37 - Keeping Grounded

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Izuku was running for the sheer joy of it.

The wind played in his hair. The moon looked down from its throne in the royal purple sky and smiled at him. The night was brighter than he'd ever seen before, a velvet carpet strewn with stars that winked diamond bright and sang faint ice-cold snatches of song, of distant journeys and enchantments in other realms. The magic in the land nourished parts of him that had been crippled and half dead.

He felt stronger, freer and wilder than he ever had before. He leaped high and reached up to tickle the edge of the moon, who laughed in delight.

He was in a field miles wide, with all the room in the world to stretch his legs. Distant trees shadowed the edges. A man with golden red raptor's eyes stood in the trees and watched him.

He didn't care. The man couldn't catch him. Nothing could, not even the wind, unless he let it.


He knew that voice. He loved that voice. He turned and saw his mother running toward him. In her true shape, his mother had an incomparable loveliness and shone brighter than the moon who bowed down before her.

"Mom?" he slowed and turned. He felt like a little boy again. "Mommy?"

They came together. Izuku threw eager arms around his mother, who nuzzled him.

"My sweet baby boy."

"I missed you so much," Izuku told her. "Please come home."

His mother drew back and looked at him with great, liquid eyes. "I cannot. I have faded from your world. I no longer belong there."

"Then let me come with you," he pleaded. "Take me to wherever you are."

A roar of denial shook the trees. It ran through the earth which trembled at their feet.

Izuku looked back at the male, although his mother remained untouched by the disturbance and seemed unaware of the figure in the trees.

"You cannot join me, darling. Your place is among the living," exquisite eyes smiled at Izuku. "Giving birth to you was the single most selfish thing I have ever done. Forgive me for leaving. I did not mean to abandon you."

Tears clogged his throat. "I know you couldn't help it."

"I have come to warn you," said his mother. "Izu, you must not be in this place. There is too much magic here. It is why I never dared to take you to a Margin Land."

He looked around. "But I like it here. It feels so good."

"You will be exposed here, and hunted. Go back," starlight began to shine through his mother's figure. "Go back. Blend in with humankind."

Crossing Fates : Book 1 - Escape (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now