaus easily dodges the attempted assault.

"You're drunk," he says, giving the boy a look of disgust.

"How much have you drank?" Bonnie asks frantically.
"None of your fucking business. Now I'm going to go find my girlfriend."

After watching him walk far enough away, Klaus turns to Bonnie and says, "I know where she is,"
"She is safe."
"Where is she?"
"I don't think she needs people right now,"
"Caroline hates being alone,"
"I know, and she isn't alone."

Bonnie scrunches her nose up at him and out of the corner of his eye, Klaus and see Kol smile softly at her.
"Are you sure she is safe,"
"I wouldn't put her in a position where she wasn't,"

Bonnie sighs, knowing she has to take what she can get from him.

"If a single thing happens to her, I will hunt you down and tear you to pieces." she snarls.
Then she points to Kol, "and if you try to stop me I will do the same to you,"
"I already swore I would never disagree with you,"

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