45 - In The Clutches Of The Dragon

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"I take it all back," Izuku shouted at Katsuki telepathically. He had no breath left from shrieking to try to speak out loud. "Forget about producing valium, or elevator and hairdresser careers. You could be the world's only living roller coaster. Hey, I bet Six Flags would pay you a fortune."

"I see the lunatic inhabiting your body is alive and well," Katsuki replied.

The dragon banked and shifted direction as he sensed a passageway back to the human realm.

Izuku managed to suck in more breath to shriek again. "I'm being serious now- I don't think I can deal with this!"

"Tough," Katsuki told him. "I'm not taking the chance of anything else going wrong. This is a nonstop flight to Musutafu. Thank you for flying with Bakugo Airlines."

"You're not funny!" he screamed out loud.

Dragon laughter filled his head.

Izuku huddled in Katsuki's unbreakable grip, hands over his eyes. He discovered it wasn't a smooth, seamless flight but one that had a rhythm from the beat of his wings.

He also thought he would be freezing, but he was in for another surprise as Katsuki kept a velvet blanket of Power wrapped around him. It protected Izuku from the cold altitude and the wind.

Izuku could sense the upswell of magic that marked a passageway back to the human dimension as they approached. He peeked through his fingers.

Following a directional sense Izuku didn't share, Katsuki stretched his wings and they glided until they skimmed along just a hundred feet above a small canyon.

"Are you able to open your eyes yet?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku told him, "I'm looking."

"A lot of passageways to Margin Lands are like this one. They're couched in some kind of break in the physical landscape," Katsuki told him. "If we flew just ten or fifteen feet higher, we wouldn't be in the passageway."

"Then we would stay in the Margin Land?" he asked as he became interested in spite of himself.

"Correct. From the air, it's like following a specific airstream. The passageway the goblin brought us through was somewhat unusual," Katsuki explained. "There was a break in the land but it was an old one worn down by time. It was barely visible even to my eyes."

Somewhere along the way, the sun changed and became paler. The canyon shrank until it was a mere ravine tangled with underbrush. The quality of air changed as well.

They had crossed over.

"Can you tell where we are?" he asked. Izuku had forgotten his fear in the fascination of watching the land scroll by underneath.

"North of where we were before. I'm more familiar with the landscape along the coast. I'll know more when we hit the ocean," Katsuki gave the equivalent of a mental shrug. "I'm more interested in finding out when we are and how much time has passed while we were in the Margin Land."

Crossing Fates : Book 1 - Escape (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now