Chapter 20 - Home from Sturgis

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When they hit the city limits of Louisville, Prez felt a sense of relief that they would be home soon. Everyone was tired but anxious to get home but they all needed gas so they pulled off and filled every lane as they all filled up. Even Butcher said the RV needed gas. Amanda came out to talk to Prez about riding the rest of the way with him but he told her,

"Babe, if the sun wasn't going down, I would love to have you behind me on my bike but I'd feel better if you are safe in the RV. If we run into any Satan's Riders I don't want you in an open line of fire or in any danger if they make me lay my bike down. I have my leather jacket. You only have this jean jacket. That's not going to be enough to protect you and if I have to lay down my bike, the road would shred your skin. We should be home in less than 2 hours."

"Oh, I don't want to even think about you being hurt either. Please be careful, John. I love you!" Amanda said and gave him a kiss before she hurried back to the RV. As soon as she was back inside, Prez called the clubhouse and Joe Jensen answered the phone.

"Hello?" Joe answered.

"Who is this?" Prez asked, concerned.

"Joe Jensen. Is this Prez?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, where are the prospects?" Prez asked.

"Working far too hard, trying to get ready for your return. I just happened to be standing here next to the phone when it rang. Do you need to speak to one of them?" Joe asked.

"No, not really. I just wanted to let them know that we are less than two hours out now. We're in Louisville filling up on gas." Prez said.

"Great. Dinner is all ready for you. The wives made chili for dinner." Joe informed Prez.

"Good deal. Sounds good. I'm sure that will make Butcher and Margie very happy since they won't have to cook for us tonight. Tell Jess and the boys to make sure there is plenty of ice cold beer waiting for us too. We're all pretty beat and I for one am really looking forward to a nice cold beer when I get home." Prez said.

"They've already taken care of it. Those boys are amazing. They have worked so hard taking care of things and us while you were gone." Joe said. "Oh, in fact, here's Jess. Would you like to speak to him?"

"Sure." Prez said with a slight smile on his face. Apparently the prospects had made a good impression on the families.

"Hello?" Jess answered the phone.

"Jess. We should be home in under two hours. We're in Louisville filling up gas right now. Sounds like you guys have made a good impression on the families. Joe was just singing your praises." Prez teased.

"Just been taking care of business, Prez." Jess said, but a slight pink tinted his cheeks.

"Well, it's good to know that I can count on you three to take care of things when we can't be there. Good job!" Prez said seriously.

"Thanks, Prez. The women have dinner all ready so you can eat as soon as you get in and there's cold beer in the bar." Jess told him.

"Good deal. See you guys in a couple of hours." Prez said before he hung up.

Everyone was finally finished filling up about 10 minutes later and they quickly mounted up and headed home. Thankfully, the rest of their ride was uneventful and quick. An hour and a half later, they entered the city limits of Winchester and 10 minutes later, they turned onto the road leading to the compound.

The outside lights were on when they pulled up and a quick look around the yard told Prez that everything was as it was supposed to be and the extra weight he had been carrying the whole way home finally fell off his shoulders.

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