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Akira POV

we were invited to an old castle and I was excited to be here with Sunako in her own land of fun making me smile seeing that she was having fun "the only question I have is how her picture got into this magazine" "don't forget Akira's" "what?! where?!" Kyo seeing looking through the magazine and I did the same over his shoulder until I found it showing me when I went to check on Kyo "are you Sunako and Akira?" a dude asked and we nod walking with them.

they tried to change our clothes but I struggled with not wanting them to see my scars "just let me change your clothes!" "no! I'm not letting you do that!!" I said struggle until I heard a rip on my sleeve making me grab the fabric and cover my scars before she could see them "I'll change by myself!" "but-" "no i will change myself," i said pushing them out and blocking the door making me sigh "I'm going to need Kyo's jacket," i said as I got undressed.

i looked at what clothes there were and I saw an old victorian looking dress so I picked it up and put it on with the matching jewelry and shoes "I'm changed" i said as I put on long gloved the covered the rest of my arms.

they walked in and I turned to them which they blushed "are we sure this is a boy and not a girl?" they asked and I sighed "I'm sorry for pushing you out before but I don't like people looking at my body" "it's perfectly alright

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they walked in and I turned to them which they blushed "are we sure this is a boy and not a girl?" they asked and I sighed "I'm sorry for pushing you out before but I don't like people looking at my body" "it's perfectly alright. let me do your makeup and we can get the photoshoot done" they said and I nod as they started the makeup.

when they were done i walked out and they stared at me as i walked up to where Sunako was and saw she was in her tiny form "Sunako you look adorable" i said walking up to her as she looked at me "you look nice" "thank you Sunako" i said and we started to walk off when they started to take photos "please don't do that! she doesn't like her photo to be taken!" i said but they ignored me until she screamed making me cover my ears and start to tear up.

she grabbed my wrist and started to run off with the crew going after us as we were running.

we kept running until Kyo picked us up with me sitting in my arm while holding Sunako by the back of her dress, the photographer wanted to use Kyo for his photos but he placed us down after tying up Sunako and went off.

i wanted to stay out of the pictures but he was pushy making me stay away from him and want to find Kyohei but he hid.

when he tried to force me onto set i tried to stop him "hey stop that!" "Yeah can't you see you're hurting him!!" the others said as i was shaking.

he let me go and i ran up to the others and hugged them shaking as they were hugging me back.

i stayed away from him as i listened to my music calming down with Sunako next to me "do you want to have a walk around?" "i would love that Suna," i said standing up and walking off to look around the castle.

as i was walking around i was heading up the stairs to try and find Kyohei but he was hiding well.

when i tried to find him i saw the photographer wanting to talk with Yuki and i saw that they walked off "hey are you feel Suna?" "I'm feeling alright," she said and the others found us and we started to walk off.

Yuki walked up to and told Suna that this place wasn't haunted and wanted to go home but when the photographer said that he was trash-talking Sunako i was ticked "listen here. you brought her here because you saw her picture, you not even once talked to her and you have the mind to talk to her like that? i have the right mind to ask auntie to run your name in the mud for this but I'm a nice person so you should screw off if we are going to stay here for one more second" i said and turned around to walk off but he grabbed my arm "you listen here! you are the only one that i thought would be great for this photoshoot but you have been acting like a spoiled brat! so will you shut up and let me take your damn picture!!" he shouted and pulled on my arm as i struggle "let go of him!" "not until i get his damn picture!!" he shouted until the sleeve ripped off from the struggle and he pulled it off with the glove showing all of the scars on my arm.

everyone froze as i stared at my arm and i started to have flashbacks again as my eyes teared up "Akira-" they said before i ran out of the room.

i ran off to the second floor then fell to my knees and screamed holding my head.

i hate these scars. i hate these scars! why couldn't i have been born normally so i wouldn't have had a boyfriend that only liked my looks and abused me for so long.

i kept screaming until my voice box broke and i was crying. i heard running and i saw Kyohei running up to me after i screamed and i saw that he was bleeding.

i ran up to him and hugged him close as i was crying while the others run up to us checking on Kyohei as he passed out in my arms.

Sunako picked him up while Takenaga picked me up in his arms and we ran out of there.

when we got back home i was hugging Kyo while he was petting my head as i was listening to music and we got the money for the job as well as an invite "i don't want to go. he was mean to Sunako and he" "i know baby bro but we should go. we could get free food" he said and i sighed "alright but I'm bringing pepper spray in case he tries anything again" "fair enough" he said and we started to get ready.

we went to his exhibit and there was alright people until people walked up to us and said that we all looked cool making me confused.

we found the picture that they were talking about and it showed all 6 of us in it with me in Takenaga's arms and Kyohei in Sunako's but i see that hide my scars making me sigh in relief "thankfully he covered up my arm" "what why?" someone said and i jumped turning around and saw auntie will all of the money that we got "n-nothing auntie" i said waving my handing making her forget about it.

we turned around and saw the photographer walking up to us as I hide behind the others then walked up to Sunako seeing that she was looking at a graveyard photo that she liked and I smiled at her happy that she was alright after everything at the house.

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