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* Mark Anthony pov*

I never knew what sadness could feel like, till My Queen walked out that door. I felt like a complete asshole
I hurt her when all she tried to da was safe the crown,my ass and build my kingdom. But why the hell do I care. I am not meant to care,I am not meant to give a fuck. Oh my God!! Why do I care so much.
I mean she ruined my life and my chances of being with Flora,the woman that I love. Damn! She makes me want to throw caution to the wind, what with this feelings. I keep thinking while tossing glasses of the finest scotch in my mouth on my study chair.

      I could feel the drink burning the back of my throat, but I didn't care. The burning wasn't even close to the burning, Chloe felt after my words. Oh Lord what have I done.
Just then my mom walks in briskly to the deemily life study and says in Greek " «Τόνι πρέπει να μιλήσουμε - Tóni prépei na milísoume  (Tony we have to talk)

       And yes if you are wondering, My mom is half Greek, Queen Miranda of Eswathi is half Greek. Her Father was Eswathi and her mom a slave from Greece after the Geni war. Yes! It was a sacrilege for a full blooded Eswathian to look at a Greek, not to talk of marrying one.

      But my grandfather who was a Hugh ranking ministering Elder by then broke all barriers for love,even though he was referred to often times as a «neetud tõug(Cursed breed)» The worst opposition came when my Father wanted to marry my mother a   neetud tõug (cursed breed) offspring , the council refused but my father had the upper hand.  

     Legends say that is why he is so powerful now. Because he had a driving force which was love. Which made me to think, if that was true then having Flora beside me to rule would have been okay. Or is it.

  My mother took her seat on the long sofa in my study. Parting he other side for me to seat, which I did.
   Casually breaking the ice I said in Esthonian " nii et ema, mis see külaskäik üldse on, kas kuninganna või emana(so mother what is this visit all about, is it as a Queen or a mother)" smiling she replied me in Greek "και τα δυο-kai ta dyo( Both)

   I wanted to speak but she beat me to it in Greek she said "Είδα την Κλόε να φεύγει από το γραφείο σου και να τρέχει στο δωμάτιό της δακρυσμένη στο δρόμο μου προς την καμπίνα μου. Και αποφάσισα να την ακολουθήσω για να μιλήσουμε μαζί της - Eída tin Klóe na févgei apó to grafeío sou kai na tréchei sto domátió tis dakrysméni sto drómo mou pros tin kampína mou. Kai apofásisa na tin akolouthíso gia na milísoume mazí tis
  (I saw Chloe leaving your office and running down to her room in tears in my way to my chambers. And I decided to follow her to have a talk with her )" Let me tell you what happened .….........

*Queen Miranda pov*

As I walked out of  the throne room heading to my chambers, the corner of my eye caught a glimpse of Chloe.

I was about to reach out to her but I noticed tears in her eye as she ran out of Tony's study

Oh God what this this boy do again! I thought as I made my way towards her  Suite.

I entered her room and noticed that it was dark and she was crying and destroying everything on site. I lit up a lamp and went to her slender crying figure

She reminded me of my daughter. I couldn't help but be sad about this before I could phantom a statement from my mouth. She started wailing in Afrikaans. Yes I understood Afrikaans, my mother was not only a cursed breed from the Netherlands of Greece as a slave, her mother my grandmother was ____

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