Chapter 7

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Caroline pressed a hand to her forehead, willing the hangover to go away.
"Rise and Shine princess!" Came a loud voice.
Groaning, she rolled over and buried her head into a bunch of pillows.
"I'm glad you find my bed comfortable," The voice came again.

Shifting slightly, Caroline glared in the direction of the person, finding a smirking Klaus leaning against the wall.
Panic filling her, Caroline bolted upright.
"Why am I in your bed!" she snapped, pointing a finger at him.
"Tyler is a moody drunk, Kol is too. Neither wanted to share or give up a bed. Most of the girls were either passed out on the floor or had already retired to their dorms. I couldn't find any Hufflepuffs to take you and the Ravenclaws were all cleared out too. My sister yelled at me when I suggested you stay with her so you ended up here." Crossing his arms over his chest he grinned. The malice in his eyes obvious.
"Speaking of moody drunks," Caroline mumbled.
"I could have slept on a couch,"
"I hate you Forbes, but I was still raised properly. Besides Katherine would have had my head if she came in to find you sleeping on a couch."

Caroline frowned before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.
"Where did you sleep?"
"None of your concern, I borrowed some of Rebekahs clothes and I have a towel in the bathroom for you."
"Thanks," Caroline mumbled but he was already out of the room.

Sighing, she stood up and grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom.
She allowed herself to marvel at the tiles for a second before she locked the door behind her.
Peeling her clothes off, she stepped inside the shower and turned on the taps.
The warm water immediately covered her and she frowned, turning up the cold water before sighing and resting a cheek against the cool tiles.
Picking up the bar of soap she frowned slightly, finally acknowledging that the whole room smelt like Klaus. It was almost as if he was the only guy in the dormitory that used the bathroom.
Or perhaps she was going crazy.

Quickly washing her body she began to wet her hair.
She knew it was disgusting from last night.
As she ran her hands through her tangled hair she sighed and watched her own movements in the mirror.
There was a bruise on the right side of her stomach that she didn't remember getting. Turning around slightly, she saw another on her back. A little further back from the other one and on the other side. Like someone had grabbed her too roughly.
Or she had bumped into a few things. That made more sense.

She absentmindedly grabbed the shampoo with one hand, running her other over her bruise. Shaking her head, she scrubbed her hair roughly before rinsing it out and putting in the conditioner.

As she stepped out of the shower, she reached for the towel sitting on the bench.
The soft green material soft in her hands. Why was everything here so perfect she mused. She frowned at the bruise again in the mirror, it was darker than she first thought.

There was a knock on the door and Caroline jumped.
"Are you almost finished in there blondie, I know Klaus is a morning person but the rest of us aren't!" A deep and unknown voice came.
"Nearly!" she shouted back and heard their footsteps go away from the door.
Quickly slipping on her clothes she began to dry her hair with the towel as she left the bathroom.
"Marcel," a guy said, giving her a nod as he entered the bathroom.
"Caroline," she replied.
"I heard," and with the the door was shut.

Klaus entered the dorms, holding a plate of food.
He paused when he saw her, his eyes running over her figure.
"Sorry, I used some shampoo and conditioner too an-"
"It's fine." he cut her off, finally looking away from her, "I brought some food if you would rather eat here. If not, Tyler has already left but Kol is talking downstairs."
"I wouldn't want to bother you any longer."
"You aren't."
"You had a different opinion last night,"

Klaus sighed, glancing away.
"Speaking of last night, did something happen to me that you know of,"
His eyes immediately went back to her, before flicking briefly to her waist.
"I assume you are talking about the bruises?" he enquired.
"I didn't see unfortunately, I only noticed when your shirt rode up slightly as I put you in bed."

Caroline sighed in defeat.
"I suspect someone, but I doubt you will want to hear about that."
"Who?" Caroline demanded.
"He would never,"
"How sure are you,"
"You don't know him like I do,"
"I know him better."
Caroline scoffed before looking away.

"I think I will eat elsewhere." she snapped.
"Caroline," he said as she walked past, his hand lightly gripping her arm.
"Be careful, I know you don't believe me but I have good reason to suspect him."
"Whatever," she mumbled before storming out.

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