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"I'll ask one time. Who was it?" I ask, wrapping the chain around my fingers.

He snickers, which ends up in a fit of coughs. Still no word.

Walking towards him, I take a plier, "Fortunately, I'm now getting started,"

I nod to the men, and they untie his chair from the ceiling. A fool. That's all he is.

I pull his hair back and clip the plier around his ear.

He is already red with pain.
I press down slowly, and as tough as he thinks he might be, it doesn't take long for him to grip his chair.

I pull harder, and blood starts dripping down.

Now, the screaming begins.
After he loses his ear and some fingers, he starts rattling but still claiming he did not see the person's face.

"Take him back" I say and begin to walk away.

"You think you guys will get away with this. Judgement will come for you and it'll start with that hoe if yours.

I stop in dead in track.
"Get out" I say to the men.

"But boss"

I stare at them then they nod and hurry out.

I lock the door, leaning on it and turn to him.

I smile at him, "What did you say"

He struggles to laugh,"Even in this moment she's got eyes on her. Looks like your little fuck might not make it back again.

I sigh then calmly walk to him. "Call her that again"

He smiles showing me bloody teeth.
Fuck father's order.
I punch him that the chains leave a mark.

"Boss no please" the men start hitting the glass, some trying to open the door.

I hear Ruby shouting too but I've lost hearing of them. All I see is this idiots annoying smile as I continue to punch him.

"Call her that again," I snare.

This time he can't. He wheezes in pain but I am not done with him yet.
I pick up a bat and that's when I see it. Fear. He thought it wouldn't go this far because he was still under the protection of my father.
"Please, please"

I cut the ropes and kick his chair down.
He scurries to the corner of the room pleading with shaking hands.
I see pool of water by his feet.
Disgusting idoit. He's a coward for not defending his words.

I smile, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you". I raise the bat and aim for his head.

I pause immediately and slowly look at the glass. What's she doing here.

"Stop, please"
I hate that look on her face. She shouldn't cry.
The bat drops from my hand.
Finally, Diego opens the door with his key.

The men hurry in and carry, the man's body.

"That's bad. There's no way your father will not notice especially considering we are to take him back today" Diego is talking but my focus is on Searra as she enters the room.

She stares at the man as they take him out.
Our eyes lock and she slowly walks to me. Without a word, she takes my hand inspecting my hand.

She leads me to a table and begins removing the chains.

Someone brings her a bowl of hot water and a towel at some point. She dabs the towel in the water and begins pressing it to my wounds.

Her silence is killing me. Why doesn't she say what I know, she's thinking. That I'm a monster.

She sighs and looks up at me, face cold.
"I'm not thinking you are a monster. Just thought you should know"

I allow her to treat my arms. I want to tell her that I'm okay. That even if she's wants to run, I would understand but for now I allow her to bandage my hand yet again. Maybe the only coward in this room is me.
When she's done, she drops her head on my chest, then she cries.

"When...when... I heard your name. I thought, something had happened to you. I told you not to scare me like that again"
I wrap my arms around her. I don't deserve to touch her, but I can't resist it.

"I'm sorry you had to see this" I whisper into her hair, taking in her scent.

"What did he say that got you so upset" she asks and I look away.

I close my eyes, "Nothing" I say and push from the table.

"I need to wash up" I say and begin to walk out.

"You are impossible you know" she says.

I find myself smiling but drop it as I turn to her, "I think I can think of someone who can handle me" I say and walk out.

Matthais comes in late that I thought he would. He barges into the bathroom without so much as a knock.

"Are you on drugs"

"Knock, I won't ask next time"

He glares at me, "Your father is calling for you"

"What, how did he know so fast"

"You underestimate him? Get ready in five Cole, or else you have to find yourself another driver " he says and just as he came in, he storms out.

I sigh and raise my head allowing the water to trickle down my face.

I put something on and text Ruby to drive Searra to her school.

I call one of my men to get a man on Searra at all times. I know she'll hate it but at least she'll not notice for a while.

When I arrive at the main Dock, I see the other's cars.

I head to his office and knock.
No answer, I enter to find all my brothers already there.

"Sit" he orders.

I take a seat by Caleb. Dad takes in a deep pull of his cigar and sighs, "So which one of you, should I disown first"

What did they also do?

"I'm deliberation seizing all your posts from you to see how that'll help you behave"

We look up at him. He snickers.

"I won't waste my time advising you. Klien, move back into the house, Caleb your credit card, Lucas send two hundred boxes to me and Cole.."

He looks down at Angel. He can't, he knows that. But he smiles and that smile is enough for me to know whatever is about to come from his mouth is worse that I think.

He knows why I did it. He knows what tempered me.

"....I think you should focus on graduating"

My eyes widen, he can't be serious.

"But.." Lucas starts.

"Dismissed" he says and goes back to his table.

One by one they walk out but I'm stuck to my seat.

Dad looks up at me from his papers, " I thought you learnt from last time. You are still young, get out before I change my mind"

I walk out to find Caleb still in the compound.

"He took your car?" I ask.

He nods.

"I charge for rides"

I say and he gives me a humourless look.

"Hey my post has been taken from me, I don't have the space for pity service"

His eyes lower, he knows what that post meant to me.

Whatever the others did, father didn't just take things from us. He took the most important part of our lives.

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