Final chapter: infinite Revenge

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We return with infinite flying towards Toshi house. After a few minutes he would arrive to his house.

Infinite: your time as come...

He would then teleport inside and surprise Toshi and Inko.

Toshi: Son- Gah!

Infinite would have kicked Toshi through a wall he would then walk towards Toshi.

Infinite: get up... your time has come...

Inko: Son! Stop- Ahhh!

Infinite would his gravity shift and slammed her to the ground. He would the see Toshi go in his buff form and throw a punch but infinite would dodge and gut check him.

 He would the see Toshi go in his buff form and throw a punch but infinite would dodge and gut check him

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Infinite: is this all you got... that's disappointing...

Infinite would then kick all might through the roof and then teleport to kick him sending him flying to the city.

All might would land causing a crater to form. Infinite would then teleport to where all might landed.

All might: why...

Infinite: why what...?

All might: why are you doing this?!

Infinite: you think I wouldn't have my revenge...

All might: revenge?!

Infinite: you abandon me! Let me to die! You did nothing to save me!

All might: I-

Infinite: don't even try to lie through your teeth! Nezu told me how you did nothing to search for me! While they searched day and night to find me! You were more interested in that bastard of a daughter! Now it's time for you to pay!

Infinite: don't even try to lie through your teeth! Nezu told me how you did nothing to search for me! While they searched day and night to find me! You were more interested in that bastard of a daughter! Now it's time for you to pay!

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Infinite would unleash a huge amount of power.

Infinite: but before I break you... let me just* snaps his finger*

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