Chapter 13 Heraldo

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That absolute fucking worm, what a fucking idiot his son in law was.  He had brought an omega in heat down to the basement and was proud she wanted his cock? She wanted every Alpha's cock at this minute in time. Until she was claimed she would have begged anyone for their knot.
It wasn't his own fault he needed her just as much as the young Alpha imprisoned with them, any unbonded Alpha, and beta for all that mater, would want her while she remained in heat even out of heat she would be irresistible, because she was unclaimed. His connection to his wife was different, he was in love with her, but his need for the omega, at this present time went beyond love, it was his bodies natural response to an unclaimed omega and he could control it no more than he could needing to pee.
Of course the idiot didn't realise she was in heat, or he would have claimed her immediately, instead he was parading her round wearing a mask. Why was he wearing a mask? He had no clue what had driven him to it, but he was glad the girl went unclaimed, he just prayed Darius would get here in time. That's if he wasn't dead.

During his time in captivity he had learnt that Darius had sent the Alpha Dillon, to check on him. It was just unfortunate that his son in law was mad about drugging people and had downed the Alpha with a poisoned dart from a gun.
He only prayed that, unlike his idiot son in-law claimed, Darius was still alive and had put plans into action to rescue her. If something didn't happen soon, he had no doubt the bastard before him would take off his mask, loose himself to the rut and claim her, she would then be literally fucked. He wasn't a hundred percent sure what would happen if she did not claim him back, but he knew Grayson could still breed her, and that thought turned his stomach. Perhaps she would claim him back, he didn't know if the heat would drive her to it. It definitely affected her brain in much the same way it affected theirs. She wasn't in her right mind, or maybe, much like him her brain told her one thing while her body reacted differently.
He knew his own wish to breed her wasn't coming from his brain, but from his hormones. She was beautiful there was no denying that, the way her body had the assets of an Alpha female definitely made  her more desirable than other omegas he had seen. He imagined how her pussy would feel around his cock, it would be divine he had no doubt. Perhaps if he could just get to her through the bars.
Oh goddess he needed to pull himself together, his wife was just there and he couldn't help himself growling and trying to get to the young omega.
He looked toward his wife, whose focus was also on the young female. She too had lust in her eyes and seemed to be devouring the omega with a look. Perhaps he could fuck the omega while she licked his wife. He physically shook his head trying to get a grip, but could not.
He wanted her, wanted to claim her for himself. Her smell was driving him crazy and he knew if he got his hands on her he would act as any other Alpha would and sink his cock in her pussy and his teeth deep into her flesh, binding her to him.
He could feel his cock straining at his trousers, the urge to free it and touch it was overwhelming, he just needed some kind of relief.
He watched as Grayson shoved the omega to the floor and throat fucked her for what seemed like an eternity. Every whimper, every whine she made sent his need higher. Her smell was becoming more potent by the second as her womb reacted to his son in-laws rough treatment. The omega needed to be fucked and bread, her body was ripe for it. If only he could...
A large bang came from somewhere in the house. And Grayson, reacted immediately, releasing his grip on the omega's hair and releasing her, he rushed to, what Heraldo assumed was an intercom system on the wall.
"Status NOW!" He shouted.
Meanwhile the omega, unaware of Grayson's panic began to crawl to the nearest cage, towards the young Alpha,
Heraldo let out an enormous growl, her head spun round seeking out the producer of the loud summoning growl.
On seeing Heraldo at the bars, her course changed towards him.
He could hear Grayson shouting in the back ground, but his focus was not on him, it was on the omega on her hands and knees crawling toward him god that was hot.
He heard another loud growl and a rattle of bars, as her focus changed from him back to the younger Alpha, dammit, he growled again.
The confusion in which direction to crawl was evident on her face.
Then Grayson appeared in his field of vision and lifted the omega to one of the cages away from Heraldo, but next to the young Alpha, who was now going completely wild with his proximity to the omega.
Grayson turned and left the basement, locks could be heard being put firmly into place as he went.
Heraldo watched as the omega and the Alpha tried desperately to get to each other.
Heraldo hoped that, whatever it was that had Grayson worried, was good news for all of them. Please goddess let it be their salvation. He was trapped in a hell made by his own nature, a hell where his want and need for an omega, he knew wasn't his, was sending him mad.

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