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Third person's pov

Phayu grabbed yoon's collar and hit him hard on his face. Yoon's grip loosen on rain and rain fell down on the ground, rain curled up his body, panting heavily, tears escaping his eyes, he can feel phayu's presence and his scent and with half hooded eyes he try to look at phayu.

Phayu again punch yoon on his stomach.
"How dare you touch him" i told you to stay away from him. Phayu was senselessly hitting yoon he was so enraged ready to kill yoon.

Rain was looking at phayu with his half close eyes and gasping for air, he somehow try to say phayu's name but only manage to whisper.

"Phi..." Rain whisper.

When phayu heard rain's voice he came into his senses and leave yoon. His face become pale looking at rain. Phayu went on his knees. He embrace rain in his arms and make him sit on his lap.

"Taking the advantage of situation yoon ran off from there".

"Rain relax, listen to phi na, his hands rubbing on rains back. Rain was all curled up in phayu's lap, shivering and pain clearly visible on his face".

Phayu took out his phone and make a call.

"I am sending you the location come fast here, said phayu to his one of his driver. Phayu dont want to drive the car when rain was in this condition".

"Rain follow my breath" phayu said. He gently tap on rain's face.

Phayu hugged rain tightly and was moving back and forth, rubbing his back and releasing his pheromones. Rain was still having breathing problem.

A tear escape from phayu's eye looking at rain, he was blaming himself for not being alert and giving attention after what happen at the cafe.

"What if i was late!!!, what will happen to my baby?" phayu was thinking that but he shrugged his thoughts he dont even want to imagine what will happen to rain if he did not reach on time.

Phayu caress rains hair and his face with his thumb releasing his calming pheromones.

'Ahh' rain groaned.

"Shhh baby its fine" " i am here" phi is here. Phayu was hugging rain as if his life depends on him.

Rain clenched phayu's shirt tightly not wanting to leave it. He was aware that its phayu, after sky phayu was the one with whom rain was feeling safe. Phayu's pheromones calms rain down and his breathing stable a bit. He was to tired to think anything and dozes off.

Phayu looked at rain and saw that rain is asleep. Till then the driver has also arrived. He quickly open the car for phayu. Phayu picked up rain and sit on the back seat with rain still on his lap. He make rain comfortable on his lap. Rain snuggle his face into phayu's neck seeking for comfort, still clinching phayu's shirt in his tiny fist.

"Drive slowly" phayu said to the driver not wanting rain to wake up. Phayu kissed rains forehead.

After some time car stopped in front of phayu's house. He did not go to his main house,its his own house where he comes when he want to be alone. He picked up rain and carry him inside the house few bodyguards were there, they bow to phayu. He went inside climbing up the staircase to his bedroom. Rain was still sleeping.

Phayu placed rain on bed gently and tuck him. Phayu looked at rains face, a cut on side of his lips dried blood, few red marks on rain's face and on his neck. Tears stain on his cheeks . Phayu caress rains face with outmost care, his heart ache looking at his baby in this condition.

Phayu then take out medicine kit and get a bowl of warm water and towel. He cleaned rains face gently with care. Apply medicine on rains bruise, rain groaned a little in pain. After that Phayu try to get up from the bed to keep the stuff away but he see rain is awake with his half open eyes holding hem of payu's shirt.

"Don't leave me phi" rain said almost crying.

"" Phi is not going anywhere, he caress rain hairs removing a strain of hair from his face, "sleep baby" phi will be back in a minute.

"Phayu kiss rain's forehead, and wait till rain sleep again".

He keep the medical kit on side table. Phayu take out his phone and calls someone, suddenly his eyes become dark.

"I want you to find out about someone, i want all the information about him and i want him as soon as possible" phayu said on call with anger evident in his voice.

Then he cut the call and look at rain who was sleeping peacefully.

"I will not leave him baby who try to hurt my omega, he will have to pay for trying to hurt you even after my warning", phayu think.

"He then changed his clothes and climbed the bed beside rain and slept beside rain ,he pull rain in his arms and looked at rain's face with softness in his eyes, thinking how cute and innocent rain looks and how well he fit in his strong arms, rain feels like a missing piece to phayu, he smiled softly looking at his omega, kissed his forehead and then his nose.

"I am sorry baby i was late, now i will never leave you alone and always protect you' said phayu.

He then make rain comfortably sleep on his chest releasing his calming pheromones, and started to fall asleep as he was feeling so good holding rain in his arm, it was like a dream to phayu having rain in his arms.


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