Chapter 17 Amira

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The bite Darius had given her had made her nearly complete, the only thing that was still eating away at her was that the position had not allowed her to reciprocate. She had wanted to. In that moment she had had a huge urge to sink her teeth into him.
The urge had dissipated slightly but it was still there.
And as he lay above her now, between her legs, nudging his own bite with his nose, she wanted him back inside her. His height meant she couldn't line him up with her opening to encourage him inside so she kept dusting her leg along his length.
She pushed at him and he went to rise; perhaps mistaking her push as a sign to get off. So she rose with him and as he knelt back on his heels she moved to straddle him, but then thought better of it.
"Lie back." She instructed and he followed her command, unraveling his long legs and moving to lie back on the bed.
She climbed on top of him and leant down to kiss his mouth. As one hand glided up and down her side, the other grabbed the back of her head and kept her mouth against his as he answered her kiss.
The kiss was deep, passionate and all consuming as his tongue breached her lips and probed her mouth.
Although in order to reach his mouth she was still too far up his torso, his broad middle meant her legs were splayed wide - her knees either side of him. When she pulled away from his mouth and sat upright in front of him, his eyes shot to between her legs, she physically felt him staring at her, it made her pussy twitch and slick flow. His eyes were half lidded as he moved his hand between her legs and spread her folds to see her pussy. The look on his face changed as his eyes became entirely black. He slipped his fingers through the slick and pushed them inside her, she couldn't help but moan at the pleasure of feeling them glide easily inside. She studied his face as he intently watched his own fingers sliding.
"Fuck!" He exclaimed as he picked up the pace, simultaneously swiping his thumb over her clit.
Involuntary her hips rocked in time to his hand.
She lay her hands on his chest and began to slide down his body, till she felt the head of his dick slide between her arse cheeks, his fingers slipped from her.
Reaching round herself, she grasped his length in her hand and raised him and herself so he was seated ready just inside her entrance.
Placing both hands back on his chest she pushed, and her body slid onto him.
She felt every inch, every lump and bump of his cock as she slowly impaled herself on his shaft. A huge groan left him and he began to purr. Using her hands on his abs for purchase she began to slide herself up and down, riding him at a leisurely pace, savouring every second.
As she did so his purr became louder and her purr joined his chorus. His eyes followed hers and became darker by the second, she saw the moment he snapped.
At speed he flipped her so she was below him, her face to his chest as he took over the pace of their joining. His thrusts were so hard, so deep he started to shunt her up the bed. She raised her hands above herself to push against the headboard, letting her locked arms take the brunt of the force.
As his pace and urgency increased her arms could no longer hold her, his brutal thrusts forced air from her lungs. He grabbed her hips in a bruising grasp, pressing them to the bed to keep her in place. A burn, that had been growing in her abdomen, now started to leak out through her veins travelling around her body.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry."
For what he was sorry she didn't know - Sorry for what had happened to her? Sorry for what he was about to do? She didn't need a sorry for either, all she needed was for him to be buried deep deep inside her expelling his seed into her womb, and with one final merciless thrust that's exactly what happened. She hadn't felt his knot, hadn't felt it grow, hadn't felt the fact she had been so ready for him that he had been able to slip it in and out of her body with each pull back and surge forward,
But she felt it now, swollen beyond belief, buried deep inside her. She felt the point of his cock pierce her womb and she felt it start to send hot streams of cum into her belly, She felt the wave of elation that swept through her as she came and she felt her teeth lengthen, her omega knowing on instinct what she needed to do as she plunged her teeth into his pectoral.
The roar that left him was feral, but he remained above her, small movements of his hips pushing his point further inside and swelling her belly with his cum.
They both heaved in breath in tandem, perfectly joined, perfectly moving as one. His love, his passion, his feeling of being complete swept through her as hers swept through him, completing the circular exchange of that only true mates could feel.
She couldn't explain how she knew but she did, she knew at that moment they had made life and something inside of her changed.
How long they stayed in that moment of bliss she didn't know and didn't care. She was so content, so complete that she would have stayed there for eternity. Finally she was his and he was hers and that was all that mattered.
When his knot shrank and his cock finally slipped from her, he lowered his body so his face could meet hers. Their eyes met and he held her gaze staring deeply.
"You Amira, my beautiful omega, are mine for eternity, nothing will take you from me or me from you. We are one."
His beautiful words rung true within her heart.
She raised herself up to claim his lips in a kiss, a kiss that was deep and seemed to seal the exchange that had just happened. They were mates now for perpetuity.

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