Chapter 21

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Ba Reum was feeling happy when he softly splashed water at Hyuk in the warm bathroom. Taking a warm bath was something he didn't indulge in often, seeing that it would cost a whole lot more than just a short shower.

And even though he had been afraid at first to splash at Hyuk, the smile on the caregiver's face was reassuring.

"Why don't we get washed now," Hyuk said, gently grasping Ba Reum's hands in his larger once, stilling the little, who smiled at him.

"Okay," Ba Reum said, settling in the bath and looking at Hyuk who patted his head before taking some shampoo.

"Why don't you lean back a little," the big man said, and Ba Reum followed his instructions, enjoying the feeling of someone taking care of him and he could feel all the earlier stress go out his body while he let himself lean against the caregiver.

Hyuk looked in amusement at the little leaning against him, the shampoo in Ba Reum's leaving suds all over him, but Hyuk didn't push him away. He did lift him on his lap, so he could raise his legs and get Ba Reum above water. A washcloth quickly ran over the body, being extra careful when he came to the genitals.

The skin there was awfully red and looked almost inflamed, just like the folds of his groin and Ba Reum let out a little sound of discomfort when Hyuk carefully ran the washing cloth over it.

"It's okay sweetie, we just need to keep it clean," Hyuk muttered, "could you stand up now? Then I can do you backside."

"Okay," Ba Reum softly said, loving the gentle way Hyuk took care of him. It felt so warm and comforting, and if he closed his eyes a memory of his mother washing his brother came up, her soft voice talking to him and sounding encouraging while Ba Reum hadn't been allowed nearby.

Was this how a mommy should be?

"That's a good boy. Now a quick rinse, and I got some nice clothes for you," Hyuk said, standing up next to Ba Reum himself. Shyly, the little looked at him. He shuffled closer to the big man, and smiled when he felt the arms coming around him. It wasn't quite a hug, but it felt good, nonetheless.

Hyuk frowned at the little, stilling him. It was dangerous to move like that in the tub, but he didn't want to give a negative remark right now, scared to break the mood and to have the little sad. Instead, he just kept on holding Ba Reum's upper arm with one hand when he reached out for the shower head and rinsed them both.

Lifting the little from the tub, Hyuk put him in his bathrobe, which looked a little oversized for Ba Reum.

"Soft," Ba Reum said burying his face in it neck of the item, "thank you m..."

Ba Reum stilled, the word on the tip of his tongue suddenly swallowed. Mommy. He had wanted to call the big man mommy. Looking wide-eyed at Hyuk, Ba Reum felt his body grow tense, wondering if the big man had noticed.

"I something wrong, sweetie?" Hyuk asked, having noticed the stiffening of the little, who had seemed happy enough during bathtime.

"Uhm, Uk no bathrobe?" Ba Reum asked, looking at the naked man besides him. Saying the words made him realise that he had probably taken the man's robe, and he immediately tried to shrug it off, but Hyuk took hold of the sides and pressed it close, before tying the rope.

"That's fine. I'll quickly dry with a towel, and then we can get dressed," Hyuk said, grabbing a towel and drying himself before taking one for Ba Reum's hair.

"Hyuk dress first," Ba Reum said when they were walking towards the nursery, and the big man nodded, not wanting to make Ba Reum feel uncomfortable by insisting the little should be dressed first. He knew Ba Reum was nice and warm in his bathrobe, and seeing that he just had an accident, it was unlikely he would wet again immediately.

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