Why The AkeShikaTome's Sons Hate Akemi

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Akemi: Why do our sons keep hating on me?!😭

Shikatani: Bc you didn't accept their decision & they hate being mistreated by some of their sisters bc you favored them!

Itome: Also some of them, you didn't accept their relationship with the opposite gender!

Akemi: But girls are useless!

Itome: They are not! Also you just let our daughters go out & put them in danger! You literally say that you wished you never have them!

Shikatani: Also they never even like you since the day they were born whenever I have to go to work, I come back with a cranky little boy!

Akemi: Well that's the maid fault!

Itome: Literally Fuyuhiko threw a tantrum when you were holding him in the hospital.

Shikatani: I have to tell you to get out bc you're making it more difficult for me to calm Fuyuhiko down

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