41 - Anxiousness

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"I lost control," Katsuki whispered.

That, along with the worry darkening the dragon's eyes, anchored Izuku back in his body.

Was Katsuki trying to apologize?

"So did I," Izuku whispered back.

"I've never done that before," Katsuki touched the delicate skin at the corner of his eye, rubbed the ball of his thumb along Izuku's freckled cheek.

"Neither have I," he confessed.

Katsuki's fingers dropped to trace the curve of Izuku's lips. "Are you... all right?"

Izuku was a mess. He was euphoric and disappointed in himself, an emotional train wreck.

He needed to go into a quiet, dark room somewhere and try to make sense of everything that had happened- and what Katsuki had done- to him.

But first, he had to wipe that uncertainty off of the dragon's face.

He smiled and he told Katsuki the truth. "No," he said. "But it was a good hurt. I had no idea anybody could do the things you did."

The worry vanished and an answering smile lit Katsuki's eyes. The man looked at Izuku's mouth. "I know a lot of things."

"What you do with your tongue is a sin," he teased.

That vulnerability Katsuki saw in Izuku still lurked around the edges, but the man chose to go with him and attempt to lighten things up.

Katsuki told him, "There are many advantages to being a bad man."

"Such as?"

Katsuki sat up and pulled Izuku onto his lap, turning him so that he faced him, torso to torso, groin to groin, Izuku's fair slender legs stretched out on either side of Katsuki.

It was an intimate position made even more so by their nudity, a position perfect for making love.

Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku and the latter curled his around Katsuki's neck.

"A comfortable lack of conscience," Katsuki said. "The enjoyment of unbroken sleep. An uncomplicated desire to discover every possible carnal pleasure with the beautiful boy in my arms."

Izuku's eyes brightened at the compliment and crinkled at him. Katsuki smiled back and kissed him- a long, leisurely exploration that curled his toes.

"Well, I think you keep a very well-hidden secret," he told Katsuki when he could breathe again.

Katsuki cocked an eyebrow.

He tapped a finger against Katsuki's chest. "There is a pretty charming creature buried deep inside here. You should let him out more often."

Katsuki laughed out loud, but then the look on his face turned calculating. Izuku laughed too as he realized he found that even charming.

Gosh, he was a goner.

He warned, "Don't make me regret telling you that."

"I'll try not to take too much advantage," Katsuki said.

"Oh, thank you very much," Izuku rolled his eyes. That probably meant Katsuki was going to wring everything he could out of it. His stomach rumbled. "I'm starving again."

They sat in reach of the pack. Katsuki gave him a leaf-wrapped wafer which he unwrapped. He ate while Katsuki tried to run his fingers through his tangled hair.

"We did a number on your hair," Katsuki said. The man sent a gentle pulse of Power through his hands and Izuku's hair smoothed out.

He swallowed a bite of the delicious wayfarer bread. "You ever get tired of being a multibillionaire businessman, you could make another fortune as a hairdresser."

Crossing Fates : Book 1 - Escape (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now