Chapter 17

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Meanwhile back at the hotel, Tom, who has been repeatedly calling and waiting for Jerry's return for the past hour or so, worried deeply for his safety.

While also feeling heavily guilty for not being honest with him during the whole trip.


This is all my fault.

I should have just told him when I had the chance to do so.

But for some reason.....

I never would have thought that he'd found out about it on his own, much sooner.

Tom thought in a slump until a mysterious phone call buzzed by as he immediately perked up on high alert and answers it on a dime.

Not realizing that his hopeful expression is about to fade away for the worst.

"Hello?! Jerry?! Listen I'm sorry about...." Tom tried to say before a different voice on the other end of the line cuts him off, coldly.

"Hello Thomas." The voice on the other end taunts in a cackle.

With Tom's face now paled up in utter horror.


His worst fear had came out to be true.

As he continues to listen on in silence, wondering what this twisted man has for both of them in store.

"If you want to see your little journalist friend again, then you better make sure to bring me all of your evidence about those hits to the mansion in Syracuse. Otherwise, he might as well end up with the fishes, if you get what I mean. Oh, and do come alone please. I wouldn't want the poor little guy to get killed by your bloody hands, now would I?" Butch threatened evilly.

While Tom's face immediately contorted in anger, gritting his teeth in pure rage.

"Butch, you better listen to me very carefully. If   you so much as lay one single hand on him, I swear I will...." Tom was going to say until he was interrupted by Butch's mocking voice in a cackle.

"Hahaha. My, my, little Thomas. Getting brave out there, aren't you? Well, we'll just have to see how strong you really are, since I hold all the cards." Butch replied with an evil chuckle as Tom, whose face resorted back anxiously,  now fears for Jerry's life, and attempts to make some kind of negotiation that could keep him out of harm's way.

"Butch, let him go. It's just me that you want, not him." Tom pleaded out, believing to be that it was just evidence that had affected Butch's reputation was the only thing he wanted as a leverage.

Until Butch's next words led him to the scary conclusion that he could be plotting something much much worse.

"What do you mean? Who said that this whole thing had anything to do with you? It's just business, Thomas. You should know by now that I like to keep things simple and easy for my end of the bargain." Butch said darkly, with indications that he could be smiling out from where he is right now.

Making Tom now even more furious, with the bubbling thought of wanting to rip his throat out completely.

"Butch. When I get my hands on you, I will-" Tom attempted threaten in a growl before getting cut off again, quickly.

"See you soon Thomas." Butch said before hanging up the phone in a snap.

With the burning silence of the hotel room longing in much anxiety.

While the phone's beeps become the only sound endured for a time being. 

As Tom's face huffed in soft frustrated breaths.

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