25 - Affection

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In the bedroom, Izuku grabbed the necessities he needed.

He locked the door of the bathroom, as if that scrap of metal and the army can stop Katsuki from barging in if he wants too. He shook his head and went through his business.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, Katsuki had stretched out on the rumpled covers. The man made the queen-sized bed look small and cramped.

He ran into an invisible wall when he saw the Lord of the Nyr.

The man lay on his back, eyes closed, one hand behind his head, the other resting on that washboard stomach.

Katsuki had removed the bloodstained shirt and wore only his jeans and boots. The shoulder wound still shone white against his skin. His ribs rippled under heavy pectorals. He had washed too, seeing as his head was damp as well.

As with every room Katsuki entered, he seemed to own the bedroom just by being there.

Izuku shivered and rummaged for his last clean shirt and a long-sleeved button-down. After he tore off the tags, he put the button-down over the shirt and wore it like a jacket since the hoodie had such a short life span.

Katsuki's presence was too overwhelming. Izuku could not bring himself to sit near him on the edge of the bed. Instead, he crouched to slip on his high top boots.

His gaze darted from Katsuki to his various belongings scattered around the room.

He looked at his backpack with the documentation for three new identities and almost a hundred thousand Yens, then he looked back at the supine male.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

He sounded as winded as if he had run a marathon. He went around the room and collected his belongings, stuffing them into another bag.

"Yes," Katsuki said. The man took a deep breath and sighed.

It was an awe-inspiring sight.

Izuku bit his lower lip and tried to think of other things.

"You don't need those other identities," the dragon told him. "I like the name Izuku. It suits you."

Shit. Three very expensive well-constructed identities down the toilet. And the others were back in Musutafu.

"I can't believe you!" he exploded. "That was my stuff! You had no right to look at it."

"Of course I do," Katsuki said.

How did Katsuki manage to come up with that?

Izuku threw one of the bags at him. The dragon must have been watching him with his eyelids slit. In a movement that looked lazy yet very fast, Katsuki caught the bag with one hand.

"I bet you counted the money too!" Izuku snapped.

"Of course I did," Katsuki said again. The bastard grinned, a white slash of a smile. "Some people really do take a lot longer in the bathroom. I also looked in the refrigerator, used your cell phone to call Musutafu and pocketed your car keys. There can't be a scrap of predator Nyr in you because you aren't just a vegetarian, you're a vegan. No wonder you're so scrawny."

"Scrawny!" Izuku threw the other shopping bag at him.

He caught that too but couldn't stop the bottles of shampoo, conditioner and and other things from spilling over him.

"I am not! And anyway, I'm not quite a vegan either. I'll eat honey if it's harvested in a responsible manner. But forget about all that- you give me back my car keys!"

"Not happening," Katsuki told him.

He launched at Katsuki and smacked him in the chest. "You bastard! You did not have any right to go through my things or- or steal my car!"

Katsuki started laughing, a deep, full-out belly laugh, then in a move that mimicked the one in the dream, the man grabbed his arms, rolled him over his body and slammed him into the mattress.

Izuku squeaked. Katsuki rose over him, eclipsing the light. Those red raptor's eyes were alight.

"There is not another entity in the world who would dare to act that way with me."

Izuku froze and the blood drained from his face.

Katsuki's expression changed. He held a stiffened finger under his nose and said in an almost frantic way, "No! I did not mean that as a threat."

Izuku's lips trembled. "What did you mean then?"

Katsuki laid a hand on Izuku's cheek. "You're mine," the Lord of the Nyr said. "You can deny it, argue, throw fits, try to run away. But. You're. Still. Mine."

"That's insane," Izuku whispered. "I have no idea what that means. I don't belong to you or anyone else."

"Yes, you do," Katsuki told him, his thumb stroked Izuku's lips. "You are mine and I will keep you. I will not hurt you and I will protect you. And you're beginning to trust me. All of that is a good thing."

"I am not a piece of property!"

"But you are in my possession."

Izuku enunciated, "I think you are a lunatic."

"Since you are too, that works well enough," Katsuki's mouth curled into a smile. He lowered his head slowly, watching him.

When Izuku tensed, Katsuki whispered, "You're safe. I just want to taste you. Nothing more."

The man waited inches above his lips.

This was so wrong on so many levels. Izuku looked from his patient eyes to his mouth. The tension melted from his own traitorous body.

Katsuki felt Izuku's resistance go. The man's mouth covered his.

His eyes fluttered closed. Katsuki's lips- warm and firm- moved featherlight against his, discovering their shape and texture. It was nothing like the dream when they were both hard and rough with each other.

This kiss was slow, confident, unhurried and sensuous.

Pleasure spiraled down through his body and grew liquid. Izuku murmured and touched his jaw.

Katsuki licked and nibbled at Izuku's lips, his breathing deepening. As Izuku's fingers traveled up from his jaw and threaded through his hair, he opened his mouth and drove into Izuku with his tongue.

The pleasure spiked higher, sharper.

Katsuki angled Izuku's head so he had better access and could dig deeper into the boy's mouth, his own body hardening. He drove his thigh between the boy's legs and pushed up against the area that had grown hard in response to him.

Izuku made another muffled noise as he kissed Katsuki back with escalating excitement. Katsuki growled and pushed harder with his thigh, deeper with his tongue.

Izuku gasped and arched his pelvis. Both his arms were now wound around Katsuki's neck.

Katsuki cupped the boy's ass and pulled him up more tightly against him. The man wound his other arm underneath his thief's neck, holding him pressed along the length of his body.

He found a wicked rhythm with mouth and thigh that stole all thought from Izuku until he was so torched, he was eating at him with the same lack of control as he had in the dream.

Katsuki devoured Izuku with starved greed. The boy ran his hands over the dragon's bare shoulders, Katsuki's nude torso was all over him, his thick hard erection pressing against Izuku's hip.

Izuku wanted his clothes off. He wanted Katsuki inside of him, holding him down as the man pounded into him.

Oh gosh, Izuku wanted to pull away the hell back now.

He yanked his mouth away and said, gasping, "Stop. It's too much."

Crossing Fates : Book 1 - Escape (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now