Chapter 3

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Caroline woke up wrapped tightly in fuzzy blankets. Letting out a sigh, she slowly sat up in her bed. Glancing to her left she let out a yell before gasping and pushing herself backwards. Clutching the bed frame to avoid falling she glanced behind her immediately, finding Tyler's bed empty.

Looking back over at the sleeping figure of Kol, she laughed under her breath and laid back down against the blankets.

Glancing around, she took note of the bottles lying on the ground, thanking her lucky stars she didn't have a hangover, Caroline pushed herself out of bed and began to search for her wand.

"Morning maaa-"
Kol stops, dragging out the a as he watches Caroline search.
"Hello darling,"
"Shut up and help me," She snapped.
Raising his hands in defeat Kol grumbled under his breath before approaching the blonde.
"Stop grumbling," Caroline snarled, waving her finger in the brunettes face.
"Fuck off, I'm tired,"
"Stop whining,"
"How are you so preppy,"
"Because I'm just better,"
"Shut up,"
"No, you shut up,"
"No you!"
"Don't tell me what to do!"
"You just told me!"
"That isn't the point,"
"Shut up I'm older,"
"Seriously?!" Caroline demands.
"You don't even know that!"
"Well then when is your birthday," Kol snapped, indignantly tilting his chin up.
"The 10th of October."
"Hah! I am 8 days older!" Kol yelled, pointing his finger at Caroline's face.
Caroline crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.
"Still older,"
"Shut up,"
"Nope," Kol said, smirking and resting on his hands.

"Where's Locky,"
"Locky, Lockwood, Wolfy, your boyfriend,"
"Wolfy," Caroline raised an eyebrow and Kol grinned.
"Incident in third year, he hasn't been able to get rid of the name."
"What incident?" Caroline leans forward, her need for gossip stronger than her respect for Tyler's privacy.
"Ok so basically there was a prank on about half of the Slytherins, it was dress as a monster for halloween. Now most people added fake fangs of wore a white veil or something simple. Only for them all to find out it was a prank and they ended up walking around a week before halloween with those costume on. We changed all the dates and had a few professors go along with it, or changed the professors dates too. It was a confusing week to say the least. But Tyler came down to the common room in a full werewolf suit. Fake ears, claws, fur coat. The whole lot,"
Caroline gasped and slapped a hand over her mouth to try not to giggle.
"When he stepped out of the common room, half of the Slytherins were there, but Tyler had used magic glue to get the costume to stick for the whole night and was stuck in it for the whole weekend. He ended up in the infirmary begging Madam Pomfrey to help get it off."
"I can't believe they all fell for it,"
"We were pretty convincing,"
"Who else was in on it."
"Well Elijah was here at that point, and he helped change some of the dates and stuff, despite protest. We played the poor helpless sibling card. Nik was in on it," Caroline furrowed her brows at the nickname. "Bekah wasn't she couldn't be trusted with that sort of secret. I am pretty sure we got Enzo from your house on board, and even Damon helped out."
"Enzo knew about this?" Caroline screeched, jumping to her feet.
"Yea, he used to be a good friend of mine, we fell apart during the war."
"Have you tried to talk to him since,"
"Nah, we were on opposite sides of the war, he probably wants nothing to do with me,"
"He can be extremely forgiving, you don't know," Caroline whispered as she pressed her knees against her chest.
"Yea I suppose, I'll think about it. But if you ever need a friend, you certainly have a quite handsome one right here," Kol finished his sentence with a wink and Caroline giggled.
"Yea yea, My wand!" Caroline yelled, launching forward and teaching under Kol's bed before lifting up her wand triumphantly.
"Nice spot darling,"
"Why Thankyou Kol,"
They exchange a smile before turning to the door and walking into the common room.
"Thank merlin it's weekend," Kol says to Klaus as he throws himself beside him on the couch.
Caroline moves to sit next to Tyler, tucking herself into his side.

"How was your sleep," she mumbles to him,"
"Not great, I was thrown rather awkwardly into bed."
Caroline grins up at him.
"In my defense, I had as many drinks as you, but only one of us was passed out."
"Yea yea shut up," Caroline laughs as she leans against him again before bolting upright and staring at the two figures watching them from another couch.
"Hey blondie," Katherine smirks at her before standing up and throwing herself at Caroline.
Grinning, Caroline returns the hug before dragging Katherine down to a seat away from the boys to gossip.
"Have you heard any gossip on my sister?"
"No but she it getting twitchy so she is definitely hiding something,"
"I heard she screwed Stefan despite saying she was over him," Rebekah called from across the room.
"Who from?" Caroline and Katherine demand at once.
Rebekah smirks, "Damon,"
Katherine gasps, "She wouldn't!"
"Wouldn't she," Caroline and Rebekah say in sync before glaring at each other.
"Ok but what has been happening in your life?"
"Oh Merlin, you don't know. I'm getting the ring resized currently."
"Ring?" Caroline demands.
"Elijah proposed,"
"Oh my gosh," Caroline squealed.
"How did he propose?"
"He took me to New York, a place every party girl has to visit. He said it was ironic because I was a party girl and now I am settling down. He rented out my favourite restaurant by the beach and propose by the sunset."
"That is so cute!" Caroline squealed.
Katherine nodded enthusiastically before dropping her voice to a whisper.
"What's going on between you and Ty, things seem tense."
Caroline matched her whisper, "I honestly don't know. He is getting angry at me so quickly these days and hates how much I hang out with Stefan."
"He is going to hate that new friendship with Kol even more then," Katherine smirks and Caroline fails to hide her grin.
"I am not ditching Kol, he is funny."
"Are the ladies talking about me?" Kol piped up from beside Klaus.
This caught Klaus' attention as he looked up at them, glaring at the pair.
"No," Both girls say in sync before turning back to eachother and talking even quieter.
"Liars," Kol mumbled under his breath.
"Shut up Kol," Klaus grumbled.
"Says you, you haven't glared at anyone that way since father."
"Excuse you,"
"Locky, you looked ready to murder him when he touched her,"
"You're delusional,"
"And you're in denial."
"I will tear out your liver,"
Kol yawns, a smirk toying at his lips.
"You should tear out my spine instead, would probably hurt more."
His comment only earnt a glare from Klaus.

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