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Darren eyes run down my body, and then he looks away. "Let's go"

"I thought Ruby was coming?"

He scoffs, "She has something to deal with."

He looks behind me as of sensing someone else is there, "Hi Alex"

How did he know?
Alex comes and opens the door, "Oh you clean up nice. Isn't she looking gorgeous"

He steps back, "I guess. I'll meet you downstairs in -"

"Don't bother, I'm done. Bye Alex"

He walks steps ahead as we get to the car.

A driver opens the door for us. He is not driving.

I get in, and he follows.

For a while the ride is quiet, them it hits me I know nothing about the den I'm walking into.

"Won't you tell me what we are going to do"

"That's not your business, just don't catch anyone's interest"

"Yeah, remember how that worked last time. Listen for some reason it seems you are pissed but I need to know more about this ball. I don't want to feel hopeless like, like...last time"
He faces me, and I turn away.

He doesn't talk and just when I decide to give up on this asshole he sighs,

"It's a birthday party. You will see an onion headed blonde old man. Whatever you do, stay away from him. It's his son's party and he is an animal".
He doesn't need to continue for me to understand.

"Then there is- You know just ignore anyone who looks dangerous. You are good at that after all" his eyes pin mine.

"But isn't everyone there gonna be dangerous?"

"Exactly" he says.

"I can't go to a party and you'll expect me to ignore everyone there. You are impossible. What about your brothers?"

He looks me in the eye and says, "Especially them and ....Ava might be there."

I nod, That's not my business, and continue to look out the window.

The car enters an estate and I suck in a breathe. "One person owns all of this?"

He chuckles, "He is a show off" he takes out an earpiece, "If you need me, just call for me. This will help us communicate."

He gets off and stretches out a hand, "Searra?"
I guess its time to pretend again.

I take it, "My chivalrous boyfriend"

We walk through a graden I see some scary looking dogs watching us.
"What is up with you people and scary dogs. That thing can swallow me in full"

"Would you rather we don't have them."

"I don't know, u mean can't you have a pomeranian named Kinky"

One of his eye brows raise, "Darling, that's a sexual name"

"I know, then Yorshie"

He smiles as we enter the mansion, tightening his grip on my hand.

Wow, there are a lot of people. He takes me to a bar and orders a glass of soda.

  Handing it to me, he bends and whispers in my ear," Ruby will be here soon. This should be the only drink you take" then he is gone.

I swirl the grape in the soda, trying not to look around too much, least I get someone's attention.

Around a corner, Darren is talking with some men.
I force my gaze back to the soda and find I quite enjoy dipping the grape in the soda.

A laugh grabs my attention. I turn to find plumb, blonde man with an arm around a girl. Oh, onion head. Now I get it.

He glances my way and I look away but not before our gazes meet.
I feel his eyes on the back of my neck. No please no. I begin to breath faster and take a long sip of soda.

I need to do something before he calls for me.
Darren is far away but I can't stay put, I'm-

"Breath" Darren's voice booms in my left ear.

I stop all together and for some reason his voice is reassuring enough that I begin to breath a lot easier.

I turn to look for him but don't see him.

"Get up and walk to the chocolate fountain" he says.

I finish the soda and walk to it. I finally see him, standing at a corner. For a moment, he looks directly at me and looks away, walking back into the light.

"Do you see Matthais?" He asks.
He is talking but I don't see his mouth moving.

I slowly glance around, "yeah"

"Good, take a cup of chocolate and walk to him"

I do as he says and Matthais looks up at me from his lonely corner before I reach him. He points to the seat by him and I slump in it.

"I hope he knows that I can't keep you forever" he asks, passing a hand through my hair.

He doesn't go further from my hair and I allow him. I can tell he hates it.

"You don't have to do that" I say.

"Unfortunately, your wishes don't matter" he says, petting me like a dog.

I turn to face him, "Why don't you like me"

"Trust me, if I didn't like you, you wouldn't ask why"

"Do you think, I'm not worth the risk".

"Finally we seem to be on the same page"

"If something happened right now and you had to kill me, how long will it take it to pull the trigger" . I nod to the gun inside his coat.

He stares at me and I see it. It wouldn't take him long because he wouldn't consider. He would shoot without a second thought.

    "Get up and walk away anywhere, just walk away" He whispers.

   I swallow and begin to walk to a hallway and come face to face with Ava.
   She glares at me and I hurry to walk by her but she holds my hand.

      "Fetch me a drink" she says.

   "Excuse me?"

  "Do I need to repeat myself"

I try to step away from her again but a man holds me still.

   Struggling brings people attention on us.

   "I am not your servant"

"How much does he pay you. Do you think because you are a good fuck, you can get his time?"

     I smile, "How good am I? I'm guessing the fact that he hasn't disposed me should tell you. I mean it's either you were not the one or you two haven't even had sex"

    She twitches at that. I hit a jackpot, "Aw, he hasn't touched you? Pity, no wonder you run your mouth. Go find someone else to worry" I whisper and walk past her.

     I don't know where the confidence came from but I've never felt better.
   I wanted to confirm something and her reaction told me.

       Further down the hall, I hear people  arguing. Two guys. I slowly walk in on Klien and another guy.

    "Bring them to Castio" Klien warns and turns to find me staring at them.

     He eyes me them walks past me. It's when he is all the way down the hallway that I let out a shaky breath.

   I wanted to run but the moment his eyes pinned me down, I couldn't move.

   "Searra?" Darren calls from from the earpiece and I couldn't have been more happier to hear his voice.

   It's almost like he knows just when to appear.

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