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I look at the sign again. "You sure about this uncle" I ask him for the third time.

"I think it's nice and it's free" he winks.
I chuckle, " okay but don't blame me when 'come get whipped with sushi' sign doesn't work" I say and go inside the restaurant.

"Before you leave dear can you chop some onions"

I smile, "sure" I pick up an apron and go to the kitchen. After that I chop other vegetables. I take my bag and go out to find Uncle Shu petting a stray cat.

"He is here again" I study.

"Don't be like that, Coin is practically family now aren't you Coin" he rubs behind it's ear.

"Whatever, bye."

"Next time you come visit hopefully you'll come with a boy" he winks and I cringe.

I get into my car and turn it on. It coughs and goes back off.

"I think it's time you let that baby go. It's outdone" Uncle says.

I force a smile, "Of course I will" I lie. "Just been busy" I try again and thankfully it turns on.

I wave Uncle and drive off. When I'm about to reach campus, I get a text from Alex.

Alex: you are out of eggs.
Me : what are you doing there, don't you have a class.
Alex : just get the egg.

I drive into campus stopping at the grocery shop to buy the eggs.
I stop at my room door. Room 112. As usual i pause before punching in the passcode. 120922. I take a deep breath and open the door. Alex is watching a movie.

"There's chicken casserole in the fridge"
"You cooked?" I pause.

"Haha, you are not funny. My mom came over in the morning"

I put the eggs in the fridge and take out the casserole.

"Did you take her to your room" I ask.
She laughs, "Of course not. She still thinks this is my room."

"What was wrong with yours this time"

"Justin has some stuff there. Wouldn't wanna give mommy dear a heart attack."

After eating I take my bag, "I'm off"

"Where to?"

"Library, remember I work"

"But you just got here. You are no fun. At least come back with a guy.
I sigh, "Why is everyone saying that"

"Seara darling, you are a senior now. Do you wanna complete still like this?" She leaves the question hanging. "Just saying, well bye"
I smile, "bye Alex" and walk out.
"Love you" She says as I shut the door.

I walk to the library which is 25 minutes from my block.

"Youe are 15 minutes early great" Laanie says. "Well can you cover the rest of my time I have a ..a ..."
"Project" I offer. "I've got you"
"You are the best. Bye "
I begin arranging the new books in the shelfs.

A guy approaches me "Excuse me, do you know where I can find this book" he shows me a picture.

"Row 12, fourth shelf"

He looks at me surprised.
"I just finish reading it" I explain.

"Mind filling me in?" He asks with a smile.

I'm about to respond when someone rings the bell.

"Sorry" I say and head to the desk to help the person out.

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