If The Death Of The Dynamites's Members Went To The Past - Pt.3/3

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Leo approach them, handling the situation faster since Rikora left

Leo: That should do it. I suggest that Mr. Ayato should stay in his dorm for about 3 days

Yuri: I can't do that! Fujisaki is in danger!

Leo: Listen, focus on your health, there two people who are willing to help you guys, tbh I gotta say it. Itome... Akemi has been using you to get over your brother-

Itome: What?!

*Leo Gave Itome Akemi's wallet showing a photo of him & Minami*

Leo: Akemi is nothing but a heartless person & doesn't care about anyone or their feelings...

Shikatani: Tbh I've been thinking about it as well bc he always harassed others if he doesn't get what he wants.

Toono: We need to disband the club when we confront Akemi about this...
Anyways who are these people who will help us to stop him?

Leo: Well one is one of his twin brothers while the other one is yours, Kashima & Yaguchi-

Kashima: We had a child?!

Toono: I'm losing it right now...

Tamura: What they're going to do to stop my son...?

Leo: Katsuro & Takahiro are stronger than Rikora so if they dragged him down then it our time to destroy his badge & release all the souls he took but everyone need to leave the building bc there's a chance that a large amount of students will die if the school collapsed
Katsuro & Takahiro should be here a few minutes early before Rikora could start stealing more souls around the building.
With Rikora walking down the hallway, looking for Fujisaki, he managed to find him in one of the empty classroom.
*Rikora took at a syringe*
Rikora: (Forgive me)

Rikora stabbed the syringe onto Fujisaki's neck, Fujisaki passed out before he could react. Rikora pick up Fujisaki & dragged him to the rooftop he waited until the cafe was during their busyness time of the day today.
Aiden: They should be here by now, they know what's happening & will get the job done faster. You can talk to them until the war ends.

Katsuro: Aiden!

Aiden: That should be them, we'll get everyone out of here in no time!

Takahiro: We heard the issue & also we have a feeling that it Yuri's fault bc it'll always be his fault.💢

Before Takahiro could speak more, a piece of the school fell almost crushing them.

Yacchan: Damn! That thing almost kill me!

Katsuro: I think this will help a few of the students to run outside.

Takahiro: Katsuro, wait here, I could see Rikora's figure & he's holding...

Before Takahiro said anything he saw Rikora holding Fujisaki by the neck...

Takahiro: Stay, I'm going up! Call the others!

Takahiro ran upstairs to the stair's, a lot of student were running for their lives after they saw huge cracks. Luckily Takahiro came to the rooftop in time to stop Rikora follow by Zero & Ankoku
Rikora: How the fuck did you find me?!

Takahiro: Rikora, dropped you sword, we could talk about this!

Rikora: I have heard it enough of Katsuro's & even your sweet talk! You think I'm not done! You don't know anything about me & you'll never will!

Takahiro: But I want to understand more about you! So does your siblings & your adoptive ones!
Rikora: ...Then if I drop my mom then I'll never been born & never suffer...

Rikora took his sword out & stabbed Fujisaki in his stomach, Fujisaki felt the pain but also weak so he couldn't fight back. He threw Fujisaki off the rooftop. Takahiro, Ankoku & Zero held Rikora down & removed his badge off of him, they crushed the gemstone & that's where the building collapsed. Katsuro caught Fujisaki in time before he could hit the ground.
Takahiro, Ankoku & Zero came out with Rikora's body cover in bruise. Apparently he used himself as a shield to protect the others as soon as the building collapsed.

Aurora: Rikora...

Katsuro & everyone froze & looked at Aurora, seeing tears falling down. Katsuro gave Cotton, Fujisaki to fix him up, Katsuro tried comforting Aurora but that cause him to fell more emotional. The portal open telling them it was time to go, All 11 of them expect Rikora bc he passed out knew that going back home will reset everything.
On the way back, Katsuro & the other 10 took Rikora to the hospital & apparently he went into a deep coma due to that incident...

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