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Akira POV

i was listening to music while I was reading a book but i put down my book and sighed before standing up and heading to take a shower.

i went to the upstairs bathroom but when i tried to use it, it didn't work making me sigh.

i wrapped my towel around myself and quickly went off to the downstairs shower to use it but when i got there i saw Kyo was using it "sorry Kyo! I'll use ti after you!" "don't be embarrassed. join me and I'll help you with your back" he said and i nod walking up to him and put my towel away.

when i walked up to him and we started to show together like when we were little but i had scars that only Kyo know about since he had to help bandage some of them after a fight with my ex that i thankfully don't have to see again.

as we were washing ourselves Suna walked in seeing us showering naked and we all screamed with Kyo grabbing me and jumping out of the window.

we went back inside and we were sneezing with towels around us as i was shivering when Ranmaru asked him if she saw her naked making me hit him in his head "shut up!" i said and then sneezed feeling cold.

it was time for school and we got ready but i was feeling cold as both I and Kyo sneezed.

i turned back to Suna and saw that she was away from us "Suna why don't you come here?" i asked before walking up to her and held her hand making her look at me as i smiled at her "your hands are trembling" "are they? i guess i never noticed" i said as Noi walked up to us "Noi! it's great to see you!" "same here Akira! you look so cute today!" "Thanks," i said smiling as Suna and Noi started to talk with each other.

i walked up to Kyo and held his hand as i grabbed Suna's hand and walked off with the both of them.

we sat in class and i sat next to Kyo. i may be a year younger than him but i got busted up a year as i had the best grades as well as so i can still be with the others.

Suna walked in and i smiled as she walked down the desks and sat next to me as i smiled at her.

it got to lunch and the school newspaper and the photography club tried to take pictures of her "please don't do that without her permission! it's really rude!" i said standing up and getting in front of her "but we need this in the school paper!" "then find something else to put in the paper because if she doesn't want her picture taken then respect that!" i said and they sighed leaving her alone.

i turned to her and i smiled "are you alright Suna?" "Yeah. thanks for helping me out" "no problem! anything for my friend" i said and she stared at me in awe when i saw a camera flash "what did i just say!" "We are going to get this paper done and in order so let us get that picture!" they said and i grabbed Suna's wrist and ran up to the door "thank you can screw off!" i said sticking my tongue out before running off while they were stunted.

i ran off with her and we hid in the storehouse with all of the gym equipment "this si a good place to rest for a bit" i said as i was starting to feel dizzy "are you alright?" "yeah I'm fine," i said until i started to sway back and forth before collapsing.

Sunako POV

i caught Akira when he was collapsing and he was burning up "you have a fever," i said when some girls came in and held me back before trying to cut my bangs until Kyo showed up making the girls back away as he covered me from the girls.

after i had a nose bleed Kyohei got scratched and the girl that held the scissors cut Akira a bit making me mad.

i beat them up and grabbed the scissors and cut my bangs so i don't stand out again.

the others came in with Kyo coughing and Akira was doing the same as Takenaga told me to take them home "how am I going to care for these creatures of light?!" "you are partly the reason for their condition" he said and they gave me them as Kyohei was carrying Akira in his arms as I pushed him out.

i took them home and I forced them into bed but for some reason, Kyohei wouldn't let him go so I put them in bed together.

i didn't want to care for Kyohei but Akira was nice to me so I was going to care for him but his brother woke up and forced me to get him random things and do stuff for him as his brother was still resting until he had coughing hit making me run up to him and help him out as Kyohei did the same but when I sat him up I saw a scar on his shoulder making me wonder where it came from "don't tell the others" Kyohei said as he held Akira after he finished coughing "what? his scar?" "the thing behind the scar," he said and hugged his brother as he was panting "tell me so I can care for him" "he was abused in his last relationship. his boyfriend at the time abused him verbally and physically until I found out and told people what he did. he was arrested then moved away. that is why he hates loud noises or people shouting" he said as Akira started to wake up "b-rother?" "I'm here Ki" "w-ater" he said and I quickly got him water.

when I ran back in I saw that Akira was shivering as Kyo was out of bed helping him "get back in bed!" "no i will care for my brother!" he said then started to cough as I pushed him back to bed "I'm here for that so shut up and rest," i said handing Akira the water which he drank "thank you Suna," he said when he finished it smiling at me looking adorable as he put down the glass and went back to sleep "you know he doesn't give out nickname normally," Kyohei said and I was confused "he only gives them to people he trusts like me and the others but that took the others weeks to gain his trust from when we went through but you, one day here and you gained his trust. you are strange but if keep my brother safe then that is alright with me" he said moving around until he was hugging Akira close to him "and sorry about last night. we didn't see anything cause of the steam" he said and I blushed remembering that night and went off.

Kyohei POV

after Sunako went off I looked at Akira seeing him resting nicely but I saw that he was shivering so I got out of bed and grabbed a blanket wrapping it around him so he couldn't get cold.

the whole time Sunako was gone I took care of my brother making sure that had everything, even with me being sick i put my brother first before anything.

i coughed more as i continued to sweat until we needed to change "stay here Akira. I'll get us some pajamas" i said to him even though he was asleep.

i stood up and stumbled around the room grabbing pajamas for us and walking back to him.

as i was changing his shirt Sunako walked in and covered her face "what are you doing out of bed!?" "take care of my little brother," i said as i finished changing his shirt until he was fully changed then started to do the same to me.

after i changed i struggled to stand up until Sunako got me back in bed and laid down in it as Akira hugged me holding me close like what we did when we were kids so i hugged him back and smiled petting his head as i fell to sleep getting some rest so i can continue to look after my adorable, innocent, pure little brother.

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