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Princess Chloe sat at the edge of her bed, staring at the bruises on her arms. She felt numb, like she was trapped in a nightmare that wouldn't end. Her husband, Caesar, had hit her again last night, and she knew it was only a matter of time before he would do it again. She felt helpless, like there was nothing she could do to escape his abuse.As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, there was a knock at the door. Cleopatra jumped, startled by the sound. She quickly pulled her sleeves down, trying to hide the bruises on her arms. "Come in," she called, trying to sound calm and collected. The door opened and her father, King August, walked in. He looked at her with concern in his eyes. "Are you alright, my dear?" he asked, his voice full of worry.
Cleopatra forced a smile, not wanting to burden her father with her problems."Daddy I am fine" she said "these are just tears" with sadness and fury in his eyes King August screams "How can you be fine my dear . Look at yourself you look like a dead cacas. please my dear come with me I will help you" upon her father's word Princess Chloe fidgets with fear and stammaring she begs "No Daddy let's no cause trouble where there is none really, I am fine" with anger king August barks the order with authority"Guards!!!  Carry the princess out in style and quitely we are going back to Eswathina"
"Dad!! No no no" is all Princess Chloe could shout till pitch darkness engulfed her.
               *******  ********

King Sampoli paced back and forth in his own chambers. He was furious that his plan to unite the two kingdoms had been thwarted by King August's interference. He had been so close to achieving his goal, and now it was all in jeopardy. But he was not one to give up easily. He had a backup plan, and it was time to put it into action. He sat down at his desk and began to say "My dearest Son,
I know that you are no doubt feeling frustrated and angry, but don't worry they will regret their actions"  In fury Ceaser roars "Absolutely not father! we must attack. I can never lose, Chloe is mine and mine forever and that is final!. We must get revenge on King August! He has betrayed us and humiliated us! He thinks he can get away with this, but we will show him otherwise. We will make him pay for what he has done!"
"Calm down, Ceaser," said King Somali persuaded but Ceaser continued his rant, ignoring King Somali's pleas for calm.
"He has insulted us and made us look like fools! We must show him that we are not to be trifled with. We will make him suffer for what he has done. I will not rest until I have my revenge!"
King Somali tried to reason with Ceaser, but it was like talking to a brick wall. Ceaser was consumed by his anger and hatred. There was no reasoning with him.
"We cannot act rashly," said King Somali. "We must think carefully about our next move.King Somali continued, trying to get through to Ceaser.
"King August has acted dishonorably, and we must make sure that he is held accountable. But we must be strategic in our response. We must not act out of anger, or we risk making a mistake that could cost us everything. We must think carefully and choose our next move wisely."
Ceaser was starting to calm down, but he still felt the anger boiling inside him. He wanted nothing more than to lash out at King August, but he knew that King Somali was right. They had to be smart about this.
The conversation between King August and Queen Maria was tense. She was furious with him, and he knew he had a lot of explaining to do.
"I cannot believe what you have done!" she said, her voice shaking with anger. "You have put our entire family at risk with your reckless actions. I thought I could trust you, but now I see that I was wrong. You have betrayed us all!"
King August looked at his wife, feeling ashamed and defeated. He knew he had made a mistake, and he had to make things right. "I did it for a daughter she could have died in the hands of that beast" king August said with a defeated and sad expression King August spoke slowly and deliberately, trying to soothe Queen Maria's fury.
"I know I have made a mistake, and I am sorry for the pain I have caused you and our family. But I did what I thought was best for our kingdom. I was trying to protect us from a dangerous and unpredictable alliance. I did not mean to hurt you or anyone else."
Queen Maria stared at her husband, her eyes blazing with anger. She was not convinced by his words, and she was not ready to forgive him.Queen Maria continued to press King August, demanding to know more about his motivations.
"If you were so concerned about this alliance, why did you not come to me first? Why did you take such a drastic step without consulting me? I am your wife and your queen, and I should have been involved in this decision. You have treated me as if I am nothing more than a pawn in your game of politics. That is not acceptable!"
King August hung his head, feeling the full weight of his wife's disappointment and anger. He knew he had a lot of work to do to regain her trust,and  save his daughter, family and kingdom. King August took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts. He knew he had to say the right thing if he wanted to make things right.
"You are right, my queen. I should have come to you first. I should have trusted you to be a partner in this decision, instead of trying to handle it all on my own. I was wrong, and I am truly sorry. I know I have to earn back your trust, and I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. I want you to know that you are not just a pawn to me. You are my wife and the mother of my children.
In her room, Chloe wept. She could not believe the chaos she had caused. She had never intended to hurt anyone, but now she could see that her actions had caused so much pain. She felt like a monster, and she was overwhelmed with guilt and remorse. She had always wanted to do the right thing, but now she felt like she had failed miserably. She lay on her bed, curled up in a ball, unable to face the world. Just then, there was a soft knock on the door. It was King August. He had come to check on Chloe, to see if she was okay.
"Come in," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
The king entered the room and sat down next to his daughter. He looked at her with concern and compassion in his eyes.
"How are you doing?" he asked gently.
Chloe sat up and looked at her father, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself.
"I'm okay, I guess," she said, her voice trembling. "I just feel so awful. I never meant to hurt anyone. I just wanted to do what was right. But now I've made everything worse."
King August put his arm around her and pulled her close.
"You're not a bad person, Chloe," he said softly. "You made a mistake, and that's okay. You're still learning and growing. We all make mistakes sometimes."What's important is what you do next," the king continued. "You can't change the past, but you can make things right in the future. I know you want to make amends, and I know you're a good person who means well. So let's figure out how to fix this, together. I'm here for you, no matter what."
Chloe looked at her father, her eyes filled with gratitude and relief. She knew he was right. She could learn from this and do better in the future. She just needed to figure out how."So, let's start by apologizing," the king suggested. "You need to let the people you've hurt know that you're truly sorry and that you want to make things right. I think it would help if you explained your motivations and why you made the decisions you did. But most importantly, you need to be sincere and genuine. People can tell when you're not being honest."
Chloe nodded, knowing that her father was right. She would have to be completely honest if she wanted to make amends. She just hoped that the people she had hurt would be willing to listen."The next step is to make concrete changes," the king said. "You need to take action to show that you're serious about doing better. For example, you could make a donation to a charity that helps victims of fraud or deception. Or you could offer to volunteer your time to help others. Whatever you do, it needs to be meaningful and heartfelt. It needs to show that you're truly committed to doing the right thing."
Chloe considered her father's words. He was right - she needed to take action to prove her sincerity. She just hoped that she could make things right. "Finally, you need to give yourself time to grow and learn from this experience," the king said. "It won't happen overnight, and it won't be easy. But you're still young, and you have your whole life ahead of you. Don't let this one mistake define you. You're capable of so much more than you realize. Just focus on moving forward and making positive changes."
Chloe took a deep breath, feeling a little lighter. She knew her father was right. She just needed to keep moving forward, one step at a time. She could do this.
Mark Anthony sat in the royal hall, feeling restless and uneasy. King Alfred had summoned him to discuss an important matter, and Mark wasn't sure what to expect. He fidgeted with the rings on his fingers, feeling anxious and unsure.
Finally, King Alfred entered the room, his face stern and serious. He took a seat across from Mark, and the tension in the air was palpable.
"What is it that you wanted to speak to me about?" Mark asked, his voice tight with nerves.
"It's about your upcoming marriage to Flora," King Alfred said. Mark sat up straighter, his heart beating faster. "What about it?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.
"I'm afraid I have some concerns about this union," King Alfred said, choosing his words carefully. "I know that you and Flora have a long and complicated history, and I'm not sure that you're making this decision for the right reasons."
Mark's mouth went dry. He knew that King Alfred had a point. He and Flora had been through a lot together, and their relationship was anything but simple. "You see, I'm worried that you're still caught up in the past, and that you're not thinking clearly about your future," King Alfred continued. "I just want to make sure that you're not marrying Flora for the wrong reasons, and that you're not setting yourself up for heartbreak or disappointment."
Mark's heart sank. He had never considered that his feelings for Flora might not be as pure as he thought. Could King Alfred be right? Was he simply blinded by his own desires, unable to see the bigger picture? Mark cleared his throat, trying to gather his thoughts. "I appreciate your concern, and I understand where you're coming from," he said slowly. "But I truly believe that I love Flora, and that we can have a future together. I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to put in the work to make it work."
King Alfred studied Mark's face, looking for any signs of doubt or uncertainty. But Mark's expression was determined and sincere. Finally, King Alfred nodded.
King August walked into King Alfred's chambers, a grave expression on his face. He knew that what he was about to suggest would be met with resistance, but he had to try.
"My lord, I have a proposal that I believe will be beneficial for both of our kingdoms," he began. "I propose that my daughter, Chloe, be married to your son, Mark, in secret. I believe that this union will strengthen our ties and bring about a new era of prosperity."
King Alfred's eyes widened in surprise. This was not what he had expected to hear."But King August," King Alfred said, his voice firm. "You know that I cannot go back on my promise to the people of Tonga. My son is already engaged to marry Flora, and I cannot break that promise. It would bring shame to our kingdom and dishonor to my family."
King August sighed. He had not expected the proposal to be so easily accepted, but he was determined to make his case.
"I understand your concern, my lord," he said. "But consider the advantages of such a union."Flora is a fine woman, but she is not well-suited to lead a kingdom. She is more interested in pleasure and frivolity than governance and diplomacy. Chloe, on the other hand, is a wise and capable woman who has shown great promise as a leader,they will definitely make a great pair. She would be an asset to your kingdom, and would help to ensure its continued prosperity."
King Alfred considered King August's words, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that King August was not wrong about Flora's shortcomings, but he still had reservations about breaking his promise."King Alfred, I know that you are a man of honor, and that you would never go back on your word lightly," King August said. "But you must consider the consequences of marrying Flora. It would be a disaster for your kingdom, and would leave your people vulnerable. The debt you owe me is only part of the equation. What is more important is the future of Tonga."
King Alfred's brow furrowed. He knew that King August was right, but he still felt conflicted.King Alfred thought for a moment, then spoke. "I understand your reasoning, King August, and I see the benefits of such a union. But how can we ensure that the contract is kept secret? How can we be certain that Flora and her family will not find out?"
King August smiled. He had anticipated this question. "I have already spoken to my people about the matter. They have assured me that they can make the contract completely secure and private."But that is not all," King August continued. "I propose that we create a separate contract, one that is only between you and me. It will detail the terms of the marriage, and it will be kept in the highest level of security. No one will know of its existence, except for the two of us. We can use it as leverage to ensure that the union between Mark and Chloe remains a secret."
King Alfred pondered this suggestion. He was not sure if it was the right thing to do, but he knew that he had to consider all options. "I know this is a difficult decision, my lord," King August said, "but I believe that it is the best course of action. It will ensure the safety and security of your kingdom, and will prevent any potential conflict with Flora and her family. I hope that you will consider my proposal carefully."
King Alfred was silent for a long moment. He weighed the options in his mind, and finally came to a decision.
"I will accept your proposal, King August," King Alfred said, his voice firm. "We will create the contract, and we will make sure that it is kept secure. But I have one condition."
King August leaned forward, intrigued. "What is your condition, my lord?" he asked.
"I want you to swear to me that you will never use the contract against me or my kingdom," King Alfred said. "You must swear that you will never use it for your own personal gain."
King August nodded solemnly. "I swear it on my honor and my word," he said.
"Then I accept your proposal," King Alfred said. "Let us begin work on the contract at once. But first, I must speak to my son."
King August nodded. "Of course," he said. "I know this will not be easy for him, but I believe he will see the wisdom in your decision."
King Alfred stood and walked to the door, then turned to face King August once more. "Thank you for your understanding," he said. "I know this is not an easy task, but I believe it is the best way forward."King Alfred summoned his chief advisor, who also served as his legal counsel. The advisor entered the room and bowed before his king.
"You summoned me, your majesty?" the advisor asked.
"Yes," King Alfred replied. "I have a matter of great importance to discuss with you. Please, sit down."
The advisor sat, and King Alfred explained the situation. He laid out the details of the proposed contract and the reasons for it with a clause stating that they can't annul their marriage until five years in and if they try to anull it that both have to give up their rights to their respectives thrones. The advisor listened intently, taking in every word.When King Alfred finished speaking, the advisor took a moment to consider what he had heard. Finally, he spoke.
"Your majesty, this is a complex and difficult matter," he said. "But I believe there is a way to accomplish your goals while still protecting your kingdom and your family. Let me outline my thoughts for you."
The advisor proceeded to lay out his plan, and King Alfred listened carefully. The more he heard, the more he began to feel a sense of relief. Perhaps this was the way forward after all.After hearing the advisor's plan, King Alfred sat back in his chair and considered it. It was not an easy decision to make, but he knew it was the right one.
"I believe your plan is sound," he said at last. "But there is one more matter we must discuss. What of Flora? How will we break the news to her?"
The advisor paused, then spoke carefully. "That is a delicate matter, your majesty. But I believe we must be honest and straightforward with her. We must explain the situation and the reasons behind it."I understand your concern, your majesty," the advisor said. "But I would caution against such a clause. It could cause resentment and bitterness, and we want to avoid that at all costs. Instead, I would suggest a different approach."
King Alfred leaned forward, curious to hear the advisor's suggestion.
"Perhaps we could offer Lady Flora a position of honor in the court," the advisor said. "That way, she would still have a role and a purpose, even if she is not the queen."It would be a way to show her that she is still valued and respected, despite the changes in the royal family," the advisor continued. "It would also give her time to adjust to the new situation, and perhaps even find new opportunities for herself."
King Alfred nodded thoughtfully. "I like this idea," he said. "It shows compassion and consideration, while still protecting the best interests of the kingdom. I believe it is the right way forward."
The advisor smiled, pleased that the king had accepted his proposal. "Thank you, your majesty," he said.The advisor smiled, pleased that the king had accepted his proposal. "Thank you, your majesty," he said.King August and his advisor sat down in the king's study, looking over the contract. They needed to find a way to get the prince and princess to sign it, but they knew it would not be easy.
"I suggest that we invite them to a formal dinner," the advisor said. "We can make it a celebration of the kingdom's unity, and we can present the contract as a simple formality. They will be so caught up in the festivities that they will not even notice what they are signing."
King August considered this plan. "That could work," he said. But there was one more problem they had to consider. "What if they refuse to sign?" the king asked.
"I have an idea for that as well," the advisor said. "We can include a clause in the contract that states that if they do not sign, they will be disinherited from the throne. That way, they will have no choice but to agree."
King August hesitated. This was a bold move, but he knew it was necessary. "That is a drastic measure," he said. "But I believe it is the only way to ensure the safety and stability of the kingdom.""We must be sure to explain the situation to them very carefully," the advisor said. "We must make it clear that this is for the greater good of the kingdom, and that it is not a personal attack on them. If they understand the reasoning behind it, they may be more likely to accept it."
King August nodded, considering all the angles. "You are right," he said. "I will speak to them myself, and explain everything in full. Queen Maria comes in " I disagree I say we should drug them use their attraction for one another to lure them alone . They sign the contract admist other things if you know what I mean plus none of them will have the leaverage to make a law suit to free them from the cause". "Hmmm! that is  a good idea I guess we can try it out" king August affirms. It's time to change the reigns if things.
Chloe and Mark are at dinner with their parents. The conversation is stilted and awkward, as it usually is when the four of them are together. But then, there's a lull in the conversation, and Chloe and Mark hear their parents whispering to each other. They lean in closer, trying to catch what they're saying. Chloe and Mark are in the library, looking through some old family records. Mark is searching through some old letters, while Chloe is digging through some dusty books. Suddenly, Mark finds a letter that mentions something about a family secret. He shows it to Chloe, and they look at each other with wide eyes. "What do you think this means?" he asks. "I'm not sure," she replies. "But we need to find out." And with that, they resolve to uncover the truth, no matter what it is.  They sit them down in the living room, and ask them point-blank about the family secret. Their parents look uncomfortable, and try to brush them off. But Chloe and Mark won't let it go. They keep asking questions upon questions. Queen Maria walks in with two glasses of whine in her hand "Her children drink and join us downstairs as we celebrate the joining of two dynasties" she says. Both Mark Anthony and Chloe get the drink and sip it. Queen Maria gets into a conversation with them and gets them drunk Then King Alfred comes in, "son this is the contract for the new landing estate Gerald has already gone through it sign it so that construction can start on earnest" he tells his son as he drops the contract in. Tipsy and smiling Mark Anthony signs  the contract with happiness. King Alfred carries Mark Anthony out with him to a room heavily guarded
He leaves an Instruction with the guards not to let anyone in except princess Chloe or let the prince out. Then he leaves. Back in the library Queen Maria and  princess Chloe have a conversation where she convinces Chloe to sign her own part of the agreement claiming it's a will. She then calls in one of the maids to take Chloe to where Mark Anthony is
In the chamber the duo see each other and start arguing. "What are you doing in my room,how dare you invade my privacy" Mark Anthony roars like a lion going after a prey. "What do you mean you were the one that called me in here" Chloe replies fumming in anger. Mark Anthony sternly looks into her eyes and says "Do you know you look beautiful and sexy when you get mad. I like it" he says as he draws his hands into her waist and kisses her neck". He kisses her more deeply and passionately. Then a knock interrupts them. It was king August,Mark Anthony didn't mind he kept on kissing her neck and Chloe kept struggling to free herself. King August then dropped a copy of the contract they signed and said "This is the marriage contract you just signed downstairs before you both got drunk I just wanted to bring your copy of the contract hope you are okay with it" he says softly. "We are very okay with it,it's not like anyone forced us,now leave let me devour my queen" Mark Anthony says in between neck kisses to Chloe. King August smiles in the realization that he has secured a bright future for his daughter,saved her from constant abuse while keeping his family and Kingdom at par then he leaves the room, immediately he closes the door behind him he smiles and says "my old friend we better  go recruit more men in our armies,armunitions and allies because we are going to fight for our kids" He shakes King Alfred hands as they both smile at each other. What a week indeed.

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