Drunk🍷 - YBC Kids Couples

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Junichiro x Artika:
Junichiro: Artika, I'm back! Eh?

Junichiro noticed Artika laying on the floor

Junichiro: ARTIKA!

Artika: *Groan* So noisy...💢

Artika was still sleepy after hearing Junichiro shouting

Junichiro: Are you drunk?!

Artika: *hic* Tf- *hic* No!

Junichiro: You're such a bad liar...

Junichiro picked up Artika...

Artika: Where are we going?!

Junichiro: To our room?

Hideki x Zero:
Hideki: Zero for fuck sake! Drop the weapon! You're out of control!

Zero: Make me- *hic* angry bird bitch!

Hideki: Fuck this...

Hideki pushed Zero up against the wall to release Zero's weapon from his hand-

Zero: Okay, okay! *hic* You win! *hic* Bastard!

Issac x Kae:
Issac: Kae... If you keep on drinking more than you'll end up vomiting again💢

Kae: One more shot! *hic*

Issac: No! God dammit! Why can't you listen?!

Issac took the glass of wine out of Kae's hand & threw it out the window

Kae: *hic* So *hic* mean!😭

Issac: Jesus... If I hear another complaint then I'll... Fuck! Forget it!

Daisuke/Kai/Kaito/Kaiju x Katsuro:
Kai: So how did this happened?

Daisuke: None of us sure, but I believe that he was invited for a drink with his siblings...

Kaito: That could possibly be true tho...

Kaiju: Katsuro's head is burning up & he's been making some sounds that sound like he's in heat-

Katsuro: *hic* So many lights... *hic*

Daisuke, Kai, Kaito & Kaiju decided to handling Katsuro's heat bc they noticed that Katsuro was making faces-

Takahiro x Rikora:
It was around midnight when Takahiro came home from work, he noticed a empty glass on the floor

Takahiro: Who the hell is drinking-

Takahiro noticing a head popping out on the couch

Takahiro: Rikora?!

Rikora: Stupid... *hic* Taka- *hic*

Takahiro: (How tf did he got his hands on the wine?!)

Rikora: Head *hic* Fucking hurts... *hic*

Takahiro: (Seem like a headache, should probably bathe him first then give him some medicine...)

Before Takahiro could carry Rikora, Rikora pulled him on top of him, refusing to let go.

Rikora: Warm... *hic*

Takahiro: 😅

Scenes With The Yarichin B Club & My Yarichin Ships Kids Book 2Where stories live. Discover now