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Feeling worse than it can be I walked out of my study dejected and straight to see my girl. I knew I couldn't say I loved her but I could say that she was indeed very important to me, I messed up real bad and it was time to clean up my mess

   I walked into our suite the one she had so thoughtfully designed and created with both our likes in mind. I was your typical masculine guy  _what guys like , I am a confident and independent man. I'm not afraid to take risks, and I'm always up for a challenge. I'm ambitious and driven, and I have a strong sense of self. I'm also loyal and loving, and I care deeply about the people in my life. I'm quick to laugh and frown , and I try to see the humor in every situation. I have a negative outlook on life bad I know but I was trained that way, and I do not  look on the bright side. These are just some of my characteristics I am an honest and straightforward person. I'm direct and to the point, and I don't beat around the bush. I am also determined and persistent, and I don't give up easily. I'm curious and open-minded, and I love learning new things. I am also creative and artistic, and I enjoy expressing myself through various forms of art. I'm a free spirit, and I don't like to be constrained by rules and regulations. I'm a dreamer, and I'm always chasing after my dreams . I am tall and broad-shouldered. I have a strong and muscular build, and I'm physically fit. I have sharp, green eyes, and my hair is dark and wavy. I have a warm and inviting smile, and my laugh is loud and hearty. I walk with confidence, and I carry myself with pride. I'm comfortable in my own skin, and I'm not afraid to show my emotion and she was not really a stellar opposite, we were similar in many ways than none she was a lover of deep colors, she was interested in war strategies

Reading long archives and journals with me,she didn't really care about dresses and looking God, But she always looked good and stunningly beautiful even without effort and in less time than most women, might I add

I found her on the ground In tears and our beautiful room she had decorated beyond trashed, it was really bad but I didn't care about that

I only cared about the little woman curled up like an ancient scroll on the floor leaning on our bed post on tears.

              "Cleopatra" I started
     and it earned a loud sarcastic laugh from my woman. Replying she said

   " Funny cause this is the first time you have called my name. I highly doubted that you knew my name" 

"I may not know a lot about you,but I do know your name , Chloe"
I replied with a sigh

She huffed and said "of course the great King Mark Anthony knows the name of the woman he was forced to marry because he slept with her and was bound by a stupid contract who he hated so much"
  "Just because she seperated him from his love" with sarcasm laced in her voice

  "   Please, Chloe please. I am very sorry I never meant for things to be this way "
    A sad Me pleads

"Wel, laat ek jou iets vertel, majesteit. Dit sal meer as woorde neem om my terug te kry" Chloe lashes out in Afrikaans (Well let me tell you something your majesty. It will take more than words to get me back)

"Jy sal grom en gruis en proef Dat jy my verdien. Indien nie, vergeet net van my" she said with disdain clearly situated on her face (You will growl and gravel and proove
That you deserve me. If not just forget about me)

Verlaat nou my kamer (Now leave my room)"
She said with such a contempt force of order that shocked Mark Anthony.

I bagan to protest

But she backed he next order
"Nou uit!!!" (Out now!!!)
A dejected Mark Anthony leaves

   I had never felt so humiliated and dejected in this life. His ego was hurt and he could do without her. I  had just been humilated by a woman that probably meant little to nothing to me
Or so I thought
        Author's pov

It had been six months,fourteen days and three days, since Mark Anthony's altercation with Chloe. To say he missed her was an understatement. He fucking adored her
He couldn't believe that he let her go because of his ego

Few days ago he had tried getting them in good terms again by suggesting that they both remain friends and build their relationships

Recently I had been talking wig my parents about Chloe and building myself for Chloe
She was a wonderful woman and a wonderful queen and I didn't want to spoil anything because of my stupidity

For God's sake I loved the woman and I began looking stupid for love

I started reading epistle for love
»To love is to see with your heart,
To feel the world with your soul,
To seek connection in the everyday,
And find beauty in the whole.
To love is to give of yourself,
And to share your joy with another,
To find meaning in the smallest things,
And comfort in a gentle touch.
To love is to take a leap of faith,
And risk everything for a chance,
To embrace the world with open arms,
And discover your true romance.
To love is to learn from mistakes,
And find the strength to try again,
To accept the scars of the past,
And reach for the light within.
To love is to find forgiveness,
For yourself and for another,
To let go of what you can't control,
And embrace all that you discover.
To love is to live in the moment,
To savor each breath and each hour,
To drink in the joy of each second,
And cherish the time that is ours.«

At his stand I knew I was ready for love with my Queen. I had retired all my mistresses and listened to all her reforms, which had proved relatively essential in building Eswathi again

We had succeded, we were the power couple and the power rulers. Eswathi was taken to the fourth country in the world with power and everything needed to succeed

Presently, Deaneyres,Pharoh and Chloe who were all women were already discussing what they termed 'civilization'

Everything was fixed and it was time to fix my marriage

Everything was fixed and it was time to fix my marriage

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