If JayJin Went To The Past... - Pt.2

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After Fujisaki & Toono got Jay out of there, he thanked them for saving him. As Jay remembered that he had his claymore with him so perhaps he could defend himself for a while.
Anyways all 3 of them have a small conversation before heading off back to their dorms, Jay receives his keys for his dorm.

JayJin: (I really hope everyone is doing alright, I feel kinda lonely...)

Jay took his phone out, looking through photos of himself with his biological, half & adoptive siblings & with his in-laws as well, he kept a photo of the baby photos & the funniest things on his laptop. He then saw the couple photos of him with Darius, Kuragari, Katsutoshi made him smiled but stopped when realizing that he doesn't know when he gets back home.
During The Future Timeline:
Darius: Any info?

Aiden: No... None of us able to find where he is.

Cole: Jay could be anywhere in the past or the future but the footage shows that the past portal opened & it dragged Jay away...

Darius: (Please be okay, Jay...)
The next few days he started to become more popular, making it to Yacchan's level. He been getting straight A's & on top of the board.
Anyways it was during the time where the result of the final exams board came up.

Student #1: What do you think who got topped on the board this semester?

Student #2: Probably ###, Yuri & ###

When the final results were out all of them went through meanwhile Yacchan & Toono are having the same issue about Toono's grades.

Everyone: WHAT?!

All the students there saw that Jay was topped on the board, even above the smartest 2nd & 3rd year smartest students.

JayJin: 무슨 일이야?

Everyone looked at the guy, some were jealous, some were amazed. Suddenly someone bumped into him, it was Yuri.

JayJin: 여기요!

Yuri: Nani?-

Before Yuri could apologize Jay, Jay told him to get away from him in Korean.

JayJin: 나한테서 당장 꺼져라 이 괴물아! 나한테서 당장 꺼져!

All of the students were shocked although they couldn't understand him. Luckily Fujisaki was in the crowd & took him away from Yuri.
Fujisaki: Hey, is everything okay?! Why are you calling him a monster?

JayJin: How do you know on what I'm saying, I thought you never knew what I say...

Fujisaki: Because I'm half Korean...

Jay realized that he was talking to his mother from the past.

JayJin: You're my mom!

Fujisaki: Wait what?! How?!

JayJin: (Mom lost his memory of the last time that a few us entered the past life...) Listen, I'm from the future, here's proof...

Jay gave Fujisaki his laptop, Fujisaki looked through it & saw all the photos of himself holding multiple babies along with either Yuri or Tamura & others.

Fujisaki: I- I have lost words... So who's your dad?!

JayJin: It's Yui Tamura...

Tamura: What?!

Tamura was at the rooftop & heard of the conversation.

JayJin: ...

Tamura: I have so many questions-

JayJin: 왜 당신이 일으킨 전쟁에 우리를 보내셨나요...?

Fujisaki: What are you saying, Jay?

JayJin: Yui Tamura & Ayato Yuri were the reason why my biological, half & adoptive siblings & I were at the war they caused!
They neglected my baby brother during his trauma & when he needed them the most! Katsuro, his older twin, saw him killed himself in front of him! He committed so many crimes bc of them! My dear little brother, Rikora was such a sweetheart but you took that away from him.

Jay attacked Tamura but beating him up violently, Fujisaki stopped him before he could do anything else to his dad.

Tamura: Jay... I-

JayJin: Don't talk, I fucking hate you! I started to hate you when Rikora ran away!

Jay ran away in tears, Fujisaki tried to go after him but Jay ran so fast that Fujisaki couldn't catch up to him. Fujisaki took Tamura to the infirmary to fix his broken nose & the bruises.
The next few days, JayJin would beat up Tamura multiple times & started attacking Yuri as well, leaving them with serious injuries.

JayJin: Stay down!

Jay saw the blood of Yuri on his hand...

JayJin: Look what you did, I'm becoming the child you failed to protect...

Yuri: Listen...

JayJin: Don't touch me, you disgusting monster!

Jay started to beat up Yuri again, he became like Akiyoshi where he attacked them like that.


Jay is the type of the guy who never gets angry but that is where he finally snapped at someone who put him & his siblings in a dangerous situation.

JayJin: Y'know how much I want you dead... But I can't bc none of us wouldn't exist.
After Rikora ran away, our mom, Toru Fujisaki was in the hospital because he couldn't handle the loss of his child after a week of his disappearance... Seeing the younger ones scared & crying made most of us hurt you...

Yuri: (Fujisaki was in the hospital because of me & Tamura...?!)

JayJin: Rikora would've been a different person if you haven't neglected him... In the future all of us cut contact with you & my dad.
So remember this, no matter who you & Yui Tamura are to me, I'll always see you as a monster...

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