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" you are really gonna leave her to your dad" Matthais asks.

I drop the barbell and clean my face with a towel.
"You seem really interested in my life of late. Are you in love with me" I smile.

He rolls his eyes. "I could do better than you. So she practically said no and so you gave up. Why didn't you drop her in the boot and bring her"

"Remember Matt, we are not animals." I say and pick up dumbbells.

"It is still better than what your dad will do"

"I'll get her to him tonight"

"Do I need to get my tape ready?"

I laugh, "I can handle her"

"That's what you said before you met her yesterday."

His phone rings and he excuses himself.

"Ruby?" I ask when he returns.

"And I'm the one interested in your life?" He sighs, "I won't be available this evening. I have training"

I raised a brow, "Oh, she's mad. What did you do"

"Missed a date"

I smile. If it wasn't for the two of them, I would never believe such a relationship could breed within people like us.

"Get out of here before that anger spreads to me.

When I'm done training, I take a shower and go eat breakfast.

"Come love try this, I made it" Mom says as I sit down.

I pause and look at her, "You cooked" I swallow.

"Yeah the bacon." She smiles.

"So no bacon i guess" Lucas says pushing it away from him.

Dad laughs, "Come on boys your mother worked hard"

Mom nods then rolls her eyes. She looks at me expectingly and I slowly take scrambled eggs and call a maid to come for the plate with the bacon.

"You too", she turns to Caleb

"Don't even think about it" Caleb says without looking up.

"Forget it then, here honey." She serves dad. He looks at the bacon and blinks. It's either die by bacon or die by Mom.

Slowly his hand picks the fork and he takes a bite.

We all stare at him as he chews.

"Martha, I think you need to call a doctor" Lucas says.

Dad thinks of his words carefully as he says, "Not the best it could be but I applaude your effort love"

She weighs his answer and nods, "I'll keep on trying".

"Please don't" I say.

Dad's phone rings.

"I told you Harvey, no phones at the table"

"Sorry," he says as he picks up.

"Caleb, go to the Treft lock and check on on them."

He hangs up the call and looks at me. "I want to meet your girl before seven. Your mother and I are going for dinner this evening"

I nod, and get up. "Better go fetch her"

"Need company" Lucas asks as I walk out and I ignore him.

I call her but she doesn't pick. I have at least 30 minutes to get her or else someone else will.

I drive quickly to her school. When I get to her room I ring the doorbell twice before I hear footsteps.

"Who is it" She calls.

If I respond she won't open and if I don't she won't.

I sigh, "Want to go on a better picnic?"

"What do you want" she asks. She's closer to the door now.

"Does wanting to make you meet my parents make me sound crazy"

"Yes, yes it does"

"What happens if I don't open the door. Will you shoot your way in" she asks. I knew she was still thinking about that night.

"No but other people will"

She's quiet, then gently she unlocks the door and lets me in.

She's in a bathing gown. This is gonna be harder.

"Dress up" I say. She hands me an envelope. "Here for your dad. I don't think I'll be able to make it"

The idea is so unexpected that I can't help but laugh.

I imagine actually handing this to him.
"That's not how it works sweetheart. I warned you and you didn't listen so now suffer a little for it."

I look around the room, the walls don't look soundproof. "Will you scream if I carry you"

She scoffs, "No I'll kiss your feet and go down on you"

I glance over her, "Tempting" I say. "But not today" I cover her mouth with my handkerchief.

She struggles against me hitting a vase over until finally she can't hold it and slowly collapses.

I pick up her phone and carry her to the car making sure no one sees me.

I drop her at the backseat and buckle her up.

When I enter the car, I take a deep breath. She's really gonna kill me when she wakes up.

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