Chapter 12

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Tw: attempted SA

Caroline twirled around in Tylers arms.

This night could not be more perfect.
"I love you," Tyler whispers against her neck and she grins up at him, "I love you too Tyler,"

He smiles softly and lightly grabs her hand to spin her around once more. The magic wind she created for a light breeze whips around her, pushing her hair into her face.

She giggles and pushes it away as Tyler says, "I am going to get some drinks,"
Caroline nods, and begins to make her way off the dance floor, grinning at Kol when she catches his eye.

"Party is amazing," he says, pulling her into a hug.
She laughs and wraps her arms around him, squeezing him tightly.

"Oh, oxygen," he says lightly, prying her away.
She shrugs and rolls her eyes, "You don't need it,"
He laughs loudly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and walking her back out to the dance floor.

"Dance with me blondie,"
She laughs and nods, spinning Kol around as he pretends to dance in a tutu. He grabs her hands and spins her and she keeps twirling for several moments before stopping to regain her vision.
Kol only laughs at her and mimics her spin, trying to beat how long she lasted.

Kol tripped and fell back onto the floor after a few seconds, and Caroline erupted in giggles, clutching her stomach as she began to gasp for air.

Kol only threw a discarded cup at her, making her giggling fit worse when it missed.

"Aren't you supposed to be a really good quidditch player?" she asks as she wipes the tears off her face.
The rumour was Klaus quit because he didn't want to be outshone by his brother. She had never paid much attention to either Mikaelsson during quidditch games and was curious as to whether it was true.

"You like a quidditch player, Caroline?" Kol asks as he stands up again.
She offers him a bright smile, "Who doesn't?" she scoffs.

He shrugs, "Fair enough, does Bonnie?"
"Bonnie is taken," she says, growing slightly more serious as she points an accusatory finger at him.

Sly bitch, he probably knows they had issues too. Makes me wonder about his intentions. But he is friends with Enzo, he wouldn't go against his friend.

"I heard they broke up," Kol says, shrugging innocently.
She shakes her head slightly, unable to hide the smile forming.
"No you didn't,"
"Yea, you're right. But I heard they were struggling and assumed someone would have left by now."
"Relationships have struggles Kol,"
"Wrong, see if I was dating the darling Bennet, I would simply agree with everything she said unless it endangered her." he says, puffing out his chest in pride.

Go tell her that and see what she thinks dumbass.

"I think there would be some things you disagree on,"
"Nope, her favourite colour is blue, my favourite colour will become blue. She doesn't like Damon, I hate Damon. It is rather simple,"

"What if she hates quidditch,"
"She doesn't, she hates too much sun, so I will use a spell to give her shade,"

Oh. Stalker.

"Spying on her?"
"I'm not the one spying," he grumbles under his breath.
"Nothing my dear friend,"
"Caroline!" Tyler calls from behind her and she turns around grinning.

He stumbles slightly while approaching her and wraps his arms around her waist.
"I should take my girl," he rasps, pulling her outside the room and into the cool evening air.

"Tyler," Caroline giggles, still letting him drag her along.

"Here," he says, stopping and pushing her against a tree to kiss her.
She kisses him back softly, running her hands through his hair.

He begins to tug at her top, and she gasps in shock, "Tyler, what are you doing?"
Her breathing accelerates when he doesn't answer and she begins to try and push him off, being unsuccessful when he grabs both her hands roughly.

"Shut up,"
"Tyler not now,"
"What? Am I not good enough? Waiting for someone else?"
"Tyler I don't want to now. You're drunk, and I don't want to."
"I'm not fucking drunk!" He yells in her face and rips her top open.

"You're fucking waiting for someone else, aren't you?"
Tears begin to roll down her cheeks as she tries to rip her hands from his grip.
"Tyler please, stop," she begs.
"Shut the fuck up," he snarls pushing her harder against the tree.

She does as he says this time, and he finally lets go of her hands to try to tear off her pants.

"Stupefy," she whispers, her wand now in her hand as he goes flying back.

With shaking hands she picks up her top and walks around his unconscious body.

She halts before entering the castle again, "Wingardium Leviosa" she whispers, carrying his body inside and placing him gently on the floor before running away down the hall.

She throws herself into the bathroom and over a toilet just in time to throw up.

Why would he do that to me? He loves me. How could he do that to someone he loves?

"Oh did you drink a little too much?" Rebekahs mocking voice comes from over her shoulder and she lets out a choked sob, resting her head against the side of the stall in defeat.

"Caroline? What happened?" Rebekahs voice was now concerned as she stares at Caroline's slumped figure.

"Here, wrap your arm around my neck, I'll get you somewhere safe," she whispers to the girl, bending down to pick up half her body before she begins to make her way down to the Slytherin dormitories.

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