Chapter 18 Darius

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His whole life had changed. He had been a solitary Alpha, able to do as he wished and not having to think of any other.
Now he had a beautiful omega as a mate, a beautiful omega he was sure was carrying his child.
He was in love with Amira but they were also joined on some primeval level that he couldn't explain, when she hurt - he hurt, when she was happy - he was happy. Every emotion she felt, he felt. It was strange having your own emotions dictated by someone else, but he wouldn't change it for the world.
He lay there looking at his sleeping omega, who he had thoroughly worn out. The rise and fall of her amazing tits was mesmerising, but as he stared he started to loose his rose tinted glasses and see her for how she really was. He saw the bruises and bite marks that mottled her skin, the broken skin on her wrists and ankles from where she had been tethered. He saw the battered and bruised omega he had seen, when he first arrived, lying at the bottom of the cage. He remembered her beautiful arse cheeks striped with welted broken skin and his anger started to bubble.
As his anger rose and rose his peaceful omega opened her eyes.
"Darius, what the matter my love?" Her soft sleepy voice asked.
"Baby, I am looking at your injuries and trying to decide what to do with the arse hole who is in the cell downstairs.
"You didn't have him killed?" She asked a little surprised.
"No baby girl, I wanted you to have a say in his final demise. I thought it only fair."
Her brows furrowed in thought.
"Can we go see him?" She asked.
He wasn't sure if he wanted her near him. He wasn't sure if he himself could bear to be with him without ripping his spine from his body.
"I need to face him, now my heat has passed I need to see him while I am in my right mind."
He understood her need but it didn't mean he could cope with it.
"Baby?" She said quizzically.
"Ok." He replied tentatively.
He could feel her need through their bond and it was overwhelming, he knew he had to let her do this.
He rose and slipped his clothes back on, but she didn't move.
He looked at her quizzically and as he could feel her panic through their bond.
"I don't have any clothes." She muttered. His anger kicked up another notch, if that was possible. That fucking heathen downstairs had kept her naked all this time? How fucking dare he!
He knew instinctively that the other Alphas were no longer a threat, but that didn't mean he wanted her paraded naked through the halls of this house. He searched the room they were in for something she could wear and found a robe in the bathroom.
The robe was obviously made for an Alpha as it swamped her tiny frame when adorned.
He was happy she was covered from head to toe, but the robe's length made it difficult for her to walk.
He swept her up in his arms and headed towards the cellar.
On opening the door the smell of her arousal was still strong from when she was down here earlier, as her slick had not been cleaned up.
He had to admit the smell made him hard, but only because it was his mates slick that filled the air. He knew he would never be aroused by another female again. There was only her. Despite his arousal to the remaining smell, it also sickened him, knowing another male had garnered it from her, and not just any male but Grayson Fairchild. His anger took root and began to grow. He couldn't help his feelings, but he was starting to resent his mate for giving herself to Grayson. He knew that she had had no control over her instincts while on heat, and that she hadn't been able to help her self. However his resentment couldn't be satisfied. Maybe he too needed to see her reaction to Fairchild to put his own mind to rest.
As they made their way down to the basement Fairchild's smell could be smelt much stronger than any other in the stale air.
Switching on the light, at the far end of the dark cellar, the naked Alpha could be seen.
On their entry he had been pacing the cage, but now he stood staring at them.
"Amira darling," he pleaded, "Please tell these insolent brutes that I didn't have you caged all this time, please tell them we are lovers."
Darius felt his anger but underneath his anger he felt an emotion that wasn't his, it was Amira's and much to his relief the emotion was pure disgust - disgust, shame and utter revulsion.
All Darius's resentment for his mate left his body and he knew deep down it should be him feeling shame for his thoughts, not his beautiful omega.
Darius slipped his omega to her feet while maintaining a hold around her waist to keep her steady.
"Gracie!" She uttered in a surprisingly sweet voice. Pet name? Had he been wrong? Did she care for him?
"Tsk tsk tsk!" She exclaimed while shaking her head. "Your power over me is no more you fucking small dicked bastard."
Darius was surprised at the words that came from her mouth, and he felt her amusement at his shock through their bond.
"If I had my way Grayson your dick would be sliced off and I would dine on it while you watch." She said with a smile.
"Baby, this can be arranged if you wish it?" He asked enquiringly.
She smiled back at him. "No my love it wouldn't even be an aper-tif, such a small morsel isn't worth the bother."
"You fucking bitch, you couldn't get enough of my cock, you begged me for it. And you-" he gritted out pointing at Darius. "You should have seen how she ate my cock earlier, and begged for my cum, shovelling it into her mouth when I came on her tits, she acted like it was the best fucking meal she had ever had.
You should have seen how her slick puddled on the floor for me."
Darius's shoulders started to raise and fall dramatically as his anger shifted up tenfold.
"The little omega's pussy clenched so hard on my cock when she came she nearly squeezed my cock off, next time you fuck her think about how large her belly swelled with my seed, think about how she took my knot and fucking loved it so much her pussy milked it for hours."
Darius went to speak.
But it was Amira who answered the caged Alpha first.
"You stupid fucking fool, if you can't spot an omega in heat that's your problem. My omega nature would have happily fucked any Alpha she could to get his knot. But you, you and your sense of punishment and your stupid fucking mask, meant you withheld yours. I hate to say it but you could have had me barefoot and pregnant if you hadn't been.. " she paused for a moment as if searching for the right words, " well, if you hadn't had been you."
Grayson's bravado wavered as he took in Amira's words.
Darius could literally see the realisation on what he had lost appear on Grayson's face. Not only did Amira not care for him like he assumed but she had been in heat and he had been oblivious to it. An omega in heat could be made pregnant naturally and could carry an Alpha's child - a gift like that was priceless.
"Do with him what you wish." Amira said turning to Darius. "He deserves no mercy."
Darius looked down at his mate and nodded. "Perhaps you should leave for this Baby?" He said leaning down and gently kissing her lips.
She nodded turned, and on uncertain legs left the cellar, leaving just Darius and Grayson.
"I found out something from a beta you sent to kill me." Darius said calmly to Grayson.
He saw the Alpha still.
"He told me you want to cut off my balls and shove them down my throat."
Grayson glared at Darius."Like to see you fucking try."
Grayson had no idea the danger he was in, his pomposity and over inflated ego were useless in this moment, it didn't change the fact he was going to die at Darius's hand, and it didn't change the way he was going to either.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's Story - part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang