Chapter 11

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Ba Reum held on to Hyuk once again when they went down the stairs, trying to get used to the diaper around his bum. It felt thick and cushy, and it made noise with Hyuk's arm pressed under it.

It embarrassed Ba Reum a little, knowing that it was proof of the fact that he couldn't be trusted to go toilet in time when his bladder was full, and he couldn't blame Hyuk at all for mentioning it to Ba Reum.

He had been very kind about it, even making him feel as if it wouldn't be a bother to put the diaper on Ba Reum. It was probably less a bother to put him in a diaper once then if Ba Reum kept on making puddles.

Hyuk put him in a chair, and Ba Reum shifted his weight a bit while the man unpacked all the food, which had probably gone cold by now. Vaguely, Ba Reum did feel guilty about that fact, but right now he was more focused on the alien feeling.

Glancing at the big man, Ba Reum was quite sure he was occupied with unpacking, which gave Ba Reum the change to slip his hands on his crotch and slightly between his legs, pressing down on the fabric, and trying to process the feeling.

He didn't notice Hyuk looking at him with amusement when he finished up, but he did look up when the big man patted his head.

"I'm going to put these away, and then lunch," Hyuk said, holding all the paper bags and cardboard boxes.

"Okay," Ba Reum said, looking at the big man go, opening a cupboard and flattening them to put it in another box. He was very nice, and gentle. His hug from before had been very nice as well. He had given it when Ba Reum had been close by.

Perhaps, if Ba Reum went to stand closer, Hyuk would hug him again!

Getting off the chair, Ba Reum shuffled to Hyuk, one sock starting to fall down from his calve to his ankle.

Hyuk was just closing the cupboard when he felt a tug on the back of his shirt. Turning around, he saw Ba Reum, staring at the ground.

"Hi," Ba Reum said shyly, glancing up at Hyuk once, before casting his gaze downwards again.

"Hi," Hyuk said, wondering if the little wanted something. He saw Ba Reum make a weird movement with his hands, but then the little completely flushed, and suddenly he took the edge of his shirt, and pulled it up, so his head was hidden, revealing the diaper and the uneven tabs.

"Sorry," the little supplied.

"It's okay," Hyuk said, tugging the shirt down, and wondering what it all been about, "let's go back to the table,"

Ba Reum nodded, relieved that nothing bad had come from it. Honestly, what was he thinking, being so needy and pushy. He was really lucky that Hyuk was a patient guy. Sitting back down at the table, he saw the food displayed, and his stomach growled in hunger and want.

And there were even toys on the table! Three coloured racing cars, a green, a yellow and a red one. His fingers twitched, but Ba Reum kept back, hoping that Hyuk would soon finish eating, because it was torture to see it and not able to eat it.

"Here you go," Hyuk said, putting a box with a burger in front of Ba Reum, making the little look at him confused.

The man took another box for himself, and took the burger out of it, frowning when Ba Reum didn't reach out. Then he put his burger down, and opened the box for Ba Reum, thinking that there the problem was, but still the little didn't eat it.

"Do you want me to cut into pieces?" Hyuk asked, already getting up to get a knife. Ba Reum stared at the man, who cut the burger in four pieces.

"Uk eat?" Ba Reum asked, feeling confused about what the man was doing.

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