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Akira POV

i was sitting in my room tired as I got a cold same with Sunako.

I'm hoping that the guys are alright but I know that they would be making a mess.

i heard a knock on the door and Kyohei walked in "how are you feeling?" "I'm fine. I'm a bit better than before. how is everyone?" "Sunako came into the living room and asked if it was October and we said no, she walked out of the room crying," he said and I sighed "I see. i guess she was excited for-" i said before coughing making Kyohei get me some water.

as I was drinking it Kyohei sighed "I'll leave you to rest. I and the others have cleaning to do" he said and I nod letting him had out.

i laid back in bed and relaxed going back to sleep for a few more hours until I heard shouting making me confused so I walked out of my room and saw that I couldn't open my door making me confused so I went back to bed and rested more.

the next day the others went to school while I stayed at home still stuck with my cold but I thought I would be nice to them and clean up the house.

when I finally got out of my room I saw that the house was a mess, making me sigh.

i got changed to deal with everything and got to work.

i was doing all of the laundry and I saw my vision blurring but I fought against it and got it going before heading to do the dishes.

when I was doing them I was panting while shivering "damn this cold. i want to help the others not be sick in bed" i said as I was cleaning but I was getting dizzy so I put down what I was doing and went off to the couch "I'll take a break then I can continue to help out" i said then fell to sleep.

i have no idea how long I was asleep for but when I woke up I saw the others around me "your fever has gotten worse. you should be in bed resting" "I know but I wanted to help" "you can help when you are all better" Kyo said and picked me up taking me to my room "but" "no buts. you are going to rest and that is that" he said and I sighed leaning into him.

he took me to my room and put me back to bed after changing me back to my pajamas and made sure that i stayed there.

i sighed and went to sleep. i was asleep for a few more hours until i woke up seeing Noi standing there with something in her hands "hey Akira. are you feel well enough to join our party?" she asked and i smiled "is it for Sunako?" "of course and for you as well since i heard you love Halloween" she said and i smiled "yes. I'm feeling a lot better so let's get this party started!" i said and she smiled.

she gave me a costume and i put it on seeing that it was a suit with a tail, horns, and pitchfork making me smile as i put it on.

i walked into the living room and saw the others "you all look great!" "same to you Akira" "why you should be in bed resting. you still sick" Ranmaru said while checking my forehead "I'm feeling better so don't worry," i said and they nod letting me relax with them.

Sunako showed up and we started our party making me happy that we were able to have this party as i was sad that we didn't celebrate it before but now i am happy that we were all able to do it together.

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