Chapter 20: White Fang recuit

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We find Blake, Igris, Nick and Sun arriving at the location where the White Fang is recruiting to make their army bigger. The four stand across the street where they see some people walking into the alleyway where they suppose to go in.

Nick: So remind us again why me and Igris have to wear this?

The two of them were wearing dog ears with a dog tail behind them which made Sun chuckle a bit.

Blake: The White Fang usually recruit faunus into their cost.

Nick: You think they still do that?

Blake: As far I can tell, yeah.

Sun: (smirk) It be fine. Just stick with us and we be smooth sailing.

Igris: This is a big place. Usually it suppose to be small right?

Blake: Yeah something is wrong. Let's not waste time and let's go.

The four make their way across the street and enter the alleyway, following everyone else and soon they were in. They were given masks by the guard so they put it on qnd make their way through the hallway.

While walking they see White Fang members carrying weapons and even some carrying cargo on carts to the storage room as Blake couldn't believe what she is seeing.

Igris: (whisper) Those are Atlas weapons. How the hell did they get them?

Nick: (whisper) Who knows but let's keep going.

Soon they enter a large room with a crowd of recruits. They look around, seeing many recruits from both Faunus and humans as they enter the crowd and turn to the stage where Roman came up into stage along with a woman with a umbrella in hand and the assassin that Y/n is tracking.

Igris: (whisper) So that's the assassin who killed Y/n's family.

Nick: (whisper) No doubt about it but, whose that girl?

Sun: (whisper) Don't know but it seems like it's about to begin.

Roman: (smile) Welcome recruits! Now, I know all of you maybe thinking? Why I'm I here? Well allow me to explain. You are joining the White Fang, the new future of the world and the ones that will crush the corruption, discrimination and injustice once and for all! We all make them pay for ruining our lives and we will do that with the help of this!

Then the door behind them open and Blake, Sun, Igris and Nick is shocked to see an Atlas type mech suit walking out and being seen by the new recruits. This made the recruits interested and amazed as Roman goes on to explain.

Roman: This wonderful machine was given to us by someone with Atlas. This giant mech suit can crush rocks, blow up buildings and show everyone not to mess with us! The future of the White fangs is in our hands ladies and gentlemen. Soon we will take over the world and bring peace and our name.

The recruits all clap and cheered as Sun clapped only to stop when Blake, Igris and Nick just look at him and he stop. The four of them leave when Roman spotted them and a smirk appear on his face.


The four leave the building as they took off the masks and other disguises as they exit out of the alleyway.

Blake: This is definitely not what the White Fang stood for many years ago! He changed that!

Igris: How did he get that mech?

Nick: He got it from someone within Atlas. If that's true then there is a spy within Atlas.

Sun: (smirk) Well you have to admit having a mech is pretty cool.

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