Chapter 15

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Caroline strolls through the halls, mentally counting down the minutes until the Slytherins begin training for the day.
She drummed her fingers against her thigh as she walked, knowing the party four days ago was the last time she saw Tyler.
She rounds the corner and enters divination sitting down on one of the cushions near Bonnie with Rebekah sitting at the table behind her.

Bonnie is already touching the foggy ball in front of her, trying to see something. Caroline sighs dramatically and sinks further into her chair.
"This class is complete rubbish. Professor Trelawny is a total fake."
"I hear she has actually made some prophecies and that is why she is kept around,"

Caroline spins around in her chair. How did she not know that rumour? She hears everything.

"It is very hush-hush, I overheard some people talking about it," Rebekah whispers, sending Caroline a grin before leaning back.

"for one's eye can only see that which it is granted by its holder. An art so truly misunderstood. Please gather your crystal ball, my dears and try to see within,"

"I think I see a dog," Bonnie whispers, tilting her head slightly, "actually I think it might be a wolf,"

Caroline leans over her shoulder, gently pulling back Bonnie's hair, the curls immediately falling back into place. With a sigh of frustration, Caroline says, "Maybe it's telling you Greyback survived,"

Bonnie rolls her eyes at her friend, sliding her finger against the foggy glass, "I'm trying to read your future, Caroline, try to lower your voice,"

Caroline giggles at Bonnie's attempt at mocking Trelawny as she sits back in her chair and watches Bonnie work. The curtains move slightly and Caroline leans forward, her eyebrows tugging downward into a frown as she gazes at the green blur of a student. She leans further forward, running through the types of brooms that could be that quick as the player comes to an abrupt halt just outside their window. Caroline jumps, her hand flying to her chest in shock and knocking Bonnie's arm in the process. Glass hits the ground and shatters loudly, forcing Caroline to stare at their fallen orb causing a soft fog to grow on the floor.

Caroline looks back at the window and Klaus sends her a quick wink before flying off again, a smile forming on his lips.

"Dear me," Trelawny interrupts her daze, "Students please leave, class is over for the day. Try to avoid the glass and fog."

Noise fills the room as the students rush out, Bonnie drags Caroline along and Caroline can hear the footsteps rushing around them. She pushes her foot down on one of the ladder steps just as the world tiltis around her, widening her eyes she watches the smoke inch close to her head before dropping her foot to the next rung and rushing down the lader.

A sharp pain in her ankle causes her to wobble and she closes her eyes as she falls backwards.

"Maybe some of the smoke got to her?"
"We should take her to the hospital wing,"
"No, more people will find out, it may hurt her image."
"She wouldn't care about her image right now."
"She always cares about her image,"
"Klaus may know how to fix it,"
"We are not telling Klaus."

Caroline waves a hand in front of her in frustration, hearing a loud slap she opens her eyes.

Sorry, she mumbles at a frowning Kol. Allowing her eyes to come into focus she stares at 3 sets of wide eyes belonging to Rebekah, Kol, and Bonnie.

Bonnie sits down beside her, handing her a glass of water, "Are you feeling ok? You began to stumble as you were getting off the ladder."

"I feel fine," Caroline mumbles, taking the glass of water gratefully and drinking from it.

Rebekah was already standing back up, delicately brushing the dust from her knees.

Bonnie offered her a hand but Caroline brushed it off immediately, placing her hand on the wall behind her to push herself up. She was fine, really.

"What is that stuff?" Caroline asked, glancing in Bonnie's direction.
"Scrying Acid as published but most places illegally add Necrofume, hence how quickly the vapor was spreading."

Bonnie spins to face him, "How do you know that,"
"Don't be fooled by my charm darling, I can be handsome and smart,"

"Who has been lying to you, you're neither." Rebekah snides, looping her arm with Kol's and dragging him away.
"And stop flirting with her, she has a boyfriend you fool,"
"You sound like Elijah,"

Both girls hear a loud smack and Caroline cant help the giggle that escapes her. She grins at Bonnie and holds her hand out to walk with her.

"Are you sure you are ok?"
"Let's find Elena, I need a gossip session."

I AM SO SORRY I HAVE BEEN GONE SO LONG. I cane back from holiday then got so caught up with school I completely forgot to publish. But I am hopefully back now.
I missed you all so much xx

For those who didn't reread and guess who said what, here it is.

"Maybe some of the smoke got to her?" - Kol
"We should take her to the hospital wing," - Bonnie
"No, more people will find out, it may hurt her image." Rebekah
"She wouldn't care about her image right now." - Bonnie
"She always cares about her image," - Kol
"Klaus may know how to fix it," - Rebekah
"We are not telling Klaus." - Bonnie

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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