Chapter 4

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Rushing into the great hall, Caroline wanders over to Enzo.

"Hello gorgeous, I hear you spent the night with the Slytherins,"
"You say 'heard', I assume that means you were with Bonnie."
"I absolutely did, speaking of which does she seem off to you?"
"Bonnie, well she seems." Caroline pauses, glancing over at the Ravenclaw table, only to find Bonnie wasn't there.
"She seems quiet like she is scared of something."
"I thought the same," Enzo mumbled.
"You gonna ask her about it?"

Enzo shook his head and stabbed at the waffle on his plate.

"Want me to find out?"
"I don't want to pester her,"
"Who said anything about asking her, you forget who you are talking to,"

Enzo smirks and gives Caroline a nod of appreciation.

"How's Kol?"
"Enzooo," Caroline whined.
"Oh come on, he lives for drama and chaos, I'm sure you two got along great."

With a glare Caroline reaches for the maple syrup to pour onto her plate.

"Well maybe he tried to mess with me,"
"Oh no did he mess up your hair," Enzo mocks.

"Why am I friends with you." Caroline groans.
"Because I am charismatic and charming," Enzo smirks.
"Those are horrible reasons," She snaps, before beginning to eat.

"I should go to the library to study after this, I didn't get much done last night,"
"Of course not,"
"Oh, shut up. It wasn't like that, we haven't you know. It doesn't matter,"

"Well then why did you stay over?"
"Kol came in and we all started drinking, didn't get a lot done after the first bottle."
"So you do get along with Kol,"
"He's ok, I don't really know,"

"Darling I'm offended," a hand rested on the table beside Caroline and she shifted to stare at Kol. Looking past him she saw Rebekah waiting for him as Klaus walked away with a Slytherin Caroline didn't know.

"Need something Kol?" Caroline raised an eyebrow.

"Your schedule would be great, I might steal you from Stefan and he can go sit with my sister,"
"I am not sitting with a Salvatore Kol!" Rebekah snapped while walking closer.

With a grin Kol turned to face her, "No you would rather sit with Klaus's best friend. Isn't that right,"

"Wait the guy he just left with?" Caroline queried

"Why were you watching him? And stay out of it Kol," Rebekah snarled

"Wonder what Klaus would think if he found out his little sister liked his best friend." Kol chuckled lightly.

"What do you think he will say, Caroline?"

"I don't know, ask Enzo," Caroline responded pointedly and Enzo immediately turned back to his food while Kol stared at him.

"Enzo?" Kol mumbled.

Enzo's eyebrows raised slightly as he looked up at Kol, before a smirk crossed his fingers, "Oh I think Klaus would possibly send Marcel to an early grave."

"Rebekah might be lucky enough to join him," Kol grinned, his shoulders relaxing at Enzo's ease.

"Really? You boys are so immature," Caroline mumbled.

"They are boys, what did you expect." Rebekah rolled her eyes.

Both girls glared at each other for a moment before Caroline stood.

"I'm going to Hogsmeade, I can study after. I'll get Bonnie and Elena on the way."

With a wave at Enzo, she walked past Rebekah and Kol, heading up to the Ravenclaw towers.

Standing outside the entrance on the fifth floor, Caroline knocked on the door quickly.

"What gets broken without being held?" The voice speaks.

Caroline glares at the air surrounding the room.

"A promise," A voice cuts in from behind her, turning slightly, she glanced up at Klaus, who was standing directly behind her shoulder.

"Trust issues much," She mumbled.

"No, just good at riddles, unlike you,"

"I barely had three seconds to think, I could have worked that out,"
"Are you going to enter or not, love?"

"Do not. Call me. Love." Caroline snarled before storming into the tower.

"Goodbye Caroline," Klaus called as the door shut, before turning and making his way back down to Marcel, who was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a smirk on his face.
"Enough," Klaus snarled.
"I didn't say anything," Marcel said as he put his hands up in surrender.
"You were going to,"

"Fine, fine. Who is she anyway,"
"Caroline Forbes, Lockwood's girlfriend."
"Wolfy? Really? What's a girl like that doing with a guy like him."
"She's muggle-born," Klaus stated, glaring at the floor as he walked.

Marcel slowed down, before coming to a stop and staring at the back of Klaus's head.

"You're flirting with a muggle-born."

"I am not flirting,"

"You're flirting with a muggle-born!" A girn made its way onto Marcel's face before he began walking again. The smirk not moving.

"I wasn't flirting," Klaus grumbled, flicking his wand so the castle doors opened ahead of him.

"Oh yeah, when have you ever helped someone outside your family when it didn't benefit you."

"Who says that didn't benefit me."

"Who do you think you are fooling, I'm not your brother."

"Oh please, Elijah accused me of being interested in her last night as well."

"I was talking about Kol, but I appreciate the confirmation.

"I'm going to kill you all,"

"How unoriginal," Marcel smirked.
"You are an ass Marcel," Klaus mumbled.
Marcel threw an arm around Klaus's shoulder, laughing at his friends expense.

"Where is that brother of yours anyway,"
"Kol? Or Elijah? Seeing as it has proven unwise for me to guess which piece of shit you are talking about,"
"The definition fits perfectly," Klaus mused.
"Do you know where he is?"
"Probably attempting to charm Davina, if last year is anything to go off of,"
"Or he moved on to another girl, if we are extending his history to previous years standards."

"So you have no idea,"
"Not a bloody clue, something I am begrudgingly grateful for,"
"You love him,"
"You overestimate my ability to care for people Marcel."
"Someone is going to break you one day."
"Excuse you?"
"Some girl is going to come along and crack open that dead heart of yours Klaus, and you wont be ready for all the emotions that come with that,"
"That will never happen."

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