Chapter 2 Amira

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Woozy, first thing Amira felt as she came round, was her spinning head. Fuck, what the fuck had happened? She couldn't remember anything beyond settling into Darius arms on the chair. But she knew she wasn't there, infact she knew she wasn't any longer at Darius's because the smell was all wrong. She knew she was on a bed, laying star-shaped - that smell! She could recognise the smell that surrounded her any where. Her stomach sank - she was back. Back in that fucking goddess awful room, on that small fucking rickety bed, where she had spent time in captivity.
What the hell had she done to deserve this? She tried to move her legs, but unlike before when being drugged had her incapacitated, this time her legs were tied spread open. She tried to pull he arms into her body and they too were tied, spread above her head. She was lying naked like some kind of fucking sacrificial offering.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. How many times could one person be kidnapped? It just seemed so unfair, but she had never played the victim despite the cards that life kept dealing her, and she certainly wasn't going to start now.
The smell in the room, despite being familiar from that first time, was far more pungent. She knew that the Alpha that had taken her before, had her again and this time he had been in the room. His smell was everywhere - in the air, on the sheets, in the pillow her head lay on. Absolutely every fucking where. And somehow I she knew, she didn't know how, but she knew some of the smell came from his semen. Bile rose in her throat as realisation took hold. She was an omega now, taken by an Alpha that Darius had called ruthless, there was no good news here. She wasn't going to be fed and watered and left alone like before.
She was an omega now and she was here for one reason and one reason only. This Alpha was going to use her for his own needs.
An uncontrollable sob broke from her mouth. Her life as she knew it was over. No! She chastised herself, she wasn't going to be a victim no matter how dire the situation, she needed to pull up her big girl pants and see what was in store, there was no point imagining, she would keep her wits about her.
The door opened and the smell of the Alpha got stronger.
"Ahh my lovely omega your awake." A gravelly voice said.
Unlike Darius's voice this did nothing to calm her, if anything  it elicited a deep panic she needed to ignore.
Through her watery eyes a dark shadow loomed over her and the bed dipped at her side.
Thumbs wiped her cheeks, and a face came into focus.
"Oh darling." The man said on a sigh. "Don't worry, I will see to you soon. I just have a few last things to sort out."
She held back the barrage of insults she wished to shout, she decided her best bet was to remain silent, she didn't want to antagonise him, and she had no idea what this man would respond to or how he would act. So no matter what was in store she was keeping her mouth closed.
His hand glided down her body and his eyes followed. She desperately wanted to back away but there was literally no where to go, her tethers were stead fast with absolutely no give at all.
"You really are quite exquisite my darling." The Alpha whispered breathily, as his hand continued lightly over her skin leaving goose bumps in its wake. He glided the back of his fingers over her breasts and her nipples hardened, not through pleasure but at the tickle of his fingers. Seeing her nipples hardening he gently pinched one, and gave out a small moan.
"Your eager darling." He said a wicked grin spreading across his face as his hand continued down her body, slipping it between her legs. This isn't for you arse hole, she thought, it's fucking cold in here and you tickle!
"Shhhh now darling, I know I am a nasty tease and I am not playing fair. But soon darling, soon you shall have me."
Is this man insane talking to her like this?
He slipped one hand over her mouth and nose, and pressed it down. Breathing became almost impossible and her chest rose and fell as she struggled to draw oxygen.
She tried to turn her head but he held her hard, and just kept saying "Shhh, shhhh, shhh.." as if that would comfort her!
His focus was not on her face so he did not see the panic there. His focus was solely on his hand that was between her legs, as it started to rub gently between her folds.
"Mmmmm, I think when you slick for me darling I will eat it all."
She pulled frantically at her restraints but to no avail. She suddenly froze as he slid the tip of her finger in her - just a little.
"Oh darling you are such a temptress."
She could see his breath quickening as he was becoming more and more aroused watching the tip of his finger slip in and out of her.
Suddenly his hand whipped away and he stood.
"As much as I would love to continue with this dalliance darling I am afraid I can not. I have things to arrange and while I am absolutely loving your body's reaction to me, I can't stay and this wasn't why I came here." He brought the same finger to his mouth and sucked it, his eyes rolled back and a shiver racked through his body. He smacked and licked his lips.  Reaching over to the bedside table he grabbed a syringe.
"Soon darling soon," he said looking down her body. "I deserve a medal for resisting you this long." He muttered with a small laugh. He stood and without flinching stuck the needle in her thigh.
Everything went black.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's Story - part 2Where stories live. Discover now