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Akira POV

it was early in the morning and the phones were ringing making me groan waking up as Kyohei came into the room "go back to sleep Aki. Ranmaru didn't wake up to answer the call of his kittens" he said causing me to nod as I went back to sleep.

when I woke up again Ranmaru came back with treats making me smile as I picked up a book that he got which was scary making me happy as I read it as I heard Ranma wanting to be a bad boy to not get hitched making me confused but I just continued with my book as they followed him on his date.

as we were outside the restaurant I kept reading my book but with a few extra as I read fast.

after his meeting he tried to act like all of us even me, which I think of myself as an innocent person as everyone agrees, after we were back home the door bell rang causing Yuki to answer it as I went to the door.

when I opened it I saw the girl from Ranma's date "hello. it's nice to meet you. I'm Akira, Ranmaru's friend" "nice to meet you. it's a pleasure to know he has someone to look after him" she said as she held out her as I did the same causing some of my scars to show but I quickly hid them as she looked confused "sorry. i just don't like showing my skin" "it's alright" she said smiling sweetly making me smile back. she's a nice girl so I don't know why he doesn't want to get with her. it might just be his playboy personality kicking in.

i left them to talk as I went back to my room and relaxed for a few days as I was watching horror movies and eating snacks as I hugged my plushie.

the next day Ranmaru left his phone making me confused but I felt back for the girl as she is really sweet but when we met I was able to get her number as she could tell I was nice so I messaged her asking how she was and she said that she was alright as she will be working her to be a mature woman for Ranmaru after a group of women showed up saying something, which told me the others did something, I told her to just be herself as I know that just being herself has him in love with her. it's just his personality.

I made sure that she was feeling better before putting my phone away for dinner but I could tell that she was feeling better.

after a while Auntie sent us on vacation to try out a new island that she wants to make into a resort.

as we were sailing to the island I was reading in the shade wearing a long sleeve shirt and leggings to cover my body as I was reading a book about pirates which is funny because of the legend of the island.

i made sure to feed and hydrate Sinako as Kyo tied her on a pole as we saw a pirate ship docked on there as the captain said that it WAS the resort as the captain to seal off after we got on.

i looked at the ocean and smiled jumping in but as I jumped in my shirt get caught making it rip off as I jumped.

i swam around seeing all of the different fish as I made sure that I put on sunscreen before we got to the island.

i saw Sina and Kyo fighting like always but it was funny as I smiled at them as I looked around the fish and coral before going back to shore.

i looked around the beach seeing if I can find something that looked cool but I heard the others scream making me cover my ears as we saw Sinako run off making me run after her as the others followed causing her to trap me and Kyo before she ran off causing us to chase her when she ran off saying that she was the captain "Sino!! come back Sino!!!" I shouted following her as close as possible as Kyo chased after me.

we got up to a cave and found Sinako making me confused as she was still possessed before she attacked up knocking us out.

Kyohei POV

Kyohei's Little BrotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon