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In a far-off kingdom, Flora sat in her room, staring out the window. Her heart was heavy with worry and saddness, for she lost the man she loved and had just received news that her father was gravely ill. She longed to go to him, but she knew that would not be possible.
Her family had been at odds with the royal family for generations, ever since her ancestor had been accused of a crime he did not commit. They had held her father captive as restitution for their action. Presently she was in afar away hidden palace,where she was safe. The rift between them had only grown over the years, and now the two kingdoms were on the brink of war.
But Flora knew that her father would not want her to get involved in the conflict. As she sat there, lost in thought, she couldn't help but blame the kings and that foolish girl Chloe for tricking her ticket to a good safe life for herself,her, family and her kingdom,she vowed to get then back no matter what, then there was a knock at the door. "Come in," she said, and a servant entered the room.
"You have a visitor, my lady," the servant said. "A messenger from the royal family of Brunei."
Flora's heart sank. How did they find out and why do they want to talk to her, why didn't they come here with a whole army to whisk her away. She did not want to speak to anyone from the royal family, but she knew that she could not refuse. "Show them in," she said, her voice tight.
The servant bowed and left the room, and a moment later a man entered."Your highness," the man said, bowing low. "I come bearing a message from Caesar, the king."
"What does he want?" Flora asked, her voice cold.
The man hesitated, as if unsure how to answer. "He wishes to speak with you, my lady," he said. "He believes that there is a way to end the conflict between our kingdoms and get a common desire fufiled."
Flora's eyes widened. "That is impossible," she said. "There is too much bad blood between us."
But the man would not be deterred as he was instructed ."I understand your skepticism, your highness," he said. "But I urge you to hear him out. There is more at stake here than just the conflict between our kingdoms."
Flora was intrigued, despite her misgivings. "What could possibly be more important than that?" she asked.
"The fact that your father would be free to rule his country is at stake ," the man said. "As well as the fact that you could gain back your lost love king Mark Anthony. "Other kingdoms have been drawn into the fighting, and the toll has been heavy," the man continued. "Many innocent lives have been lost, and the suffering is only getting worse. Caesar believes that while this is going on, you could build with him an irresistible force capable of taking down the Esthwathinan dynasty, if only you will listen."
Flora considered his words, her mind racing. She knew that what he was saying was true. The conflict had already spread beyond her own kingdom, and the cost was mounting, her ancestors debt could be paid , her dad could be free and most of all her dreams could still come true. But could she really trust Caesar?
"If I agree to meet with him, will I be safe?" she asked. "I can assure you that you will be under Caesar's protection at all times," the man said. "He would never allow anything to happen to you. He has the utmost respect for you and he needs you just as much as you need him, and he believes that you are the key to ending this conflict and bringing about what you really want."
Despite herself, Flora felt a spark of hope. Could it be that there was a way out of this? She had to find out.
"Very well," she said. "I will meet with Caesar. But I must have your word that I will be safe."
The man bowed. "You have my word, your highness," he said.

The great hall was filled with tension as Flora and Caesar faced each other across the table. Flora's eyes were cold and her face was set in a determined expression. Caesar's eyes were pleading, but he tried to maintain a dignified air.
"I appreciate your willingness to meet with me, your highness," Caesar said. "I hope that we can find a way to end this conflict."
"You're wasting your time," Flora said. "I will never agree to an alliance with you."
Ceaser's shoulders slumped, but he pressed on. "Please, hear me out," he said. "I know that there is bad blood between our kingdoms, but we must find a way to move past it. The alternative is too terrible to contemplate."
"What do you mean?" Flora asked.
"If we do not find a way to end this conflict, it will only escalate," Caesar said. "And if that happens, there is no telling what the outcome will be. I fear for the safety of our people, and I fear for the future of our kingdoms."
Flora's heart was racing, but she remained outwardly calm. "What you are proposing is unthinkable," Flora said. "We cannot simply forget the past and move on. Too much has happened, and the wounds are too deep."
"I know that," Caesar said. "But we must at least try. For the sake of our people, we must put our differences aside and find a way to work together."
"I understand your concern for your people," Flora said. "But I am just as concerned for mine. I cannot in good conscience agree to an alliance with you."
Ceaser's face fell, and he looked defeated, then he spoke "what if this can help us become a force to reckon with one that can be strong enough to pursue Mark Anthony" he said with a smirk "What if I were to propose a different solution?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Flora raised an eyebrow. "What are you suggesting?" she asked.
"An alliance through marriage," Ceaser said. "I know that it is a bold suggestion, but I believe that it is the only way to truly end this conflict."
Flora's eyes widened in shock. "You cannot be serious," she said. "You want me to marry you?"
"I do," Ceaser said. "I know you have heard the rumors about abusing Princess Chloe,but for you peace of mind I have already drawn up a contract where I promise to never touch you as long as you remain my queen" Ceaser said looking sternly at Flora and praying silently for a positive reply "But I beg of you, please don't dismiss the idea out of hand," he said. "It may be the only way to save our people from ruin and build ourselves an empire that would stand the test of time."
Flora looked at him, her mind racing but her face firm. "I will consider it," she said, her voice barely audible. "But I cannot promise anything."
"That is all I ask," Ceaser said. "Just give it some thought."
He stood up, and Flora did the same. They stood facing each other, unsure of what to say next. After a few moments of awkward silence, Ceaser spoke. "I should let you get back to your duties," he said. "I do not wish to take up any more of your time."
"It is no trouble," Flora said. "I appreciate your willingness to discuss this with me."
"The honor is mine," Ceaser said, with a small bow. "I hope that we can continue this discussion at a later time."
Flora nodded, and Ceaser turned to leave. But before he could take a step, she spoke again. "One question before you go," she said. "Why are you so willing to make such a sacrifice?"
Ceaser turned back to face her, his expression serious. "Because I believe that it is the only way to bring peace to our lands and revenge on those who wronged us and justice to our names," he said. "And more than that, I believe that it is the right thing to do. I know that I have wronged you and your people, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make amends." "I appreciate your honesty," she said at last. "But I am still not sure if I can agree to such an arrangement."
"I understand," Ceaser said. "I do not wish to pressure you into anything. I just want you to know that I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."
He turned to go, but Flora stopped him once more. "I do not know if I can ever forgive you for what you have done," she said. "But I am willing to try."
Ceaser turned back to her, his eyes filled with hope.
For that moment, Flora felt speechless but she said no more and just walked out she needed a breather.

Several weeks went on, after much thinking and weighing of probabilities and possibilities Flora summoned Ceaser to her chambers. He was elected when he got the news and moved faster that a flying eagle on her invitation he entered the room, and immediately she handed him a document. "This is a marriage contract," she said. "If you are still willing, I have signed it."
Ceaser took the document, his eyes scanning over the words in utter shock for he had prepared himself for worst seneros rather than a positive reply. When he was finished, he looked up at her. "I am honored by your offer," he said. "But I must know, what has changed your mind?"
"I have thought long and hard about what you said," she said. "And I have come to realize that you are right," she continued. "The only way to truly bring peace and get what we truly desire the most which is justice for our loss and hurt is to put aside our differences and work together. And I believe that the best way to do that is to join our families through marriage and building an empire reading to hold on strong from whatever the Esthwathinans would throw at us."
"I am glad that you see things my way," Ceaser said. "But there is one more thing I must ask of you."
"What is it?" Flora asked.
"I am not sure if you are ready to participate in something so dangerous," she said. "What we are embarking on is not an easy thing and I wouldn't want to lose another queen so I request you learn handle the political affairs rather than the military affairs. I hear you are ruthless in battle but still if I go I want to have someone take care of my legacy while I'm gone."
"I know that," he said. "But I believe that it is the only way to truly make things right and keep the future of my country and par. Also We must have a child before backing in this quest, for j must not change the reigns of my family, the crown must stay in my family," he said. "You must be willing and available to be a complete queen as the customs and traditions demand.
Ceaser looked at her, his expression pleading as he continued. "I know that it is a lot to ask," he said. "But I promise that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe as well as mg kingdom, as well as giving you the justice you deserve. I will not allow anything to happen to you. I just need your help to make things right be the support system I need so we can get our goals."
She was torn. She did not want to put herself in danger, but she also did not want to see anyone else suffer because of Mark Anthony and Chloe. Finally, she made her decision.
"I will help you," she said. "But only on the condition that you promise to keep me safe and make all my wishes come true."
"I promise," he said. They began to kiss themselves slowly then hungrily fading into the dark.

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