Chapter 11

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Had to do my girls 70s theme justice.

Caroline spun around one more time, counting each decoration, and checking to make sure the layout was perfect.

"It looks amazing!" Elena squeals, entering behind her.
"You think, because I kind of think it's missing some glitter in that corner, plus I couldn't get enough vinyls in time so we might need to replay a few albums."
"It looks perfect Caroline," Elena says softly,

Caroline stops talking and sighs, letting a smile break free.
"Why aren't you changed?" Elena asks.

Caroline grins and waves her wand over her outfit, and Elena watches with wide eyes as her outfit changes.

"You need to teach me that spell!" Elena says, touching at the sleeves of Caroline's top.

Caroline nods enthusiastically, "I found it in a fashion book I got from Tylers mum,"
Elena nods along and leans back on her heels slightly.

"You ready to dance?" Elena asks, her smile widening in enthusiasm.
Caroline grins and nods enthusiastically, "You know what I am thankful for?" She asks and Elena nods, urging her to continue.
"Rebekah finally quitting the decor and even team."

Elena gasps in shock, "She quit?"
Caroline nods and says, "Yep,"
"The reason she gave was something along the lines of needing more time for her studies, but rumours say she is dating someone and trying to hide it,"
"Who?" Elena asks, her voice dropping to a whisper despite being the only other person in the room.
Caroline smirks, "Get this, apparently it is Klaus's best friend Marcel, and they are trying to hide it from Klaus."
"Well if rumours are going around, there is no way Klaus doesn't know," Elena says.

Caroline nods before saying, "I have half a mind to tell him,"
"You still haven't told me what went down between you two,"
"You bring this up at the worst times," Caroline says with a giggle as Bonnie rushes into the room, with disco-ball earrings hanging from her ears, her hair curled softly around her face.

Caroline grins and claps her hands together.
"Bonnie!" she squeals.
Bonnie laughs and rushes over to hug the blonde, who rushed forward with her arms out.

The two meet in the middle throwing their arms around each other and squeezing tightly, before Bonnie takes a step back and rushes over to Elena, hugging her tightly as well.

"How long until people start arriving?" Bonnie asks when she turns around.
"Well party starts in 15 so I predict Rebekah will be here to critique sometime before then." Caroline says, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Elena shakes her head lightly, "What is left to do,"
"I am 22 balloons short, so I need to transfigure some more then get them hung up."
Elena nods and turns to start transfiguring the balloons while Bonnie works on blowing them up.

With a swish of her wand and a clever non verbal spell, the balloons float to their places. The colourful array of decorations line the walls and Caroline douses the candles in the room to allow the disco-ball to work.

"You did it Care," Bonnie says, nudging her softly.
Caroline grins and nods, "Yes I did,"

"Well I suppose it is halfway decent," a voice interrupts from behind them.
Caroline frowns and turns around, her eyes widening as Kol stand there with a lopsided grin on his face.
"I distracted Bex so she wouldn't bother you and ruin your night. It looks fantastic Caroline," he says, cocking his head to the side to throw a wink at Bonnie who averts her eyes.

Caroline smiles and spins around, "And what do you think of the outfit, as an outsider to the 70s fashion parades I have been throwing in peoples faces," she says, putting her hands firmly on her hips.

He nods slowly, "Looks good, you should wear green more often," he says.
Caroline scoffs and shakes her head lightly, "Oddly enough, I agree,"
"Tyler would be happy,"
Caroline shakes her head and shrugs, earning a frown from Kol.

"What is it?"
"Tyler didn't meet her after training the other day and has barely spoken to her since," Elena says softly, glancing at Caroline sympathetically.

Caroline just shales her head softly, "Enough of that, we will kill the party before it has even started, I won't hear the end of it from the planning committee if the 'vibe' was even slightly off. I was finally allowed to do a muggle theme, petty boyfriend issues is not going to be the thing to ruin that for me."
She waves her hands in the air and opens the main entrance, smiling brightly at the large crowd beginning to enter the room.

"Excuse me, I have to mingle." she says softly before rushing off.
Kol watches her go before turning to Bonnie, "So where is the boyfriend?"
She narrows her eyes at him and he raises bis hands in mock surrender, "Relax Bennet, there is nothing wrong with expressing curiosity about where a friend of mine is."
Bonnie rolls her eyes before saying, "Sure, whatever you say Kol,"
He grins softly at her before giving Elena a small nod and turning to go find someone.

Caroline walks through the groups of people, stopping to offer small talk every so often, internally praying she reaches the table of food before she passes out.
"Oh Caroline!" The excited voice of Hayley shouts and Caroline turns around quickly, smiling softly at her and approaching the group, despite her entire body telling her not to.

Rebekah is standing next to Hayley and eyes her curiously for a moment before holding out her plate of food to her.
Caroline mumbles a small embarrassed thanks before taking a mini pie and turning back to listen to Hayley.

"Hayley, let's dance," Rebekah whines after a few
more minutes of talking, earning a small laugh from Hayley.

As they turn away, Rebekah clicks her fingers at someone over Caroline's shoulder and Caroline spins around immediately hoping she didn't accidentally ignore someone.
Her round blue eyes meet the sharp blue of Klaus's immediately as he watches her carefully.
He passes her a plate of food with a small smile before saying, "You weren't at breakfast, Caroline."
"I was planning,"
"You also skipped lunch,"
"I was still planning," she says while shoving a few pieces of food into her mouth.

"God I love you," she says before shoving more food into her mouth.
"I'm not lucky enough to even pretend that was to me," he says, throwing her a small smile which widened at the giggle he earnt.

"That would be foolish of you,"
"Well aren't we lucky I am no fool," she smiles softly at him before returning to her food.

"Excuse me Caroline, I will have to leave you in the company of my friend Marcellus. I need to find someone," Klaus says, his tone growing more serious with the final sentence.

Caroline turned her wide eyes to the dark skinned man she hadn't noticed prior.
"How long were you there for?" she says, pointed a well manicured nail at him.
"Long enough to see Klaus obsessing over you," he responds easily and her eyes widen.
"He wasn't obsessing over me!"
"You were too busy staring at your food to notice," he mocks, a playful grin slipping into place on his lips.

She laughs and places the empty plate into one of the bins.
He smirks and holds out a hand, "Dance with me?"
She grins and nods, letting him pull her onto the dance floor so they can twirl together.

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