Chapter 14

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Wolf Totem by The Hu feat. Jacoby Shaddix

Army of Me by Bjork

Crazy Train by Ozzy Osborne

TW: negative talk about an unborn child, mild violence

It was midnight in Heaven when someone knocked on the door to Archangel Michael's office. Before she had time to answer, Healer Jophiel burst in.

"We need to talk," the younger angel said, slamming the door.

Normally, Michael enjoyed a conversation with the fresh-minded healer, but now was not one of those times. "Look, Jo, I've got a lot going on and--"

"It's an angel."


"The demon Crowley is carrying an angelic baby," Jo said with typical bluntness. "It has no demonic power."

"It's not a hybrid?"

"No. Everything about it is Divine."

Michael sat back in her chair, letting out a long breath. "Well, that's interesting. Makes things easier."

"Easier?" Jo exploded. "How is that easier? You have to send them back now, and then you'll have to deal with Aziraphale!"

"If it's an angel, it belongs to Heaven," Michael said bluntly. "The demon has no claim on it, we can take it, and raise it into a soldier."


"Her, what?"

"Her," Jo repeated. "The baby is a girl. I touched her with my power and she cast me out. She literally threw me across the room because she thought I was hurting her mother. She loves Crowley, and Crowley loves her. It's plain as day."

"Demons can't love."

"Listen to me, Michael!" Jo shouted. "Crowley, Aziraphale, and their baby are all bound together with love. Nothing you do can change that. You have to let them go!"

"We can't back down now," Michael insisted. " be the first solder in God's new army."

"God doesn't want an army!" Jo slammed her hand down on the desk. "She wants love and peace. How is it a demon knows that when angels don't?"

"Watch your tone, Jophiel!" Michael rose to her feet. "I won't have you speak to me like--"

Jo did not back down, far from it. "Someone has to, because you have corrupted your purpose! Come with me, talk to Crowley, feel their love, and you will understand. This baby is a gift, not something to be molded!"

Michael wavered. Crowley had clearly corrupted the healer, but surely an Archangel could withstand his—her—their—wiles .Anyway, it couldn't hurt to prove Jophiel wrong.

"We can still fix this," Jophiel urged softly. "Help me,Michael. Help me put this family back together. You know it'sthe right thing to do."

"All right," Michael relented. "One touch. That's all youget."


The door opened into one of the lower levels of Heaven. Dark, damp, and abandoned, it looked remarkably like Hell. But Heaven didn't smell like hot garbage, so there was that.

There was very little light, but Aziraphale didn't dare ignite his sword. Maintaining the element of surprise was crucial; he hoped to be in and out with Crowley before anyone saw him. That probably wasn't going to happen; still, an angel could dream. He kept his sword in the guard position, and crept along with his back to the wall. Crowley was either in the infirmary or the detention level. Both were at least five floors from here. Aziraphale had a long walk ahead of him.

He puffed his way up the stairs, and saw absolutely no one. It kept him from having to fight anyone, but it also put him more on edge. There should be more patrols the closer to the detention level he got, yet there was nothing. There were a few possible reasons for that, and none of them were good.

Voices approached, and Aziraphale flattened himself into an alcove.

"Michael and Jo are in with it now. Don't know what they're doing."

"Can't wait to see what comes out of it. I've never seen a hybrid before."

"Nobody has, 'least not one that's part demon. Sandalphon says they're going to train it."

They were talking about Crowley! Aziraphale thought fast. These two—it sounded like two—knew where she was. But was it worth the risk to interrogate them? He decided, since he was racing against the clock, that it was.

Then, a lucky break: the pair of angels parted ways at a fork in the corridor. Aziraphale waited until the other was out of earshot before he pounced, shoving his target against the wall with the sword to his throat.

"Make a sound and you're dead," he whispered harshly. "Nod for yes, shake your head for no. Is the demon prisoner still alive?"

The angel nodded, wide-eyed.

"Are they on the detention level?"

Another nod.

"Cell 666?" At the angel's nod, Aziraphale sighed in relief. Crowley was alive, and he knew where to find her. "Jolly good. Sleep well."

A snap of his fingers knocked the angel out. It wasn't until they slumped to the floor that Aziraphale saw a red light blinking on their wrist.

Their distress beacon was activated.

    1. A short chapter, because I couldn't find a good place to break up the next one.

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