Chapter 5

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Forty-five minutes after leaving my house we pulled into Fontainebleau State Park. I was completely mystified as to what we were doing here but Nina was super excited. We haven't been to Fontainebleau since we were little, and then it hit me like a freight train. She was taking us to the hidden cave near the back of the park. We used to love playing there as kids. Something about the feel of how the ground felt beneath our feet, the way the air circled inside the cave, the sound of the lake hitting the shore outside the cave. This was the place our obsession with the occult and crystals started. 

We all found a crystal on our last day there. We were 10, our families had gathered for our yearly outing and had sat us all down to tell us that this would be our last trip as they were all just getting too busy to get together like this. Us girls got so upset we took off for our cave to sit, cry and worry that we would never see each other again. Overactive imaginations we had, like we didn't go to the same school. I giggle at the memory. Anyway, we got to the cave and we sat there in our little circle as we always did and held hands and closed our eyes for a moment and when we opened them, we looked down and found these amazing crystals. Like they were meant for us to find. Destiny is what I told the girls. 

I found a gorgeous Fire Topaz, Nina found this amazing piece of Sodalite, Gabi found this stunning Tiger's eye and Addi found an absolutely beautiful piece of clear quartz. We all ran out to show our parents and they had them made into these gorgeous necklaces we all wear around our necks. We always said as long as we have these necklaces on no one can ever tear us apart, or hurt us. And no one ever has. I sat in the car thinking about the memory of that day twirling my necklace. I looked up and looked around the car and all of us girls were twirling our necklaces. I must not be the only one remembering that amazing day!

"Well, tonight is going to be amazing Nina! I would have never thought to come here. It's been so long. Now I am really excited!" I said. All the girls nodded in agreement and started to squeal as we rounded the corner to the campsite that is in front of the long forgotten hidden cave entrance. But as soon as the car turned the corner to pull into the campsite, Gabi slammed on her brakes. "What the hell was that?" she shrieked. "Did any of you see that?" She sounded super freaked out. I jumped out, ran to the front of the car and looked around. I didn't see anything. Maybe she thought she saw something, and it was a tree branch or an animal.

 I motioned for her to pull up, park the car and get out. "Well, whatever it was is gone now." I said. We started to unpack the back of the Tahoe, when I noticed a blue shimmer from under the front driver's seat. I reached down and it was the book I picked up today from Rue's shop. I was so confused because I know I didn't put it there. So I asked the girls, "Um, guys? Did any of you put this into the car?" They turned around, looked and all shook their heads no. Addi & Gabi asked what it was. And Nina said, "I thought you put that in your room, when you got home Raven." I did exactly that. How did it wind up in the car? "I must have put in here and forgotten about it." I stammered. I shoved the book into my pack and tried to forget about it. Tonight is about having fun, not being weird. We finish unpacking the back of the car and Nina has gotten a fire going in the campsite pit. 

It is an absolutely beautiful spring night out, no clouds anywhere, stars as far as the eye could see. Warm, but not ungodly hot and a nice breeze blowing off the lake. I loved nights like these, they were so peaceful and relaxing. I was laying back on one of the blankets that we had brought with us from home and staring up at the stars trying to remember a night so perfect, but failing to do so. The laughter of my friends cause me to stir from my thoughts and I sit up curious as to what the game plan was for tonight. "So, what's the plan Nina?" I asked. 

"Well, I was thinking we could do a grounding ceremony?!" Nina exclaimed with a hint of doubt in her voice. "OOOH! It's been ages since we grounded ourselves! This should be so much fun!" Gabi screeched. Addi and I looked at each other with worry and a bit of fear. I remember what happened last time we tried this, had Nina forgotten. "Um, I don't know about this guys...." Addi  stammered. "I agree! Do you guys not remember what happened last time we tried this ceremony?" I objected. I pulled my knees to my chest and started rocking back on the log I had found to sit on. "That had to be just a coincidence, it's not like we intended for anything bad to happen. Besides we are older now, not some ten year old messing around with things we don't understand. I have the correct things this time and the proper chant." Nina said while shaking her head. I just couldn't shake the feeling that this was not going to end well. 

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